Hats and Monkeys教学设计

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《Hats and Monkeys教学设计》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Hats and Monkeys教学设计(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Hats and Monkeys教学设计乌市第四十一小学 单继东一、 教学目标 知识与技能: 1. 能在图片的帮助下读懂、理解三个动词短语:shake fist,stamp feet,throw on the ground。 2. 能够通过图片的辅助,初步复述故事。 3. 能在具体语境中进一步巩固、理解第三人称单数的使用。 过程与方法: 1. 通过多层次的阅读,逐步理解故事内容。 2. 通过复述,小组合作玩演故事,进一步加深对故事内容的理解。 情感态度与价值观: 1. 通过对故事内容的理解,使学生对英文小故事感兴趣。 2. 当遇到问题时,不要只是简单的生气,应该开动脑经,想办法解决问题。二、教

2、学重点、难点 教学重点:1.通过复述,小组合作玩演故事,进一步加深对故事内容的理解。 2.能进行熟练的英语口头表达和综合语言运用。 教学难点:能够通过图片的辅助,初步复述故事。三、 教学准备 讲义:附件1 课件:表格,故事mp3,动词短语。 教具:帽子,猴子手偶。 口头评价: Well done! /Good job! /Excellent!/Not bad.Thank you./Thats a good answer. Thats very close.Go on./Its almost right.Try again,please.etc.四、教学过程Step 1 Warm-upT: He

3、llo,everyone. Im very happy. You are my new friends. Are you happy? Lets sing happy song.(shake your body;stamp your foot;clap your hands)Ss: Sing the song.Step 2 PresentationT: You are good singers. Look at the pictures and say what you want to say.Ss: Free talk.Ss: Lets play a game.Choose sentence

4、s to say pictures. Choose and say. Hes got lots of hats. The man sits down under a tree. There are monkeys in the tree. The monkeys take the hats.T: You are good helpers. Lets guess what happened next.Ss: Guess and say.Step 3 Lets learn.1.Learn the new phrases. (shake his/their fist/fists;stamp his/their foot/feet;throw his hat/their hats on the ground)2.Make a new song(use three verb phrases)Step 4 Read,fill in the form and retell the story. 1. Read and fill. 2. Report 3. Retell the story.(小组汇报)Step 5 Act the story.(Use own language)五、Homework如果你是这个男人,你会怎么做?教学反思:



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