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1、Unit 2 Laughter healsVocabularyA Read the dialogues, and the n choose the best word or phrase from the brackets to complete each sentence.Think carefully about the meanings of the words in italics before you make your choice.1. A: If some one played a practical joke on you, would you feel embarrasse

2、d?B: Yes, I would be (amused/uncomfortable/sad).2. A: I was the victim of the traffic accide nt.B: Oh, so you were (injured/p uni shed/lucky), were nt you?3. A: rm now Charles co-worker.B: Really? rm glad you two are now (living/working/studying) together.4. A: I just exchanged 100 US dollars for 76

3、0 yuan at the bank.B: So now you have (100 dollars/760 yuan/no money).B Fill in the blanks with suitable words according to their initial letters. You may use the clues in brackets to help you.1. Most of the flood v were left homeless and hopeless. (sufferers)2. Don tlet Michael fool you with n like

4、 that. (statements that are ridiculous)3. Shirley is popular with all her c in the office. (people who work with her)4. Well begu n is half don eis a well-k nown En glish p . (se ntence that says someth ing that is gen erallytrue)5. As an intern ati onal c, the Red Cross provides aid to those who n

5、eed help. (an orga ni zati on that helpspeople in n eed)6. What kind of films do you prefer, c or tragedies? (films intended to be funny)C Complete the sentences with a related form of the words in brackets.1. Many westerners have a strong in God. (believe)2. Did you see the look on his face when he

6、 was asked about the mistake? (embarrass)3. We were all of the fact that the so-called millionaire was broke. (suspect)4. The fence needs with wire. (strong)5. A mixture of filled me whe n I heard her words. (emoti on al)6. He said it had bee ndifficult to com muni cate with his pare nts. (in crease

7、)D Complete the sentences below with the correct form of the phrases in the box.on top ofplay a trick ondefi ne . as .practical joke (be) puzzled about in the end1. Some one Sue last ni ght, making her very anno yed.2. Cheer up! Everyth ing will be all right .3. All the clerks laughed at Mr Potts st

8、ra nge react ion to the .4. The dictionary a clown a person who wears funny clothes and makespeople laugh.5. The little boy stood on tiptoes, but still could not reach the book the counter.6. I was at a loss, what to do next.E Read the story and complete it with the words in the the end ofvic

9、timreplace . with .in creas in glycolleaguesnonsenseThe new night watchman spoke to Mr Wang as soon as he arrived for work.he said, pieose/aogt ,go home by ferry tonight, or you will become the (1) of a big storm. I had a terrible dream last night.I saw you on the ferry. It was raining heavily and t

10、he wind was blowing (2) strong. You were sitting(3) the upper deck and talking to your (4). Suddenly there was a big storm. The ferrybegan to shake heavily . ! You re fired for not doing your job properly. I ydua new night watchman!F Each of the follow ing words has more tha n one mea ning. Complete

11、 each sentence with the correct form of the give n word. Then fill in the brackets with its part of speech (for example, n., v., adj., adv.)a nd its meaning inChin ese.1. sticka. Since he exercises every day, the 80-year-old man can still walk without a .(;)b. The girl in charge of the Stude nts Uni

12、othe note to the no ticeboard.(;)c. The teacher promised to give the young students some of candy as a reward.(;)d. I admire those who always to their own basic principles. (;)e. A fish bone in the young girl s throat and her parents rushed her to hospital.(;)2. humblea. The poor farmer refused to m

13、ake a apology to the proud lord. (;)b. From then on, he spent the rest of his life alone in a cottage.(;)c. Though the experie need surge on has treated a nu mber of patie nts, he is very.(;)d. Every one had to themselves in the prese nee of the Emperor. (;)e. His failure in the competition him for

14、a second time. (;)3. reversea. All along we thought Sarah was older than Bill, but just the was true.(.;)b. She turned the coin over for us to see its side, which has the image of the Statue of Liberty.(.;)c. The car accide ntally bumped into a lamp post while in . (;)d. Un expectedly, this time he

15、came in the directio n. (;)e. The liner (衬里)is resista nt to water, so the coat can be whe n it rains.(. ;)4. runa. Young as the man is, he is capable of the company well. (;)b. Tears down her cheeks as she told us of her sufferings in the old days. (;)c. The work continued after the machine smoothly again. (;)d. It is a two-minute from our school to the underground station. ( ;)e. In this region , it has not rained for several seasons. As a result, the rivers are dry.



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