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1、 设计人:金锦萍 所在单位:临海市外国语学校教材人教版 新目标 Go for it!年级九年级单元及内容Unit13 Section A 第三课时(3a-3b)课型阅读课1.教学内容分析本单元围绕“Protecting the environment”这一个话题展开教学活动,本课时主要围绕“protecting sharks”这个话题,再现了前几个单元中出现过的语言知识。从了解我们所处环境和珍稀动物的生存状况出发,再到保护动物的话题,引导学生探讨生活中的环境问题,培养他们爱护动物、保护环境的公德意识。教材贴近社会和学生实际生活的热门话题,让学生能够言之有物,真正做到有话可说。2.学生情况分析上

2、一节课,学生已经学习了各种各样的污染问题,着重学习了废物污染和空气污染等问题,这样学生已经有了一定的语言能力来谈论今天的动物保护问题。教师可以以此为切入口,用以旧带新的方式,循序渐进地进行课堂教学。这不仅有利于降低教材难度,分散难点,也有利于激发学生的交际欲望,开阔思维,重视环境保护和动物保护的问题。3.教学目标分析1.语言技能目标 (1)能够使用初中阶段学过的时态和语态来表达自己的观点,如: We should tell people around us the importance of protecting sharks. Our government should develop (m

3、ake) laws to stop the sale of shark fins. (2)能够灵活运用动物保护的语言,如:Something must be done to save sharks. By working together, our actions can save them. 2. 语言知识目标 (1)熟练使用“I think that./ I believe that.”等结构表达自己的观点。 (2)熟练使用情态动词来表达自己的观点,如:To save sharks, we/ our government must/should/ have to/ can/could/ma

4、y/might.3.情感态度目标 能够根据自己的认识,从身边的小事做起,做一些力所能及的事,保护动物。4.教学重点、难点分析教学重点:(1) 重点词汇:shark, fin, cruel, harmful, be harmful to, at the top of, chain, the food chain, ecosystem, industry, law, scientific, WildAid, WWF(2) 重点句型:Many have heard of shark fin soup. So far, no scientific studies have shown that sha

5、rk fins are good for health, so why eat them? Help save the sharks!(3)话题:Protecting the environment-protecting sharks教学难点:(1) 能熟练地运用各种时态进行动物保护宣传;(2)能用得体的语言阐述对动物保护的看法。5.教学过程设计(步骤及设计意图)Step 1:Watch a videoT:Yesterday I surfed the Internet and watched a video. Here is the video. Id like to share it wit

6、h you. Ask students to watch the video. (ppt-1) (video-被剪掉鱼翅的鲨鱼)设计意图:通过观看鲨鱼的生活环境和人类捕杀鲨鱼获取鱼翅的录像,自然地导入本节课谈论的话题-保护鲨鱼。Step 2:Lets learnT: What animal is the video about? What do you know about sharks?(ppt-2) Why are they endangered?(ppt-3)设计意图:这一步骤是语言输入的过程,重点让学生先来学习关于鲨鱼的一些情况并讨论为什么鲨鱼现状令人担忧。在讨论的过程中教师适时呈现一

7、些新单词,为下面的阅读做好铺垫。Step 3:Before readingT: Today we are going to read something about sharks . According to the title and picture, can you guess what the passage will talk about?(ppt-4)Ss: Maybe. 设计意图:通过让学生进行猜测,不仅大大提高了学生的兴趣活跃了课堂的气氛,也锻炼了学生的口头表达能力,同时也为下面的读与说做准备。Step 4:While reading1. Fast reading 1) Matc

8、h the main idea of each paragraph.(ppt-4) 2) Read the passage about sharks and complete the fact sheet . (ppt-5)设计意图:让学生快速阅读,关注每段的首句,把握每个故事的中心思想,提高学生总结归纳和快速提取有效信息的能力。2. Careful reading (1)Para1:Lead-in to the topic. * Ask students to read and do “T” or “F”.(ppt-6) (2)Para2:The present situation of s

9、harks. * Ask students to read and finish the mind map.(ppt-7) (3)Para3:Solutions to save sharks. * Ask students to read and answer questions.(ppt-8)设计意图:通过精读训练,细读课文回答问题、判断正确与错误以及填思维导图可以培养学生获取具体信息的能力,真正落实阅读技巧并提高学生的阅读能力。同时加深对课文内容的理解,为下一步的检测、讨论和独立口头表达做铺垫。Step 5: After reading1. Ask students to listen t

10、o the tape and read after it. (录音-Section A-3a)Underline some important phrases and sentences at the same time. 2. Ask students to read and try to fill in the blanks.(ppt-9) 3.3b:Read the passage again and fill in the blanks with the words in the box.(ppt-10)设计意图:通过跟读课文可以让学生进一步熟悉课文。通过划重点词组和句子可以进一步强化

11、与熟悉课文里的重点语言。通过填空完成文章以及连词的练习可以进一步熟悉课文,梳理课文脉络,为下面的写作做好准备。Step 6: DiscussionT: The number of sharks is getting smaller and smaller so something must be done to save sharks. How can we help save the sharks?(ppt-11)Ss: We should. Something must be done to save sharks. Our government should.设计意图:这个活动为学生语言

12、的输出创设了更为广阔的空间,从书本回归生活,鼓励学生们用新学的语言知识进行交流,同时也可以通过这一活动教育学生要重视动物保护问题。Step 7:WritingWriting:Save the Sharks!(ppt-12) 1)How are sharks now? 2)Why are they in danger? 3)How can we help them? What should we do? What should our government to do?设计意图:课文拓展,结合单元教学目标进行知识的再创造,体现“学以致用”的教学思想,让学生在学中用,在用中学。让学生用自己的语言将阅读内容输出,落实的文本材料,同时也明确了写作框架的也培养了学生的写作能力。书面作业 :1. Finish the exercises in exercise book.2. Write a passage about “save the sharks”. * How are sharks now? * Why are they in danger? * What can we do to help them?



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