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1、2.1 Introduction他忙把那把门的一把拽住。He snatched the doorkeeper/ the man who held backthe door.关于犯罪的叙述并不是犯罪语言,同理,关于感情的述也并不就是宣泄情感的语言。Statements about crime are not criminal language; nor are statements about emotions necessarily emotional about emotional language.2) Case (格)你问他、骂他、打他他都一声不吭。Whatever you did to

2、 him, he never uttered aword.树死了,它的根不会死,把它拔出来,它才死。When a tree dies, the root is still living. It remains before it is pulled out of the earth. 他拿住我的手,盯住我的眼睛看着,说道:“你真逗”。“You are a real comedian,” he said, taking my hand and looking me straight in the eyes.我想借你家客房用一下。I wonder if I can use your guest r

3、oom.3) Tense你哪本书不看,我就拿哪本。Ill take whatever book youre not reading.4) passive voice and active voice (语态)这种药用得相当普遍。The medicine is widely used.5) subjunctive mood (语气)那天你来个电话,我就不去了。If you had phoned me that day, I would not have gone to meet you因哀叹“人人为我”的风尚,许多权威人士对未来忧心忡忡,哈佛社会学家说:“某个运动看似摧枯拉朽,但常意味着将会一事

4、无成。只因为运动有着利己的特性,人们很难明白怎会如此这般”。Many authorities who deplore the trend toward preoccupation with self have worries about the future. Harvard sociologist Riesman says: “When a movement looks strongest, that usually means it is about to fail. But because of the individualistic nature of this movement, i

5、t is hard to see how it will fail”.2.2 Thinking Patterns and Translation2.2.1 Chineseholistic thinking Englishanatomical thinking 这年头什么都要送礼,生要送礼,老要送礼,病要送礼,死也要送礼。Nowadays youll have to send presents on almost every occasionpresents for childbirth, on the birthday of the aged, to show your care when s

6、omebody is ill or some help to make arrangement for somebodys funeral.我们春天需要太阳,秋天需要太阳,冬天需要太阳,夏天也需要太阳。We need sunlight all the year round.每一种京剧的颜色代表一种性格特征:红色代表忠勇,白色代表奸诈,黄色代表豪侠,绿色和蓝色代表鲁莽,有时也代表神鬼,黑色代表正直和廉洁,金色和银色代表天神。(8个代表)Each color of the painted face in Peking Opera represents a particular personalit

7、y trait. Red indicates loyalty and courage, white craftiness and dishonesty, yellow valor; green and blue represent rough-and-ready characters or demons and spirits; black denotes uprightness and integrity. Gold and silver are exclusively for immortals and celestial beings.2.2.2 English impersonal f

8、ocus Chinese personal focusThe matter was discussed ex parte by propagandists on both sides,双方宣传人员对该事件各执片面之词。His new book hits off the American temperament with amazing insight.他在新作中对美国人的性格的描写可谓洞察秋毫。 Astonishment, apprehension, and even horror oppressed her.她感到心情抑郁,甚至惊恐不安。It seems that the loves of

9、some people are but the result of good suppers.有些人谈情说爱似乎是他们酒醉饭饱后的余兴。Shortness of time has required the omission of some countries由于时间不够,他无法访问一些国家。2.2.3 Chineseactive Englishpassive我得了感冒I was hit by flu.他把整栋房子整修了一番He had the whole house overhauled.妹妹又去发廊做了一次头发My sister had her hair dressed again in t

10、hat beauty shop.2.2.4 Chineseimplicated subject Englishexplicated subject搞得我心乱如麻It made me upset.只听见阵阵笑声从青竹丛中的熊猫馆传出来。Laughter burst out from time to time from the Panda House among green bamboo.2.2.5 Chinese temporal and space sequential English structure required我们是在五九年出国的,之后中国连续三年遭受自然灾害,当我们得知这个消息,

11、心情颇为低沉。We had been dismayed at the news of the natural calamities that followed one another for three years after we left China in 1959. 因为这种暗红色饮料从扁平的瓶子里倒出来的,瓶子由草衣紧紧包裹,我不肯喝,这使他们吃惊。I surprised the company by refusing to drink the dark red beverage poured out of a flat-bellied bottle dressed in a tigh

12、t fitting straw jacket. 汉语:1)时序律:先发生的事先说,后发生的事后说他五岁时,生了伤寒,变成了聋子。He became deaf at five after an attack of typhoid fever她刚要往下问,一看祥子垂头丧气的样子,车上拉着个铺盖卷,把话咽了回去。She bit back the rest of her question at the sight of his crestfallen look and the bedding in the ricksaw.2)空间上的大小律后来在这栈房里受了种种逼迫,不得不搬离。Here too I

13、met with certain kinds of pressure until I had to move.万一他们对你们不好要尽快告诉我们。Tell us as soon as possible in case they are unfriendly to you.U. S. A. has a very old-fashioned system of measurements, though it considered itself an advanced country. 尽管,但是2.2.7 Transformation of thinking patterns Over dusty

14、foot trails and muddy creeks, under hot suns and cold rains, through green valleys and windy wastelands, and Grandma Yai said, they had trekked southward from Mauetania.译文A:他们走过尘土飞扬的山路和泥泞的小溪,经受着烈日暴晒和冷雨浇淋,穿过青翠葱郁的山谷和朔风怒号的荒原,雅依沙奶奶说,他们从毛里塔里亚出发,长途跋涉,迈向南方。译文B:雅依沙奶奶说,他们从毛里塔里亚出发,走过尘土飞扬的山路和泥泞的小溪,经受着烈日曝晒和冷雨浇淋

15、,穿过青翠葱郁的山谷和朔风怒号的荒原,长途跋涉,迈向南方。我们是在五九年出国的,之后中国连续三年遭受自然灾害,当我们得知这个消息,心情颇为低沉。We had been dismayed at the news of the natural calamities that followed one another for three years after we left China in 1959. 答不出这个问题,我觉得很难堪因。I felt ashamed of not being able to answer the question. 亚里斯多德本可以用一个十分简单的办法,让其妻张开嘴巴,数一数牙齿。这样就不会认为女人的牙齿比男人少。Aristotle could have avoided the mistake of thinking that women have fewer teeth than man, by the simple device of asking Mrs. Aristotle to keep her mou



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