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1、letters and calls, and do practical things for the masses combine good, effective through reaching people at the service of the last mile. Third, foster the development of new energy, new General Secretary XI Jinping stressed development of innovation forest restructuring, revitalization of the old

2、industrial bases in Northeast China is the States major strategy, Central has issued comprehensive opinions of revitalizing Northeast China and other old industrial bases, the CPC Central Committee on revitalization in Northeast China were . Vigorous determination does not waver, the work does not s

3、lacken off. Be firm with in the development has more to do with hard, and not muddle along, passive inaction. To rely on their own efforts, cant wait, cant wait, stand still. This not only provides new opportunities for development in our region, and gave us new requirements. We must seize the oppor

4、tunity, full use of national policy, has to be more complicated, to start and target, give full play to the initiative of leading cadres at all levels, active, active, focusing on building new momentum for development, accelerating transformation of forest development. To implement the new developme

5、nt philosophy. Philosophy is the action guide, new ideas and new developments. Carrying out innovation, coordination and development of green, open, shared ideas, must be measurable, direct action with new development concepts, training cadres. In a new development concept as a yardstick. Establishe

6、d in line with the new concept of evaluation system and evaluation criterion, embodies the new development policy, organization, mandate implementation, always measured by the new development philosophy, continuous correction of forest transition course. In a new development concept for the path com

7、mand. As part of the implementation of the new development philosophy followed and action guidelines, firmly adjusted, corrected and reject unsuitable, inappropriate and even against the new development ideas, behaviors and practices, more pragmatic approach based on a broad vision, and creatively c

8、arry out ecological construction, industrial development, improving peoples livelihood, such as the work to ensure that new development ideas take root in forest areas. In a new development concept for weapon training cadre. Education leaders in the new, nothing two articles, enhancing vitality and

9、power. Combined development six big industry, and implementation three big engineering, and create two big environment, strengthening on new development, and new economy concept of learning, and grasp and using, real put thought and action unified to new development concept up, at with new developme

10、nt concept armed himself, and guide practice, effective do advocate innovation, and focused on coordination, and advocate green, and thick plant open, and advance shared. Second, we must rely on Science and technology affects. Technical innovation is the promotion of economic transformation and upgr

11、ading, quality and efficiency first power.唐钢2560m3高炉炉体设计简介北京钢铁设计研究总院 炼铁工程所全 强 吕宇来内容提要:本文简要介绍了唐钢2560m3高炉炉体设计,及在延长高炉寿命上所采用的新技术,如炉体采用板壁结合技术,炉缸炉底陶瓷杯技术。关键词:2560m3高炉 长寿 新技术abstract: a introduction to Tanggang 2560m3 BF , new technology applied in long campaign life, such as plate-stave combination ,cerami

12、c cup.Key words : 2560m3 BF long campaign new technology 1 概述唐钢2560m3高炉是唐钢二铁厂一号高炉移地大修工程,也是唐钢规划中的一座2500m3级的高炉。唐钢二铁厂原有两座1260m3高炉,分别建于1989年和1993年。1号高炉于1998年12月25日停炉,一代炉役寿命9年3个月、产铁量679104 t、单位炉容产铁量5389 t/ m3。新建2560 m3高炉本着技术、装备先进、实用的原则,在1号、2号高炉成功的设计经验基础上,设计中采用了一些行之有效的新技术:如高炉长寿技术、炉体为板壁结合冷却结构、炉底炉缸采用陶瓷杯技术、软

13、水密闭循环冷却技术;焦丁回收、槽下减重法称量技术、并罐无料钟炉顶装料设备、高风温技术等等。 唐钢新建2560m3高炉工程建在唐钢二铁厂现有厂区内进行,场地狭窄,除建设工艺主体设施外,同时建设与该高炉有关的公用和辅助设施,设计中尽可能减少各系统的占地面积,进行合理的布置,保证高炉安全生产。该工程设计占地18hm2,建筑系数31.7%。 唐山钢铁公司二铁厂新建2560m3高炉,是由北京钢铁设计研究总院为主,唐钢设计研究院参加联合设计的。1996年8月9日工程设计委托后,正式开展设计,1996年12月26日开始建设,于1998年9月26日正式投产,历时26个月。总投资9.6亿元人民币。投产后高炉生产

14、正常,炉子稳定顺行,生产不到一星期,利用系数已达1.3以上,到11月份,高炉利用系数就已基本稳定在1.7左右。实践证明:该高炉整体设计水平是先进的,采用的各项新技术是可靠的。并具有占地少、投资省、建设快的特点。 高炉主要技术经济指标如下序号名称单位指标1高炉的一代炉龄年12152利用系数t/m3.d2.03焦比kg/tHM3904喷煤量kg/tHM150 max 2005燃料比kg/tHM5406渣量kg/tHM4007炉顶压力Mpa0.28热风温度11509富氧率% 310熟料率%10011年平均作业率%9312生铁产量103t/a1730随着炼铁技术的进步,对高炉的长寿、优质、高产、低耗提

15、出了更高的要求。从我国高炉生产实践看,影响我国高炉寿命的主要问题是炉缸炉底及炉身下部的寿命问题。例如,炉缸因蘑菇型侵蚀,产生炉缸烧穿;炉身下部、炉腰等部位冷却壁过早大量损坏,失去砖衬,造成炉壳开裂,影响高炉寿命。唐钢2560m3高炉炉体设计是在充分总结了国内外大、中型高炉长寿技术的基础上,并结合国内及唐钢的具体情况,采用了理论、实践证明是安全、可靠的一系列长寿措施,将设计寿命提高到12年,其主要特点如下:l 采用板壁结合式冷却结构,其中冷却板是可更换的;l 由于采用了可靠冷却结构,耐火材料档次要求降低,节省了投资;l 高炉炉体设备、耐材全部国产化;l 采用软水密闭循环冷却技术;l 风口采用大块组合砖;l 炉底炉缸采用小块砖砌筑的陶瓷杯结构,炉缸采用国产微孔炭砖;l 炉体冷却高度100%;高炉炉体图见图1。2炉型设计合理的炉型对高炉操作,实现长寿、优质、高产、低耗非常重要。唐钢2560m3高炉炉型设计是在比较了国内外同级高炉炉型的基础上,并结合唐钢高炉操作的具体条件设计的。炉型设计中特别考虑了对炉缸寿命有重大影响的死铁层深度,根据炉缸直径与死铁层的关系,设计中加深死铁层,使“料芯”悬浮在铁水之上,出铁时,减少铁水对炉缸、炉底耐材砌体的环流侵蚀。高炉炉型尺寸表1。 图1 高炉炉体图 表1



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