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1、Unit 2I think that mooncakes are delicious!第1课时一、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空stranger, mooncake, pound, relative, lantern1In China, people eat mooncakes on the MidAutumn Festival.2Julie finds it easy to speak to strangers3During the Spring Festival, we will visit our friends and relatives to wish them a happy new

2、 year.4The Lantern Festival falls on the fifteenth day of the first lunar(阴历的) month 5They spent over 500 pounds on that digital TV.二、用所给词的适当形式填空6Do you enjoy reading(read) English magazines?7I wish you good luck(luckily) in the new year.8I think my father will_come(come) back in three days.9How wel

3、l(good) the boy studies English!10The New Year is a time for cleaning(clean) the house.三、单词拼写Do you know Songkran Festival(泰国泼水节)? It is the 11.traditional(传统的) Thai New Year that starts on April 13 every year. Its also 12.called(被称作) the “Water Festival” because people believe that water will wash

4、away bad 13._luck(运气). Also, this festival is for rain because it is held in the 14.hottest(最热的) season. In the past, people 15.threw(扔) small drops of water at monks(僧侣) and the elders to bless them. Nowadays, besides the old tradition, people also wet down everybody who walks past their houses or

5、walks down the streets. Everyone gets wet, but it is all in a spirit of friendliness, blessing and funeven 16.among(在之中) people who usually have great disagreements(争论)On this day, everywhere in Thailand, people 17.celebrate(庆祝) and enjoy the festival. Chiang Mai 18.Province(省), which is in the nort

6、hern part of Thailand, is 19.especially(尤其) lively. There we can see many 20._foreigners(外国人) join in the events and enjoy this festival with the Thais.四、完形填空The Double Seventh Festival, also known as the Qixi Festival, is a traditional Chinese festival. Here is a beautiful story _21_ it. Long, long

7、 ago, there was a young man named Niulang(Cowherd), One day, he _22_ a beautiful girlZhin(Weaver girl), the Goddess s seventh daughter. She had just run away from the _23_ heaven(天国) to look for fun on Earth. Zhin soon _24_ Niulang, and they got married without telling the Goddess. Niulang worked in

8、 the field and Zhin wove(织布) at home. They _25_ a happy life and gave birth to a boy and a girl. Unluckily, the Goddess soon found out the fact and _26_ Zhin to return to heaven. After Zhin left, Niulang was _27_ upset. With the help of his magic cow, Niulang flew to heaven with his children to look

9、 for his wife. The Goddess discovered this and was very _28_. Taking out her hairpin(发簪), the Goddess created a wide river in the sky to separate(分开) the two _29_. From then on, Niulang and Zhin had to live _30_ on the two sides of the river. However, their true love _31_ all the magpies(喜鹊) in the

10、world, _32_ once a year tens of thousands of magpies would fly up to heaven to make a bridgethe bridge of magpies for the couple to meet each other. At last, the Goddess allowed _33_ to meet each other on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month. Thats _34_ the Double Seventh Festival started. Today, it i

11、s a great _35_ for Chinese young people to express their love.(B)21.A. through B. behindC. with D. after(A)22.A. met B. toldC. thanked D. missed(A)23.A. boring B. interestingC. same D. different(D)24.A. looked forward to B. parted withC. turned down D. fell in love with(B)25.A. knew B. livedC. staye

12、d D. gave(C)26.A. promised B. waited来源:Zxxk.ComC. ordered D. helped来源:Z#xx#k.Com(C)27.A. yet B. everC. quite D. still(A)28.A. angry B. sorryC. excited D. satisfied(B)29.A. friends B. loversC. parents D. children(D)30.A. back B. awayC. halfway D. apart (C)31.A. surprised B. changedC. touched D. protected(A)32.A. so B. butC. though D. because来源:学.科.网Z.X.X.K(D)33.A. him B. herC. us D. them(A)34.A. how B. whenC. what D. where(A)35.A. day B. way来源:Zxxk.Com来源:1C. lesson D. habit第 页


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