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1、摘 要中药走向国际是大势所趋,由于美国FDA一直主导并引领全球的的监管法规和审评,而且就对健康相关产品而言,全球的监管有趋同趋势。所以认真研读FDA出台的植物药研究指南【13】(简称指南)及FDA对于被批准上市的第一例植物新药Veregen的审评资料非常有必要,从而加深理解FDA 对植物药产品的审评原则,并在Veregen真实案例中了解FDA基于指南的审批尺度,指导我们的中药国际化开发道路。本文着重从Veregen审评资料中的临床实验及化学部分的审评介绍入手,分析在作用机制不明确下,FDA仍能以临床疗效为出发点审评产品;在有效成分不清楚的情况下,FDA仍能基于临床有效的数据,从质量可控的角度审


3、是保证疗效一致的前提。Veregen的案例启示我们,多中心,大样本,多批次的循症临床研究以及从原药材到生产过程以及质量标准的标准控制,是中药国际化的必然路径。Veregen的成功案例也展示了植物药研发上市的良好策略。提示我们中药国际化应确定临床疗效为第一的品种选择原则,并强化中药的基础研究和专利保护意识。运用全球化视野组建研发团队,从简单到复杂,在实践中不断积累经验,为将来参与国际标准的制定创造机会。关键词:茶多酚,植物药,临床审评,化学审评,中药国际化Discussion about Traditional Chinese Drug Clinical and Chemical Study B

4、ased on First Botanical Drug Approved by FDATraditional Chinese medicine going into international market is trend-driven. Since FDA takes the lead in global supervision and regulation of the medicine, it is necessary to study the Guidance for Industry. Botanical Drug Products,hereinafter to be refer

5、red as “the Guidance” issued by FDA as well as the review document of the first botanical drug Veregen approved to enter market, so that we can deepen understanding the review principle of FDA for botanical drug product, learn more about “the Guidance” from the case of Veregen in order to guide the

6、internationalization of traditional Chinese medicine.This paper focused on clinical trial in the review document for Veregen and review introduction for CMC. In the situation that function mechanism is not clear, FDA may review the product based on the clinical effects. In the situation that active

7、ingredient is not clear, FDA may review the product based on the clinical trial data. These two parts evaluation take full consideration of the particularity of botanical drug, making unclear function mechanism and unclear active ingredient no longer being the main obstacle of botanical drug review.

8、 Meanwhile, it also provides a new methodology for R&D of botanical drug.Most Chinese medicines are herbal products. For long time the internationalization of traditional Chinese medicine has been troubled by the problems that both the function mechanism and active ingredient are not clear. Through

9、the study of the review document for Veregen, we know that clinical effects are the essential of the product. The main problem of the traditional Chinese medicine is wide indications, resulting in insufficient clinical research and poor correlation of quality standard with clinical effectiveness. Fr

10、om the case of Veregen, we get inspiration that clinical research of multicenter, maximum sample as well as standard quality control from the original ingredients to manufacturing process is inevitable path of internationalization of traditional Chinese medicine.The successful case of Veregen reveal

11、s a good strategy of R&D for botanical drug. In the process of internationalization of traditional Chinese medicine, clinical effect should be given priority in variety selection, and fundamental research and patent protection consciousness should be strengthened. We should establish R&D team in glo

12、bal view and continue to gain experience in practice, so that we may have the chance to take part in the international standard set in the future.Key words: Veregen, Botanical drug, Clinical study, CMC study, Internationalization of traditional Chinese drug目 录第一章序 言1第二章Veregen 树立了植物药注册上市的典范32.1 Vere

13、gen成功背后的西方草药制剂市场32.2 FDA植物药研究指南的出台背景和介绍72.3 Veregen的破冰之旅-申请者理解和使用指南82.4 FDA的头脑风暴-审评者理解和把握指南92.5 Veregen案例表明作用机制清楚,有效成分明确并非植物药上市的前提10第三章FDA植物药临床审评原则,特点及Veregen的临床审评介绍123.1 植物药临床审评原则123.2 植物药的临床审评特点123.3 Veregen 的临床审评介绍及分析13第四章FDA植物药化学审评原则,特点及Veregen的化学审评介绍204.1 植物药化学审评原则204.2 植物药的化学审评特点204.3 Veregen的

14、化学审评介绍及分析204.4 分析和总结Veregen的化学审评22第五章分析Veregen案例中临床及化学两部分审评,重新定位思考中药国际化道路305.1 中药,植物药,化学药的区别和共同点305.2结合Veregen临床审评看中药目前临床试验上的问题355.3 结合Veregen的化学审评看中药质量可控性的欠缺365.4 重新定位思考中药的国际化道路36第六章中药国际化策略应注意的问题396.1坚持临床疗效第一的品种筛选原则396.2 中药必须加强基础研究406.3中药的国际化必须坚持走出去和请进来406.4 中药必须注重专利保护416.5适时调整中药的国际化步伐416.6 加强与FDA的

15、有效沟通42第七章思 考43参考文献 45致 谢47I第一章 序 言全球自20世纪70年代起,掀起了天然产品回归的热浪。天然、绿色、健康、可持续发展成为全球性的关注热点,天然药品成为继化学药品、生物制品之后,最具有发展前景的药物。各个国家予以高度的重视。【4】世界卫生组织(WHO)高度关注传统医学/传统草药在全球医疗体系中的应用。由世界卫生组织基本药物与传统药物技术合作司同有关国家政府发起成立了国际植物药法规与监管合作组织(IRCH),会员为国家或地区的药品监督管理机构,致力于通过完善植物药监管规章,保护并促进公众健康与安全,目前已经有21个国家和地区,以及3个国际性组织成为其成员。构建植物药监管的全球平台。除了加强国际监管合作和信息共享外,该组织在2012年的两大任务是推动传统药物在基础医疗方面的应用以及从政治和经济层面推动传统药物的全球战略,加快传统药物融入世界各国卫生体系六大板块的进程目前,世界卫生组织在传统植物药方面也与药品分类和质量控制相关的两个机构开展合作,目的是推动和规范传统药物的国际分类、分支,希望把传统药列入国际疾病分类ICD-11版中。【5】 我国中西医两种医疗体系并存,中药,西药作为药品共同为公众的健康要求提供了多样化医疗保障。中药作为我们的宝贵财富,在我国具有悠久的使用历史,并随着人员的交往流动进入了世界各国,目前在国外主要以保健品和膳食补充剂


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