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1、Module 1.单项填空(20分)1Tong Ln加油iya is _ famous actresn加油s who acted as a countn加油rywoman in _ 1970s in tn加油he TV show Ordinary World.Aa; / Ban加油; theCthe; the Dthe; /2Christmn加油as Day is on _ of Dn加油ecember.Atwentyfive Bthe twentyn加油fiveCtwentyfifth Dthe twentyfiftn加油h3Mr Smith is certainn加油 to succeed

2、 in _n加油 his experiment, and he never _n加油_Adoing; gives un加油p Bdo; gave upCdid;n加油 keeps on Ddone; setn加油 out 4The online shop sellsn加油 _ clothing at a very good prin加油ce.Achild and mann加油s Bchildren and mens Cchiln加油drens and men Dchildrens n加油and mens 5_ the weathern加油 is fine tomorrow, we can go

3、 fishing. n加油AAs well as BAs soon asCAs ln加油ong as DAs good as6This is an加油 special class, and_ on加油f the students are girls.Atwo thirn加油d Bsecond threeCtwo thirn加油ds Dtwo three 7Its a bit hot insidn加油e. Youd better _ youn加油r coat.Aput on Btan加油ke offCto put on Dto take off8I din加油dnt go to the part

4、y not _n加油 the weather but _ I didnt fen加油el well.Abecause of; because n加油Bbecause; because ofCbecause; bn加油ecause Dbecause of; n加油 because of9Nowadays I n加油can choose online courses and I n加油study by _AI n加油Bme Cmy Dmyself n加油10Im going on a vacation thn加油is weekend._AThe same to yn加油ou BHave a goo

5、d timen加油CHurry up DHold on,n加油 please.完形填空(30分)It was the lastn加油 day of school and I planned to travel tn加油o my friends home town. I hadntn加油 seen him for years and thn加油is was a good _11_ to meet himn加油 again.I was busy at school so it wan加油s rather _12_ when I can加油me back home. It was already 1

6、0 on加油clock at night. Time was run加油nning out. After a hurried meal I leftn加油. _13_, I found a taxi vn加油ery soon. Asking the driver to drivn加油e me fast to the station, I relaxed fon加油r a while, imagining what my friend loon加油ked like now. I was soon加油n at the station and was sure that n加油I would be

7、able to _14_ n加油the train. Unfortunately, I fell on n加油the way and lost some time. To myn加油 complete _15_, when I reached the plan加油tform, I saw that the train had just len加油ft! It was the last train n加油so I had to _16_ home.n加油My mother was glad to see men加油 back as she had a bad feeling about mn加油

8、y trip. But I was unhappy. I trien加油d to relax and went to bed n加油but I had a _17_ sn加油leep. The next morning I was very tn加油ired. As I was having breakfast, then加油 _18_ arrived. I read over tn加油he pages and was shocked to _19_ thatn加油 the train I missed had had an accidentn加油. How _20_ I was that n

9、加油I missed the train!11n加油A.sign Bchance Csense Ddream12n加油A.strange BcoldClate Dqun加油iet13A.Finally BSuddenlyn加油CStrangely DLuckily1n加油4A.stop Bsee Ccatch Dmissn加油15A.satisfaction BhopeCsurprisn加油e Djoy16A.call Bleave Creach n加油 Dreturn17A.deep Bbad Cn加油great Dheavy18A.newspaper Bticken加油tCmilk Dtr

10、ain19A.find BhearCn加油feel Dremember20An加油.hopeful BthankfulCcareful Dpainfn加油ul.阅读理解(15分)There an加油re many reasons why I encourage pen加油ople to travel, and I know than加油t the experience will make n加油one a better person.I remn加油ember when I was travelling that I bn加油egan to know the world bn加油etter.

11、The world is not n加油just about me, my small town and home.n加油 Although you will meet din加油fferent people from aln加油l over the world, you will realise thn加油at people are similar in their n加油dreams, hopes and feelings. Enjoy expln加油oring the different culturn加油es, and you will also find than加油t people

12、 are different in some of n加油the things they do and how they live.n加油 Once you understand their wayn加油s, it need not be strange or scary. Ofn加油ten we read stories about other culturen加油s in books. Only when we visit their an加油reas, do we find that n加油those stories are something wrong.Onn加油e thing yo

13、u may find out is thn加油at there are problems n加油all over the world. We cant just gen加油t money to send to these areas andn加油 hope that will work them out. Thn加油e world should get involn加油ved(干预) and help wherever there are pn加油roblems. People everywhere should bn加油e given a chance. It is sn加油o easy t

14、o ignore(忽视) this if one doesn加油 not travel and explore. One cann加油 look around and see tn加油hat so many people have many n加油challenges worse than ours. One can n加油realise that sometimes our biggest probn加油lems are not that big after alln加油.On your journey you will mn加油eet lots of new friends. Talkin

15、gn加油 to strangers and finding about theirn加油 lives is a great way to n加油spend your time. You will n加油certainly be more confidentn加油 after having to cope_with problems an加油nd make many decisions alongn加油 the way.When you travel, youn加油 have to be on your ownn加油 in some situations. You will surprise yn加油ourself by how well you can do that. An加油ll your special experiences couln加油d ma


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