三年级下册Animals 复习课教案.doc

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1、三年级下册Animals 复习课教案小北路小学 龚越2009-5-19教学目标:1、语言知识:词汇:动物名称的单词的单复数 有关动物和描绘动物特征的词汇句型: has / have 与不同主语的搭配2、语言技能:能听懂有关描述动物的短文,能用所学的语言知识描述动物的特征。3、情感态度:学生能对英语课堂活动感兴趣,积极参与各种活动;培养学生热爱动物和保护动物。4、学习策略:学会小组合作,与他人交流;学会阅读英语文章并从中获取所需信息。教学内容分析:本复习课内容是以认识常见的动物和宠物为主线,展现学生在实际的生活中认识的动物.对与动物的话题,学生都比较感兴趣,可以针对的实际相关的游戏活动,让学生在

2、活动过程中不断地对动物有关的语言进行听,说,读,写的强化训练,深化对Animals 相关词句的全面掌握.教学重点:本课的词汇、句型以及简单的描述动物的特征。教学难点:1、has & have的正确使用。2、流利地描述有关动物的短文。教学资源与媒体:课件 电脑 白板Teaching Procedures教学过程Teaching activities & Steps教学活动及具体的操作步骤I. Warming up (chant)boys and girls, lets play with mouth and hands. OK? Do the action!step 1: / now child

3、ren today we will review something about animals Greetingstep 2:. Sing a song :Ali babas farm( I know Ali Baba has a beautiful farm. our friend Jiamin will go to Ali Babas farm. He is very happy. Lets sing the with Jiamin go to the farm., clap your hands.II. revision and Practicestep 3:boys and girl

4、s , on the farm the animals are playing at hide-and-seek, , now , can you guess what animals they are .For example :No.1 a chicken .yes read it: chicken chicken chickenGroup1 what is this?( 游戏规则:点中图中动物,马上用英语说出动物的名称。利用白板书现单词)你们知道这些动物单词的复数形式吗?now look at screen.Now children, after Jiamin visit the far

5、m, he write a diary. But there are 10 mistakes . can you find them?小朋友们,大家都知道家明是个粗心的小家伙,他去了阿里巴巴的农场以后,写了一篇日记,里面有些错误,你们能帮他找出来吗?Today is a sunny day , I go to Ali Babas farm. Wow , so many animal. A dog , two horse, some goose , some sheeps, some fishs, some duck, some chicken, some pigs, some cow , so

6、me bulls. I like his farm very much.-Did jiamin do a good job? He didnt describe the animals. Now let play a game , after the game , you can use the phrase to describe the animals.Step4:井字过三关游戏,展示特征短语(给出相关的形容词短语)与一:学生展示游戏的玩法指导学生玩井字过三关游戏Step 5:听短文,填写动物特征-after the game ,I want to know how much can yo

7、u hear? I have a passage, I will read it 3times. 你们要在刚玩的游戏里勾出听到的信息Ben has a cute pet, it has two big horns, a big mouth and a long tail. It can run very fast. What is that? Step6:Guessing gameChildren , lets have a rest. Look at here , lets chant together.He has a pig, it is big.She has a cat, it is

8、 fat.You have a bull, it is cool.I have a goat, it is old.So cute animals ,do you have any animals?Oh I see she has he hasI have a pet too. Can you introduce your animals for me ?(让学生介绍小组成员的动物。)Boys and girls do you know whats my favourite animal ?老师说出动物特征,让学生猜猜老师袋子里的动物 Step7:电脑展示几种描述动物的短文:读短文,猜动物St

9、ep8: 教师指导学生小结描述动物的特征应从以下几方面进行1 .动物外表的颜色:It is white/red/2.动物的外貌特征: It has red eyes/two horns3.动物的能力: It can run/jump归纳:外形, 身体部位, 颜色, 小结 列表归纳有关词语,小组完成有关词语的收集III. Development Step 9:小组口头形式描述一种动物并写下来给予短文例文的展示,指导学生进行写作小组把刚才说的文章用文字展现出来Step10:小结has have 的用法:I you 用have其他看单复单数(人称)用has复数(人称)用haveIV. Homewor

10、k1背诵M2的课文,听写M2的单词2选做:用学过的句子描述一种你喜欢的动物Lets chant:One finger, one finger, turn, turn, turn.Turn to a chicken, chick-chick-chick.Two fingers, two fingers, turn, turn, turn.Turn to a rabbit, jump-jump-jump.Three fingers, three fingers, turn, turn, turn.Turn to a cat, meow-meow-meow.Four fingers, four fingers, turn, turn, turn.Turn to a dog, wow-wow-wow.Five fingers, five fingers, turn, turn, turn.Turn to a tiger, woo-woo-woo.He has a pig, it is big.She has a cat, it is fat.You have a bull, it is cool.I have a goat, it is old.


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