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1、搜狐高一每日一测英语(6)(总分:100.0 考试时间:117分钟)学校_ 班级_ 准考证号_ 姓名_ 得分_ 一、语法单选: 本大题共20小题, 从第1小题到第20小题每题1.0分 小计20.0分; 共计20.0分。 1、It was careless of you to have left your clothes outside all night!My God! _.ASo did IBSo I didCSo were youDSo did you2、That he left the room _ a word made us unhappy.AwithBwithoutCbyDfor3

2、、The visiting professor _ giving lectures to students _ invited to meetings at times.Apreferred, to beingBpreferred to, rather thanCpreferred, than beingDpreferred to, to being4、I really enjoy _ that kind of job.AdoBdoingCto doDto be doing5、Remember, you must do _ your teacher asks you to do.AhowBwh

3、atCwhereDwhether6、He began to play roles in plays _ , and _ he became famous.Ain his twenty, in the 1990sBduring the 1990s, in 1989Cin 1990s, during the twentiesDin the 1990s, in his twenties7、I wonder what difficulty he has _ the plan?Ato carry outBcarrying outCcarried outDwith carrying out8、My geo

4、graphy teacher said _.Athe earth moves around the sunBhe will go with usCyou are rightDSusan will fail in the exam9、Dont forget _ to me. Lets keep in touch with each other.Ato writeBwritingCto have writtenDhaving written10、He has been in the film-making company for ten years, _ director.Aworked asBa

5、cted asCworking asDand acting as11、I have never heard such an _ story, which really _ me.Ainterested, excitesBinteresting, excitesCinteresting, is excitedDinterested, is exciting12、“Its at this college _ your father studied _ he was young”, said the mother.Awhich, whenBthat, whenCwhere, thatD/, that

6、13、How _ the music sounds!AlikeBsweetCsweetlyDwonderfully14、The room _ face south is mine.Awhose windowBwhose windowsCwhich windowsDthat windows15、Whats the name of the programme _?Ayou are listeningByou are listening toCyou are hearingDthat are listening16、Whats the weather _?The weather will stay

7、_ for two days.Alike, rainBabout, rainingClike, rainyDabout, to rain17、I felt somebody _ me from behind, but found nobody when I looked round.AbeatBto beatCbeatingDbeaten18、He likes _, but he doesnt like _ today, because it is too cold.Ato swim, to swimBswimming, swimmingCto swim, swimmingDswimming,

8、 to swim19、Where is Mrs Wang?She _ America for a week.Ahas gone off toBhas set off toChas left forDhas been off to20、“Is Alice in. Sam?”he asked.He asked Sam _.Athat Alice was inBwhether was Alice inCif Alice was inDif was Alice in二、交际单选: 本大题共10小题, 从第21小题到第30小题每题1.0分 小计10.0分; 共计10.0分。 1、Im taking th

9、e exam tomorrow._.ACongratulationsBCome onCA wonderful timeDGood luck2、I had a really good weekend at my uncles._.AOh, thats very nice of youBCongratulationsCIts a pleasureDOh, Im glad to hear that3、I have once watched that strange star._.AThats a good idea.BCan I have a look at it?CWhat happened ne

10、xt?DWhat was it like?4、Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the Peoples Park?Sorry. Im a stranger here. Youd better ask the policeman over there._.AThank you all the sameBSee you laterCThats rightDAll right5、Happy Spring Festival to you! _.AThats OKBThe same to youCExcuse meDYoure so kind6、Hi, ha

11、vent seen you for ages! You look fine. _.You look well, too.AGreatBThanksCOh, noDNot at all7、Have a nice holiday!Thank you. _.AI willBI think soCBest wishesDThe same to you8、Ill fly to England on business tomorrow._ASee you later.BCongratulations.CHave a good trip!DNot at all.9、_She is kind.AWhats t

12、he girl like?BHow do you like the girl?CWhat does the girl look like?DHow is the girl like?10、How are things going with you? _AQuite well, thank you.BGood. And you?CIts a pleasure.DDont ask me such a problem.三、阅读理解: 本大题共6小题, 第31小题为4.0分; 从第32小题到第34小题每题6.0分 小计18.0分; 第35小题为8.0分; 第36小题为10.0分; 共计40.0分。 1

13、、阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给四个选项(A,B,C和D)中,选出最佳选项Take three basins. Fill the basin with water which is as hot as you are able to bear (承受) with your hands. In the second basin mix hot water with cold water. Fill the third basin with cold water from the tap (自来水管).Now place the basins on the table. Put your right hand in the hot water. P



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