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1、 宁条梁镇中学九年级英语导学案 Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to 课题Unit 9 Period7 Section B(3a-self check)课型写作课执笔 学习目标1、知识目标:复习本单元的单词,词组。 2、技能目标:培养学生的写作技巧 学习重点 复习定语从句学习难点复习定语从句学习过程自主空间预习案一)汉译英:1因某事而称赞某人_ 2.触动人们的心灵_ 3.经历这种痛苦_ 4感受悲伤 _5最以而著名_二).完成3a. 合作探究案任务一:同桌交流3a的答案,然后列提纲。任务二:依据提纲及3a的表格内容,恰当运用3b的句型,写一篇小作文给一家

2、报社或杂志社介绍自己最喜欢的音乐,电影任务三:小组内互相批改作文,指出优点和不足。教师点评。 任务四:展示引导学习1.各组展示最佳作文,评比。2.Key points:习题案 一)按要求写句子1.I found the key.I lost the key yesterday.(合成一句)2.Liu Mei is the tallest girl in her class . he can play the violin(合成一句). 2. Where is the beautiful gift ?You bought it last week.( 合成一句)4.We are looking

3、for the nurse .she looked after my little sister.(同义句)5.She was ill,but she went on working.( 同义句)_she was ill,she went on working.6.The mother told her son,“Dont read in the bed”.(简单句) The mother _her son _ _read in the bed.7.I prefer this kind of fruit to that kind.( 同义句) I_ this kind of fruit _ _

4、 that kind.8.She didnt know how I could repair the bike.( 同义句)二)完形填空 Music is something that everybody likes.Everybody can 1 sounds in a way by singing or playing a music instrument.Many kinds of music 2 developed as people have found out how to sing in different ways.There are 3 many kinds of music

5、 to hear that you are sure to find some music that will greatly 4 you.Music has meaning for everyone.It is 5 by the old and the young,men and women.It can make people happy 6 sad.In our mdern 7 ,radios and teltvisons supply us with lots of music,giving us enjoyment. 8 in a music lesson or at a conce

6、rt musin means different 9 to different people.Music 10 to the whole world. ( )1.A make B do C hear D cause ( )2.A is B had C have D has( )3.A such B a lot C much D so( )4.A interest B prefer C invent D find( )5.A kept B enjoyed C disliked D written( )6.A and B but C so D or( )7.A world B moon C star D space( )8.A Either B Neither C Every D Each( )9.A something B things C anything D nothing( )10.A takes B uses C plans D belongs三)见绩优学案111


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