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1、NounA:指出下列句中名词的种类:1、 That house is built of stone.2、 He threw a stone at the dog3、 TaiPei is the capital(首都)of Taiwan 4、 John works harder than Henry.5、 Iron is more useful than gold.6、 Love is blind(盲目的)7、 The class are playing games8、 His family are all well.9、 Mary is swimming in the water.B:写出下面

2、单词的复数形式1 tooth 2 radio 3 potato 4 story 5 sheep 6 man 7 roof 8 leave 9 month 10 deer 11 chief 12 monkey 13 monkey 14 mouse 15 goose 16 fly 17 piano 18 wolf 19 fish(表种类) 20 people(人们) 21 knife 22 tomato 23 picture 24 desk 25 country 26 glass 27 fox 28 Chinese 29 brush 30 family(家庭) 31 foot 32 handker

3、chief 33 day 34 brother-in-law 35 child C:改错(没有错不改)1、 His trousers is old 2、 Mathematics are very difficult3、 There are many deers and sheeps in the zoo4、 He bought three dozens eggs5、 The people of the city is watching the parade(游行)6、 The goods have not been received(收到)7、 I brush my tooth every d

4、ay.8、 The news are good.9、 I have two thousands dollars.10、 His clothes is pretty.11、 My family is large.12、 My family is well.D:把下列译成英文:1、 他住在朋友家中。 2、 那房子的屋顶(roof)是新的 3、 约翰的帽子是在桌子上。 4、 汤姆是我父亲的一个朋友。 5、 今天的功课很难。 6、 我们有一个星期的假日(holiday) 7、 那树的叶子(leaf)是红的。 8、 那本书的价格(price)很便宜(low)。 9、 约翰的弟弟喜欢那房子的大门(gate

5、) 10、 约翰和玛丽的书都被偷走了(were stolen) E:改错(没有错不改)1、 Tom is a friend of John2、 The houses walls are white.3、 The station is five minutes walk from here.4、 I have not read the newspaper of today5、 The books cover is red.6、 Toms and Henrys school is not far from my home.7、 I am going to the barber.8、 Marys d

6、ress(衣服)is prettier than Tom9、 This schools principal(校长)is old.10、 His book is Tom.PronounA:把下列句子翻译成英文1、 他比我高(taller)。 2、 正在下雨。 3、 他昨天拜访(call on)她。 4、 他是谁? B:改错(没有错不改)1、 He likes I 2、 The girl is afraid of they.3、 I, he and you are classmates4、 I shall go with her and he5、 He studies harder than me

7、6、 Who are they?7、 It is her8、 Both you and me are honest9、 If I were her, I would not go10、 He is much taller than her11、 He has seen you and I 12、 They talled about you and we.13、 The money is divided between him and I14、 They bought the book for sheC:翻译下列句子1、 这本书是我的,而不是你的。 2、 他是我们的一个朋友。 3、 她的衣服没有

8、我的新 4、 我看见他的一个叔父(uncle) 5、 “那些是你的笔吗?”不,它们是他们的” D:改错(没有错不改)1、 Your head is bigger than I 2、 His hands are longer than she3、 He is a friend of me 4、 This book is her5、 That book is my not your6、 Toms face is not so handsome as heE: 翻译下列句子1、 我把自己砍伤了。 2、 他看不出自己的错误。 3、 她有一本自己的字典。 4、 他们自己能够做那工作。 5、 她自己可能会去看他。 6、 他们自己这么想 。 F:改错(没有错不改 )1、I have myself house.2、I bought two apples for me 3、we love only ourselves children.4、They and myself want to go.5、The man hurt itself. - 1 -



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