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1、 .wd.Unit 1 College culture Passage1Hi, Im Nick Carter, and this is SUR, your university radio station. This morning we went around campus to ask freshers now half-way through their first year the question, “How are you finding uni? Here are some of the answers we got. Speaker 1 Its cool. Its everyt

2、hing I hoped it would be. Im very ambitious, I want to be a journalist and I want to get to the top of the profession. Ive started writing for the university newspaper so Ive got my foot on the ladder already. Speaker 2 Im working hard and the teaching is as good as I expected. And Ive made some goo

3、d friends. But Im very homesick. Im Nigerian and my familys so far away. I went home at Christmas for a month that really helped, but man, I miss my family so much. Speaker 3 “How am I finding uni? Its great. Its not perfect, nothing is, but, like, Ive got a brilliant social life, just brilliant, an

4、d Ive made lots of friends. For the first few months I just didnt do, really enough work. But I I talked about it with my parents and Im working harder now and getting good grades. Speaker 4 Actually, Ive been quite lonely to be honest. Im a bit shy everyone else seemed to find it so easy to make fr

5、iends straight away. But things have been better recently yeah, they have. Ive joined a couple of clubs and like, it really helps to get to know people when you have shared interests. So, yeah Im feeling a lot happier now. Speaker 5 Unis great, I love it. My only problem and its quite a big problem

6、is money. My parents are both unemployed so, you know, they cant help me financially. My grant just isnt its just not enough for me to live on, so Ive taken a part-time job as a waitress a lot of people I know, like a lot, have had to do the same. I dont want to have huge debts at the end. Speaker 6

7、 I love my subject, History, and Im, Im getting fantastic teaching here. I want to be a university lecturer and that means I have to get a first. I have a good social life but work definitely comes first for me. Passage2 Oxford and Cambridge two universities so similar that they are often spoken of

8、together as “Oxbridge. Theyre both in the UK, fairly near London, and both regularly come top in any ranking of the worlds best universities. The two universities began within a century of each other. Oxford University, now 900 years old, was founded towards the end of the 11th century. In 1209 ther

9、e was a dispute between the university and the townspeople of Oxford. As a result, some of the Oxford teachers left and founded a university in the town of Cambridge, some 84 miles away. Ever since then, the two institutions have been very competitive. Unlike most modern universities, both Oxford an

10、d Cambridge consist of a large number of colleges. Oxford has 39 and Cambridge 31. Many of these colleges have old and very beautiful architecture, and large numbers of tourists visit them. In all UK universities, you need good grades in the national exams taken at 18. But to get into Oxford and Cam

11、bridge, its not enough to get A grades in your exams. You also have to go for a long interview. In these interviews, students need to show that they are creative and capable of original thinking. Through the centuries, both universities have made huge contributions to British cultural life. They hav

12、e produced great writers, world leaders and politicians. Cambridge, in particular, has produced scientists whose discoveries and inventions have changed our lives. Among the great university institutions is the worlds most famous debating society, the Oxford Union, where undergraduates get a chance

13、to practise speaking in public. Cambridges comedy club Footlights has produced many first-class comedians, while some of the UKs most famous actors and actresses began their careers at The Oxford University Dramatic Society, known as OUDS. Then theres the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race, which takes

14、place every year in March or April, and is watched on television all over the UK. So with all this excellence in so many fields, its not surprising that the ambition of clever students all over the world is to attend either one of these great universities. Unit 2 Passage1 Presenter Were fortunate to

15、 have as our guest today Dr Jenna Hudson, who has just written a book about how colours affect us in our surroundings, especially in the world of advertising. Its called Market Colours. Dr Hudson, which are the most common colours in advertising and marketing? Dr Hudson Well, of course, it depends w

16、hat image the marketing team wish to project with their products. So for example, we often think of blue as a cold colour, but it also makes you feel peaceful, quiet, and it doesnt suggest strong emotions. So its a favourite for banks and insurance companies, who wish to suggest the image that they are trustworthy. A



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