Unit 7 What’s the matter[9].doc

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1、Unit 7 Whats the matter?Step 1 Free talk T: Hello, boys and girls. Im your new English teacher. Lets begin our class. 1. Free talk and sing a songWhat day is it today?How many days are there in a week? What are they?Good, that makes a week. Lets sing a song Days of the week2. You sing very well. Do

2、you like games?Lets play a game. Look at the rules, do you understand?(要求学生做动作)生根据看到的进行判断,并作出相应的动作。T:Yes, you like watching cartoons. Me too. Lets enjoy a cartoon.Step 2 Watch cartoons Little bird T: Whats the matter with the little bird? Is he happy?(做开心表情) S: No, he isnt. T: Is he sad?(做伤心表情) S: Y

3、es, he is. T: Whats the matter with the bird?Teach: Whats the matter? S: He is hungry.Say a chant What, what, whats the matter? Sad, sad, Im sad.What, what, whats the matter? Hungry, hungry, Im hungry.T: Lets help the bird.Step 3 Presentation1. T: The bird is not hungry. What about Liu Tao? Lets wat

4、ch and tickWhats the matter with Liu Tao?hungry ( ) thirsty ( ) ill ( ) tired ( ) 看之前,先读一遍单词. 看后,让学生从单词卡中选出答案并贴在黑板上,教学新词:thirsty, ill, tired(结合图片理解单词的意思, 读写记相结合,Do you have good ways to remember the word?)2. Read and find 找出相关句子(1)How does Mum say to him?生找出Whats the matter? Are you ill?How to read

5、it? 指导有感情朗读,读出妈妈的关心。(2)What does Liu Tao want to do? T: Open your books, read quickly and try to find the sentences.S:Can I have some water? I want to go to bed.T: 讲解want to 的意思(3)结合板书,将内容复述 Liu Tao is thirsty. He wants to drink some water. 3. Listen and repeat(1)Read after the computer, pay attenti

6、on to your pronunciation and intonation. The signs can help you.模仿电脑朗读,注意语音语调(2)看谁模仿得最像 Read with the computer.4. 选择相应的任务,得到相应的星数。T: Here are two tasks. No.1 Dub the story No. 2 Act the story Work in three and try to read it choose the way you like.OK?Lets dub 三人一组,合作配音。Lets act. 表演T: You did a good

7、 job. Some of you can get 1 star, some of you can get two stars. Do you want to get three stars? Lets have a try.Step 4 Consolidation1. T: Do you know who she is.S: 卖火柴的小女孩T: Yes, you are right. She is the little match girl. Whats the matter with her? GuessS: Maybe she is T: Lets help her. OK?2. 看图编对话同桌操练,表演交流3. 情感升华: Help others, you will be happy.帮助别人,快乐自己!4. Ticking timeT: Its ticking time. Take out your paper, lets have a look.Can you talk about feelings? Step 5 Homework1. Listen, read and recite the text. 听、读并背诵课文。2. Finish the story about The Little Match Girl. 完成作业纸上卖火柴的小女孩的对话。


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