模块81单元ProjectRecitting a poem教学案

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《模块81单元ProjectRecitting a poem教学案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《模块81单元ProjectRecitting a poem教学案(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、M8U1 ProjectReciting a poem教学案课程分析:(本课的作用和学习本课的意义)牛津高中英语8模块第一单元Project本教学方案分为七个部分,分别为poems sharing(an English song), fast-reading(scanning), detailed-reading(Listening+ reading comprehension), poem understanding, discussion, homework 与after-class resources。 Poems sharing环节将发挥学生参与的主观能动性并在此基础上明确本课的学习方

2、向。 在阅读阶段,教师将以多种形式开展教学,旨在为学生课题研究提供必要的信息铺垫。学生在完成阅读任务并对诗歌有所了解后,将在教师的指导与协助下,在网络环境中以合作的形式对相关问题进行自主探究。教师应鼓励学生发现问题并培养其分析解决问题的能力。最后学生将以交互表单的形式提交报告,完成课题研究任务。课后,教师将在对课程资源进行开发与整合的基础上提供“after-class resources”部分,旨在为学生自主学习提供一定的空间。 贯穿在教学中有两点目标。其一,在教学的过程中教师应注重对学生文学欣赏能力的培养,以进一步提高其文学素养;其二,在教学的过程中,教师也应注重对学生探究意识与能力的培养,

3、以进一步提高其分析解决问题能力。问题设计1. Are you familiar with the song? Can you sing it? Have you ever seen a film called : “Waterloo Bridge, whose theme song is “Friendship Everlasting”?2. How can we divide the whole reading material into three parts? What does each part talk about? Can you find the key words in ea

4、ch part?3. Do you know how to recite/sing an English poem?4. Can you choose one to recite it to us?.教学构想及目标: 首先由一首同学们耳熟能详的优美歌曲Auld Lang Syne-“Friendship Everlasting”导入本课,熟悉的歌曲,唯美的画面,让学生听得如痴如醉,充分刺激了视觉,听觉。听唱英文歌曲本生也是一种资深教师常用的,更是深受中学生欢迎的提高英语听说读写全方位能力的学习方法。情浓意浓的莘莘学子更是对这位杰出的浪漫诗人的生平,其他代表作,创作风格等如饥似渴地,迫不及待地去

5、阅读,去搜索,去讨论,去交流。交流他们的收获和感受,形成小组意见。然后针对各组问题请负责的小组汇报他们的讨论并形成的成果。利用网络资源信息和课本完善同学们讨论形成的成果,从而对本节课的知识有明晰的理解。 知识目标:1. 了解一种文学形式诗歌的惯用主题:爱情或其他情感;2. 了解诗人相关信息。能力目标:1.了解朗诵英文诗歌的技巧;2. 通过创设诗情画意的语言环境培养学生的听说能力;3. 学会如何选择自己喜欢的诗人及其诗歌。情感目标: 通过对本课的学习,热爱文学,热爱英文诗歌,分享、珍爱人间一切美好的情感。教学重点:1诗人的背景资料;2.诗人的创作风格;3.赏析诗歌的技巧。教学难点: 通过讨论,分

6、工合作,确定,查询,汇报,朗诵自己喜欢的诗歌教学方法:任务型教学法,听说交际法,合作学习法;活动教学法。(通过小组活动能增强学生的学习兴趣,调动绝大多数同学的学习积极性,使他们参与到课堂活动中来。也给了学生展示自己的机会,从而增强了学生的自信心。合作学习法能使同一小组的同学互帮互助,消除少数学习能力低,基础薄弱的同学的畏难心里,也给他们展示自己和吸收高一层次知识的机会。同学之间互帮互助,互相交流,能够促进呢他们友谊和学习的共同进步。)所需设备:电脑多媒体辅助设备、网路资源、黑板教师活动学生活动设计意图Step I: Lead-in Get the students to enjoy a fam

7、ous English song(Auld Lang Syne-“Friendship Everlasting”) to lead in this period.Are you familiar with the song? Can you sing it? Have you ever seen a film called : “Waterloo Bridge, whose theme song is “Friendship Everlasting”?Now lets get some background information related to the author and his p

8、oem “ A Red Red Rose” and some skills of reciting a poem.)Step II: ScanningLets scan and get the structure of the report by matching the following:Part One (1-4) some information about a movement of poets called the Romantic MovementPart Two (5-7) the poemA Red, Red Rose with its introduction and ex

9、planationPart Three (8-9) introduction of Robert BurnsStep III: Listening comprehensionGet the students to listen to the long text part by part and obtain the main idea /key word(s) for each part.(I)Part One (1-4) Introduction of Robert Burns (T: Lets listen to the first part of the text to judge wh

10、ich key words are mentioned in this part : birth, death, education, life, popularity, works, thoughts, enemies, writing style, love)(II) Part Two (5-7) _.(T: Lets see what specific information is told in this part.)(Some information about the movement of poets called the Romantic Movement)(III) Part

11、 Three (8-9) The poem “A Red Red Rose” with its introduction and explanation Lets listen to this part to get some key words discussed about the poem:_(theme, sections, syllables, sales, ballad, imagery, comparisons, explanation, popularity)Step IV. Second Reading (Task reading)Read the text again an

12、d complete the form:Robert BurnsYear of birth1759Place of birthAlloway ScotlandYear of death1._Main 2. _To a Mouse; The Holly Fair; A Red Red RoseA Red Red RoseLanguageScots 3._Imagery4._ the idea of love to a red rose5._A farewell to a certain way of life or to say Goodbye to a loved one.(1.1796 2.

13、 works/ poems 3. dialect 4. Compare 5. Theme)Step V Group discussion1. Do you like poetry? Why or why not?2. What does the author introduce about Robert Burns and his poems A Red, Red Rose?3. What poems will you chose to recite?4. What kind of information about the poem and the poet will you need?5.

14、 Where will you collect the information? Who will do this?6. Who will recite the poem?7. Who will give the class some background information about the poem and the poet?8. Will you need props, pictures or costumes to make the poetry recital more interesting? Who will find them if needed? Step VI App

15、reciate and read (sing) the poem Follow the tape and read the poem emotionally. (We can also sing to the music!)Tips for appreciating poems: Poetry is a form of literature with the theme of love or other feelings. In a poem , the emotions expressed are more important than the language used. Also the rhythm and the stressed syllables are very important in reciting a poem. Poem UnderstandingNow we are looking at his poem. Anything you dont understand? You cant expect yourself


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