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1、欢迎光临:大家论坛高中高考专区 教材优化全析 JIAO CAI YOU HUA QUAN XI Warming up全析提示 1.If you were in a wheelchair.if引导的从句用虚拟语气表示与现实情况不符。 假如你坐在轮椅里。 If you were blind. 假如你是盲人。全析提示 不定式作定语修饰ways。 2.Share your ideas with the class and try to think of ways to make the street safer and better for someone 为使残疾人在街道上走得更安全,更好,尽量多

2、想出一些办法,并与同学们交流你的想法。disability U 无能,无力;C 伤残,残疾disable vt. 使某人残废思维拓展 (1)disabled adj. 残障的,残废的the disabled(视为复数)(集合用法)残障者,伤兵。例如: a disabled man in a wheelchair 坐轮椅的残疾人 (2)share sth. with sb. 共同使用,分享。例如: The boy shared his toy with other children. 那孩子把他的玩具拿出来,与其他孩子一起玩。 Would you share your newspaper wit

3、h me? 我们一起看报好吗?Listening全析提示 that引导的是定语从句,指代the obstacles, 在从句中作宾语。 1.Tick the obstacles that John mentions and explain why they make his life difficult. 标出约翰所提到的障碍物并解释它们使得他生活困难的原因。思维拓展 2.sidewalk C(美)人行道 pavement C(英)人行道take an elevator 坐电梯operate an elevator 操作电梯 3. elevator n.(美)电梯;升降梯 lift n.(英)

4、电梯 escalator n. 自动扶梯;滚梯(亦作moving staircase)思维拓展 4.Report your ideas to the rest of the class.by report据传闻,据报道make report 报告of good/evil report名声好/坏的the report goes据说,据报 把你的想法汇报给其余同学。 report sth. to sb. 对加以报告;向告状。例如: We must report on the change in the plan to our boss. 我们必须向老板报告那项计划的变更部分。 He reporte

5、d me to the head. 他向领导告发我。Speaking思维拓展 1.What could you do to overcome the difficulties?overcome 压倒,制服,不堪(with, by)(常用被动语态)。例如:be overcome with liquor喝醉We were overcome with joy.我们喜出望外。 你能做些什么来克服这些困难呢? overcome vt. 打败,征服;克服困难。例如: overcome difficulties 战胜困难 overcome ones shortcomings 克服缺点Pre-reading思

6、维拓展 Do you know of any famous people who are disabled?know about了解,知道you know你知道。例如:Youll have to try harder, you know.你知道还要再努力些。 你是否知道一些著名的残疾人? know of知道有;听说过。例如: I know of the man, but I havent heard of him. 我听说过这个人,但是没见过面。Reading全析提示 but之后的句子用as if引导虚拟语气表示与现实情况不符,表明说话人的愿望。 1.I know people are try

7、ing to help, but I wish they wouldnt treat me as if I were a child. 我知道人们在试着帮助(我们),但是我希望他们不要把我看成小孩子。思维拓展 as if好像,好似(引导虚拟语气)。例如:as if与wish引导的虚拟语气格式完全相同。即:如果表示与现在事实相反,谓语动词用did(be动词用were);与过去事实相反,谓语动词用had + done;与将来事实相反,谓语动词用would (might, could) +do。 She always talks to me as if she were my sister. 她总是

8、以我姐姐的口气与我说话。 She spoke to me as if she knew me. 她和我说话的神情,好像她早就认识我似的。 He speaks English so fluently as if he had studied English in England. 他英语说得如此流利就像是曾经在英国学习过英语一样。 They are talking as if they had been old friends. 他们谈着话好像多年的老朋友。 It looks as if it might rain.要点提炼 天看起来就像是要下雨一样。win/receive an award获得

9、奖赏award sb. sth. /award sth. to sb. 授予某人某物注意:award可以带直接宾语和间接宾语,用介词to转换。 2.She is one of the best students in the class and she won an award for young scientists last year. 她是班中最好的学生中的一位,去年曾荣获为青年科学家颁发的奖学金。 award n. 奖励,奖赏vt.(审查)授予(人奖赏等),给予,颁发。例如: The judges awarded the first prize to her for her pictu

10、re. /The judges awarded her the first prize for her picture. 评审委员把她的画评为大奖。 The winner was awarded a gold medal. A gold medal was awarded to the winner.全析提示 优胜者获得一枚金牌。sitting在这里是现在分词作时间状语,表示主动关系,相当于when/While she is sitting in the classroom。表示时间关系的分词短语有时可用连接词when和while引导。例如:While reading the book, he

11、 nodded from time to time.读书时,他不时地点头。 3.Sitting in the classroom, Xiaowen looks just like all her classmates. 坐在教室里,晓文看起来与她的同学完全一样。 (1)分词短语作状语时,其逻辑主语须与句子的主语一致。例如: Passing the bookstore, he stopped to buy a few books. 路过书店的时候,他停下来去买一些书。 Standing on the tower, we could see the whole city. 站在塔上,我们可以看到整

12、个城市。 如表示被动关系,要用过去分词作状语。例如: Seen from the hill, the little village looks more beautiful.思维拓展 从山上向下看,这个小村庄看起来更漂亮了。 (2)look like vt. 看来像是;好像要。例如:seem like 好像;似乎。例如:It seems like years since we last met.我们似乎好几年不见了。 She looks so much like her mother. 她看起来很像她母亲。 Look at that dark cloud. It looks a like ra

13、in. 看看那乌云,天好像要下雨了。 It looks like a bird. 它看起来像是一只鸟。注意when从句中and连接两个句子。全析提示 4.But when class is over and her classmates get up to move around, it becomes obvious that Xiaowens life is different.思维拓展 但是当下课她的同学起立去四处走动的时候,很显然晓文的生活就不同了。get up vi. 起身,起床;get up vt. 使登上,坐上get a person up 使人起床 (1)get up vi. 起立,站起来。例如: She got up immediately and gave her seat to the old women. 她立刻站起来把她的座位让给那位老妇人。思维拓展 (2)move around (about) vt. & vi.(使)四处走动;(使)转换工作;(使时常)迁居obviously adv. 明显地,明白地,清楚地(常置于句首)Obviously, he cant tell the dif



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