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1、 英语口语练习资料:追求音乐的梦想Brothers, Chad and Mike Kroeger formed Nickelback in Vancouver1 in 1996 with their cousin Brandon (who is no longer in the band) and their buddy2 Ryan Peake. Chad Kroeger wrote lyrics while the rest of the guys worked together on the music. They came up with3 the name Nickelback fro

2、m Mike Kroeger”s cashier experience at Starbucks. Customers would pay 1.50 for a coffee that costs 1.45 and Mike Kroeger would always have to give them “a nickel back.”查德和迈克克勒格尔兄弟同他们的表兄布兰登(现已离开乐队)和好朋友瑞安皮克于1996年在温哥华组成了“五分钱”乐队。查德负责作词,其他小伙子则一起谱曲。乐队的名字来自迈克在星巴克当收银员时的经受,顾客们总是用1.5 美元买价格为1.45美元的一杯咖啡,迈克则总是要给

3、他们“五分钱找头”。 Nickelback put together and released a sevensong demo and began supporting it with live gigs4. In 1997, Nickelback released their debut CD, Curb5, and pushed the album with nonstop touring. Nickelback later went through a bunch of drummers until they hooked up6 with current drummer Ryan V

4、ikedal, who was an old buddy of Ryan Peake”s.“五分钱”乐队将7首歌拼成一盘样带,推出后即开头现场演出进展推广。1997年,乐队推出了他们名为路边的首张光碟,并马不停蹄地巡回演出,进展促销。之后乐队鼓手频繁换人,直到最终锁定了现在的鼓手瑞安维克多尔,他是瑞安皮克的老朋友。 In 1999, Nickelback released their second CD, The State (released in 2022 in the US), under their own, independent label. Nickelback had a to

5、ptwenty hit with the song Leader of Men. They jumped back on the road to support the CD and eventually signed with Roadrunner Records.1999年,乐队发行了其次张光碟乐队独立制作的国家(该光碟2022年登陆美国)。乐队的歌曲男人的首领打入了排行榜前20名,他们又开头巡回演出以促销这张光碟,最终与奔驰者唱片公司签了约。 Nickelback had a large following in Canada,but wanted to break into the U

6、S. In 2022, Nickelback released their third CD, Silver Side Up, and the first single How You Remind Me became a huge hit across North America. How You Remind Me even made it to number one on Canadian and US rock charts.“五分钱”乐队在加拿大拥有众多的追随者,但乐队还想进军美国乐坛。2022年,乐队推出了他们的第三张光碟银面朝上,其中的第一首单曲你令我想起成为横扫北美的热门歌曲,甚至登上了加拿大和美国摇滚乐排行榜的冠军宝座。 Nickelback Says: “We just like writing good songs with good melodies that you”ll sing at our shows and remember when you walk away.”“五分钱”乐队说:“我们就喜爱创作旋律美丽的好歌,你情愿在我们的演唱会上跟着唱这些歌,而且过后不会遗忘它们。”


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