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1、 自学新概念英语第三册必背Lesson 23 One mans meat is another.poison 毒药illogical 不合规律的octopus 章鱼delicacy 佳肴repulsive 令人反感的stomach 胃turn 翻胃fry 油炸fat (动物、植物)油abuse 责骂snail 蜗牛luxury 浪费品associate 联想到despise 鄙视appeal 引起兴致shower 阵雨stroll 溜达impulse 冲动dozen 一打fancy 宠爱Notes on the textFancy meeting you here.l 人名(女)Hellen美

2、神Jamie“我爱”(法)感性顽皮Jessica“财宝”(希伯来)l poison sb. 毒死某人poisonous有毒的,含有毒素的venom毒液toxic含有毒成分的polluted污染的gas毒气,汽油(美)octopus章鱼shark鲨鱼,高利贷者whale鲸鱼herring鳕鱼l delicious好吃的delicacy n.佳肴sweet甜的spicy味重的tasty味道好的l repulsive恶心(跟胃有关的)disgusting恶心(短时的感觉)boring(时间长)tedious冗长的sick恶心(表极度厌烦)You make me sick.Im sick.病了I fe

3、el sick.感到恶心My stomach would turn at the idea of this kind of food.反胃l You have abused my bicycle.滥用,不珍惜abuse ones power滥用职权abuse sb.漫骂extravagant铺张luxury浪费品People become quite unreasonable when we try to decide what can be done and what cannotbe done.l medium中间territory地区,地域ocean海洋Mediterranean地中海I

4、f you live in Beijing you would consider(食物)a great delicacy.l 可放句尾for change换换中味for free免费地for sale待售for good永久的for fun为了好玩I wanna a job for change.play soccer足球play tennisplay baseballplay cricket板球乐器加the球不加the因乐器更宝贵,不与人共用l 重点语言点findI find that he is not responsible.负责任I find the movie interesting

5、.I find it an important factor.因素I find out+句子(我发觉,我认为)l The sad truth is+从句(让人圆满的是)The good truth is thatfor example由下代替say,so to speak,No farmer has known经受 more joys and sorrows哀痛 than my father.refuse /z/ 拒绝refusal n.refuse /s/ 废品 n.arrive v.arrival n.Cooking in the kitchen, my brother was singi

6、ng a song.They come from various parts of the world.l 补充习语1. Have you got the picture?你明白了吗?2. You have my word.信任我吧3. I will see to it.我会留意的4. You are most understanding.你真的善解人意5. He has cold feet.腿吓软了6. Im itching for sth. 痒痒Im dying for很想去7. Ive got the clues.线索我明白些了8. Im flattered.我受庞若惊9. keep f

7、it.保持安康10. Boys will be boys.本性难改,孩子就是孩子l It reminds me of my childhood.使想起I always associate联想 Beijing with China.l despise鄙视=discountlook down on sb.瞧不起(口)pour scorn on竭力挖苦sneer at斜视discount轻视l appeal引起兴致American movies appeal to me.我喜爱Your idea never appeal to me.可用于抽象l strollstreet rool溜达在街上滚I f

8、ancy your idea.喜爱I was caught in the rain.淋雨l as ever象平常一样as usual通常feel bored of厌烦Please warp it up in newspaper.包起来shop of his own = his own shopI happened to be walkinghappen后加不定式“碰巧做”when放中间无逗号表“就在那时”=the moment+句子l one or two一两个a couple of两三个a few几个more than 10十几个tens of(非正式)十几个decade十个several

9、dozen (of)几十个Its my pleasure to do sth.Its my honor to do sth.(正式)Nice to do.Im delighted to see you.Im very pleased with your gift.见到礼物特别快乐I know all about the writer.一切little gift小礼物small gift钻石类l dine out出去吃go Dutch各付各帐fifty fifty五五分成Its my treat.我请了main dish主菜cold dish冷菜Follow me, please.This wa

10、y, please.After you.take complete possession of完全占有(不指全部空间)不=occupy占据the idea of一想到the sight of一看到He stayed up没睡 all night yesterday, little thinking没想到that he was in very bad health.Exercise*little thinking没有想到1. People are quite illogical when it comes to deciding what*it comes to doing开头做某事*come

11、to do除上面用法只加do2. Most of us have been brought up to eat certain kinds of food.3. No creature has been praised or abused more often than4. Having left the bag in the hall, I accompanied Robert into the living room.*Robert and I went也可5. We saw the snails escape from the paper bag6. On the other hand,

12、 you would feel sick at the idea*feel sick感到恶心7. Snails would, of course, be the main course.*course菜*seven course丰富的一顿饭8. I went into the living room where we talked for two hours or so.*round the clock成天*two hours or so大约9. There are numerous people, who*numerable可数的情的*numerous特别多的*numerical数字的*numbered注上编码的



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