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1、预备级二( 07 年秋冬学期)期末考试卷试题类型Part I 阅读理解 (30%)1 篇来自期中试题Part II 选择填空 (45%)Part III 交际英语 (10%)Part IV 翻译(中译英)(15% ) 考试时间 90 分钟。3篇短文,每篇 5题,每题 2分30 小题,每题 1.5 分。10 小题,每题 1 分。5 个句子,每句 3 分。考试范围1大学英语预备级二第 1 课 -第 12 课。2课程辅导材料中的“2007 年秋冬学期期中测试题”。 3期末考试翻译的句子主要来自大学英语预备级二第10-12 课课后的句子翻译(课后第 8题put the following into E

2、nglish ”。4交际英语的范例 .1). I m afraid Ive got a bad cold.A. Never mind.B. Keep away from me.C. Better go and see a doctor. D. You need to eat less food.2). Can I get you a drink?. But I have already got one.A. That vsery nice of youB. No, you donhtave to3). Would you like ano ther moon cake?_m full.B. N

3、o, thank youC. Yes, thank you D. All right4). - It s cold here. Would you mind if I close the window?A. With pleasure.C. Of course not.B. Yes, please.D. That s a good idea.5).May I use your pen?A. Certa inly! Here you are.C. Excuse me.B. Very well.D. No, you can 6). -1 m sorry for losing your book.

4、I will buy a new one for you.-. I have ano ther copy.A. Thank you B. Happy to hear that C. Never mind D. Of course7). - Happy birthday to you!A. The same to you.C. Happy birthday to you.B. You re welcome.D. Thank you .期中作业讲评1.The teleph oneA. has bee n ringing; an swersC. rang; an sweredfor about 5

5、minu tes before itB. had bee n ringing; was an sweredD. has bee n rung; was an swered2.Once he went to a bookstore and bought some books,A. the most of themB.C. the most of whichD.were expe nsive.most of themmost of which3.The girl is crying. YouA. should criticizeC.shouldn t have criticizedher so s

6、eriously.B.D.must criticizewouldn t have criticizedElectricity is usedA. to givi ngC. giveus light.B.D.to be give nto giveuse sth. to do sth.用。做。A. whileB. whenC. asD. since6. The man was by the fellow had said and stared at him in anger.A. wounded; whatB. hurt; whatC. injured; allD. hurt; that7. -

7、Do you remember he came?- Yes, I do. He came by car. A. howB. whenC. thatD. if8. It was not she took off her dark glasses I realized she was famous filmstar.A. when; thatB. until; thatC. until; whenD. when; then9. The photos will show you .A. what does the house look likeC. how does the house look l

8、ikeB. what the house looks like D. how the house looks like10. August 15, 1999 is one of the greatest days in his life university.A. while B. thathe was accepted by aC. whichD. when11. - Bill sends parents _ best wishes.- Oh, .A. his, your, thank youB. your, his, thats nice of himC. your, my, thank

9、youD. my, his, itrykisndveof you12. American English has changedthe centuries. There are several reasons this.A. over, for B. for, with C. in, ofD. during, about13. He lost his first place in the exam his carelessness.A. as B. because C. as a result of D. instead ofBecause of + n. because + 句子14. Sh

10、e tells us the people and things she had seen on her holiday.A. which B. who C. that D. when15. The boss the hospital to the patient. called, seeC. called at, seeB. called on, sawD. called for, seenIf I had, IA. a long enough holidayC. a holiday enough longB.

11、 an enough long holidayD. a long holiday enoughI d like to have a room window faces south.A. whose B. where C. of which D. in whichShanghai is the Changjiang River and lies the east of China.A. on, toB. at, onC. on, inD. by, toRecently I bought an ancient Chinese vase, was very reasonable.A. which p

12、riceB. the price of whichC. its price D. the price of whoseHe lived in London for 3 months, during time he learned some English.A. thisB. which C. that D. sameThe visitor asked the guide to take his picture stands the famous tower.A. thatB. where C. in which D. thereThe boss department Ms King worke

13、d ten years ago looks down upon women.A. in which B. in that C. in whose D. whoseHe made another wonderful discovery, very important to science.A. which I think isB. which I think it isC. which I think itD. I think which isI hateA. itwhen people talk with their mouths full.B. that C. these D. themd

14、visit Europpineg, sattoapll the small interesting places.Kentucky is the state Lincoln was born.A. which B. thereC. where D. in thatve got such a good one already?D. whenWhy do you want a new jobyouA. that B. where C. whichShirley_a book about China last year but I don t know whether she has finished it.A. has writtenB. wrote C. had written D. was writingYou ll find this map of greatin helping you to get round London.A. price B. cost C. value D. usefulness29. Clea ning


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