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1、英语老师批改作业时的精彩评语一、你的作业评语,学生看得懂吗?评语是写给学生看的,所以一方面评语要使用学生能看得懂的英语来写,所使用的词汇和语法不能过高或过低于学生的现有水平,要切合学生的实际水平,符合学生的个性心理发展需要;另一方面要做到循序渐进,由易到难,能够起到跳一跳,摘到桃子的作用,也就是说学生通过上下文的猜测或借助于词典就能理解。例如:Its very clever of you to do so.Its nice of you to write this way.Im sure you can do your work better next time.Youve done a go

2、od job.You are doing wonderfully!You can do better now than you did before. 二、你的作业评语会涉及当时所学的知识点吗?语言的学习在于运用,所以教师在写评语时应运用所学的知识,以使学生能加强理解和记忆。例如: You have improved a lot.I am proud of you.What good work!You are the pride of our class.Work harder,and you will make more progress.The harder you work,the so

3、oner you will improve.Come on!I am sure you will catch up soon. 利用所学过的短语、句型和时态给学生写评语就能取得很好效果,可以帮助学生巩固和运用语言。 三、学生有被尊重、被表扬、被认可的需要。在写作业时,希望得到教师的表扬和鼓励,这是学生精神上的需要。如果精神上的需要长久得不到满足,他们就会产生消极的思想。教师针对不同的学生及其作业,在不同场合所作的评语可激发学生的学习热情,让优等生更上一层楼,使中等生改正缺点、发扬优点,使暂时落后的学生能克服畏惧心理,树立信心。所以对优等生的作业表扬中要有指正,教师可通过评语向他们提出更高要求。

4、例如:Its good to be correct.Its also important to be creative.Excellent.You havent made any mistakes,but do try to youre your handwriting neater. 对中等生的作业要慎重评价,在评语中要多督促。例如: You had better be more careful!Pay more attention to the tenses.Your work is quite good except for a few spelling mistakes.Keep it

5、 up.Remember that little by little one goes far. 对于差生的作业要多点激励,温和地指出错误的同时,也要指出他的优点以资鼓励。例如:Lily,I like your handwriting very much although there are some mistakes here.I am sure you can correct them.Bill,I think you can do better if you work harder.Your work has improved.I am sure there is nothing too

6、 difficult for usto learn.四、作业评语可以是你跟学习之间沟通的桥梁评语言辞恳切,切中要害;或热情鼓励、或委婉告诫通过评语,教师尽可把祝福、问候、关切、激励、真诚、信任之情化作甘甜的泉水,去滋润学生的心田,引起师生教与学的共鸣,达到教与学两者的和谐与统一。例如在节假日或某学生生日前,教师可以给予学生一些祝愿语: Merry Christmas!Happy New Year!Enjoy yourself in the coming holidays!Happybirthday!Many happy returns! 又如某个学生因为生病缺课作业完成得很糟糕,教师就要说一些

7、安慰的话: Lingling,you have made a few mistakes in your work.I know that is because you were absent.I think it is only natural.Dont lose heart.I am ready to help you. 再如某个学生因为考试不及格失去信心,教师就要说一些激励的话: I am sorry to hear that you didnt pass the exam.I hope you are not too disappointed.I want to cheer you up

8、 with the sayingFailure is the mother of success.I hope to see much improvement in your future studies. 五、作业评语形式要丰富多彩 作业评语不仅仅是对作业本身进行评价,也可以包括学习和生活的各个方面,它的语言形式更是丰富多彩,千变万化,既可以是一个词或一个短语,也可以是一句话、一个段落或一则格言。例如:A一个词:Great!Perfect!Good!Wonderful!Correct!Excellent! B.短语:Well done!Neat and tidy! C.句型:Thats OK

9、!What a good job you have done!Now you can do better than before.Your handwriting is excellent!Keep it up.Your English will become better if you work harder. D.段落: Although you have not been successful,you have done better than ever.Success belongs to the diligent learners.I am sure you will make mo

10、re and more progress if you keep on practising your spoken English. E.格言: Practice makes perfect.Where there is a will,there is a way.A willful man will have his way.Failure is the only highroad to success.今天的分享就到这了,写好评语的方式和要求还有许多,老师只要不断提高自己的英语书面表达能力,而且深入研究学生的心理特点、思想情绪、个人爱好、学生习惯及英语水平等,以便言之有理、以理服人,你那么努力,肯定会写出激励人的好评语!



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