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1、IELTS NEWSLETTERV20140904Section 1VersionV110310S1Topic兼职工作Type of Questions填空题Answers1. France2. six months3. director4. 2.5 km5. own club6. driving7. insurance8. Kellar9. Sundays10. sailingSection 2VersionNewTopic乐队活动Type of Questions单选题 配对题Answers11. recruit young people12. can play the violin13.

2、 attend two rehearsals every week14-20 暂无Section 3VersionNewTopic导师关于presentation的建议Type of Questions单选题 双选题Answers21. B exhibition(display)22. A apply from an art institution23. C Abstract Design24. B People25-30 暂无Section 4VersionV10132S4Topic音乐和颜色的关系,数字和颜色的关系Type of Questions填空题Answers31. music32

3、. family33. unimportant34. mechanism35. memories36. language37. genetic38. display39. random40. trianglePassage 1Topic超市起源Type of Questions配对题 填空题 单选题Content Review主要讲超市的产生过程。有一个人14岁毕业当了clerk,发现传统卖东西方法的效率不高,于是创办了自己的自主购物商店。将商店分成了3个部分,一部分用于结账,一部分用于选购商品,还有一部分只有工作人员才能进入。商店创立后他发现降低价格可以吸引顾客,再后来他又开起了连锁店。An

4、swers段落大意配对题在supermarket之前的购物情况A发明超市的人的超市布局E顾客购物的问题E填空题stock,lobby选择题发明超市的人的motivation:profitPassage 2Topic植物净水Type of Questions判断题 填空题 多选题Content Review很早之前就存在用自然的方式净化水。两种净化方式的比较(摘要填空)。Answers判断题传统治理应该在urban area使用。-NOA开头的海藻对净化水有用。-NG摘要填空两种system优劣对比,down flow的优点是处理污染程度更高的水,horizontal flow的优点是比较好建造

5、。Passage 3Topic拯救即将消失的语言Type of Questions摘要填空题 判断题 单选题Content Review世界上大部分人说的语言其实只是少数的几种,而绝大部分的语言是由极少部分人说的,很少的人说的语言面临消失的危险。某教授做了一个project,要到一个地区帮助他们拯救自己的语言。Answers摘要填空minority,extinction,fundingTask 1Type of Questions柱图题目:The chart shows the percentage of people who ate portions of fruit and vegetab

6、les per day from 2001 to 2008.Task 2Topic社会问题Type of Questions利弊类题目:Now people in many countries can live and work anywhere they choose with improved communication technology and transport. Do the advantages of this development outweigh disadvantages?Part 1基本信息类Names, Hometown, Work or study, Home/A

7、ccommodation课后活动类Gift, Birthdays, Shopping & Clothing环境类Weather & Climate抽象概念类Colour媒体类Map艺术类Photographs, Museum, Parks & GardensPart 2& 3 人物描述你遇见的认为漂亮的人(新)Describe a person you wanted to be similar to (新)Describe a famous person who is important to your country.(名人)Describe someone you know who has

8、 an interesting job.(工作有趣的人)Describe a famous person, not from your country, who you would like to meet.(外国名人)地点Describe a city you once visit中国最有意思的建筑(新)Describe a historic building that you visited.(建筑)Describe a beautiful place where you want to have a home.(安家之地)Describe a city that you have vis

9、ited.(城市)Describe a place in the world that you would like to travel to at the first time.(出国旅行)物品你从朋友或者家人借的一样东西(新)你为你朋友做的一个物品(新)Describe something special that you saved money to buy.(攒钱购物)Describe something you bought but dont often use.(买了闲置)Describe your first mobile phone.(手机)事件描述一个健康活动(新)你做的一件

10、浪费时间的事情(新)等人的经历(新)Describe a thing that you did with a group of people(新)Describe a time when you saw an interesting animal.(有趣的动物)Describe a positive experience when you were a teenager.(励志的经历)Describe an interesting conversation with someone you didnt know.(和陌生人交谈)Describe a family celebration (such as wedding) that you attended.(家庭庆祝)Describe a situation when you received some useful advice.(建议)抽象Describe a good law in your country.(法律)Describe another language that you would like to learn.(第二外语)


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