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1、2014二轮英语专项训练三201. Why didnt you buy the MP3 player you had been eager for ? I had planned to , but I was 50 dollars _ . A. short B. fewer C. less D. cheap 202. I was just talking to Mr. Smith when Mary _ . A. cut in B. cut down C. cut out D. cut up 203. On hearing the news of the accident in the coa

2、l mine, she_pale. (湖北) A. got B. changed C. went D. appeared204. Will $ 200_?Im afraid not. We need at least 50 more dollars. (湖北) A. count B. satisfy C. fit D. do205. Hospital staff burst into cheers after doctors completed a 20-hour operation to have_ one-year-old twins at the head. (上海) A. isolat

3、ed B. separated C. divided D. removed206. After the trainer was sure that the whale could look after itself, he_ it into the sea. (上海) A. transported B. unloaded C. released D. handle207. Some people like drinking coffee, for it has_ effects. (上海) A. promoting B. stimulating C. enhancing D. encourag

4、ing208. The teacher wrote an example on the blackboard to_ the point. (上海) A. illustrate B. suggest C. express D. recognize209. They see you as something of a worrier, _ problem which dont exist and crossing bridges long before you come to them. (重庆) A. settling B. discovering C. seeing D. designing

5、210. We wanted to get home before dark, but it didnt quite_ as planned. (浙江) A. make out B. turn out C. go on D. come up211. He accidnentally_ he had quarreled with his wife and that he hadnt been home fro a couple of weeks. (湖南) A. let out B. took care C. made sure D. made out212. It is certain tha

6、t he will_ his business to his son when he gets old. (福建) A. take over B. think over C. hand over D. go over213. I dont_ rock n roll. Its much too noisy for my taste. (北京) A. go after B. go away with C. go into D. go in for214. We have to_ the wheat as soon as possible because a storm is on the way.

7、 (湖北) A. get away B. get across C. get through D. get in215. Once a decision has been made, all of us should_ it. (湖北) A. direct to B. stick to C. lead to D. refer to216. To keep healthy, Professor Johnson _cycling as a regular form of exercise after he retired. (上海) A. took up B. caught on C. carri

8、ed out D. made for217. The final examination is coming up soon. Its time for us to_ our studies. (辽宁) A. get down to B. get out C. get back for D. get over218. Before the war broke out, many people_ in safe places possessions they could not take with them. ( 重庆) A. threw away B. put away C. gave awa

9、y D. carried away219. Helen always helps her mother even though going to school_ most of her day. (广东) A. takes up B. makes up C. saves up D. puts up220. There was such a long queue for coffee at the interval that we_ gave up. (上海) A. eventually B. unfortunately C. generously D. purposely221. The co

10、mpany is starting a new advertising campaign to_ new customers to its stores. (上海) A. join B. attract C. stick D. transfer222. He proved himself a true gentleman and beauty of his_ was seen at its best when he worked with others. (上海) A. temper B. appearance C. talent D. character223. At times, worr

11、ying is a normal, _ response to a difficult event or situationa loved one being injured in an accident for example. (上海) A. effective B. individual C. inevitable D. unfavorable224. If it is quite_ to you, I will visit you next Tuesday. ( 天津) A. convenient B. fair C. easy D. comfortable225. Julia sai

12、d she sent you a birthday card yesterday. Have you got it? Oh, really! I havent_ my mailbox yet. (天津) A. examined B. reviewed C. tested D. checked226. Bill was doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his_. (天津) A. ability B. force C. strength D. mind227. My mother always gets a bit_ if we dont

13、arrive when we say we will. (浙江) A. anxious B. ashamed C. weak D. patient228. Im sure David will be able to find the libraryhe has a pretty good_ of direction. (浙江) A. idea B. feeling C. experience D. sense229. Nowadays many people prefer to live in the countryside because the air there is much fresher than _ in the city . A. ones B. one C. that D. those 230. Hes watching TV? Hes _ to be cleaning his room. A. known B. supposed C. regarded D. considered231. What _ to him is whether the job allows him to continue his studies.A. applies B. refers C. happens D. matters232. When we finally _


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