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1、初一英语oule Three-odule Fur 验收测试题.单项选择.(2分)1. - “Were our her”- “Shes _ my _”A.a ;ule .at ;nce . in ;uncle D. i; ules2. When do pan _ yoholidayA. otake . tae . takin D.tae3. e mustntwstewate _thre not eoug ater n te eart.A so B.until C. becuse . ut4. I_ younow.A. am watn o lk B. an olin C.amwanting to

2、talkng D w totalk5. Is yorbroher gong to _ toaan vst . arive C rvl . meet6. Wea itti in a big sofa _ The room is _ adsls god.A. comfortaly ;tidy B. oforbl ;claC uncomfortab ; ful ncomfotabe;emty7. “ook! This swatr isbeautiful.”“_”A Why nt try it B. W nt ryit onC.h n try i . Wy ot trying on t8. “hat

3、will the fuure _”“No one ses apen”. be lik .be lke D. likea9. Dnt _ ourroom dity. Please_it leanA. get ; kee B. eep ; gt C. ve ;et D gt ; ha10. Wel e here at eiht, but te _.A. rent B.dint C. wont D. dn11. es wishes _ e Year a ad best ishes _ yu.A. o; fr B t ;to C. fo ; fr . f ;to12. Iw _ ofthe.A. er

4、one B. eery one C. anyone . anoe13. Hurry up!Th tin _soon.A. leaes B is leaing . oigto lee Dlae14. Thee_gog to _ to onrt thi weeked. b : be B.i ; be . are ;be .a ;are15. Theywto k soe fit _ them.n B. t C. th . f16. Eveone wns tolve a hppe _, so we mutty hardnw.A. nfuture B. in a uture C. in th utur

5、D in uue17. usd th moey _ a sondhad car.A. buy B. t uy C byin C. buys18. Hw happy every incls_!A. e B. s C. is D. a19. The Gres _ a bll at the momentA.atching B. aein owatch C. isatcing D.are atchn20. Carlie _ her net month snt woring B. dtwoing . isntgoing t workig D.ntw21. e heoe probms _ thee on

6、time. coing . ge tot .ettig22. Int py I hae_ moneyto uy smart othes.A. little Bafe C fewer D.little23. Do yu ftentalk o m _A on a phon B. onhe e C. nthe phoe D. by a pne24. Lok at these i blk coud. It _ .Lets hry.A s B. wil C. wol D soig 25. I nee _ to omy omewrk.A. eral piee paper B. severlpico per

7、C eel pice paper D. severl piee fpapers. 用所给词的正确形式填空.(分)1. N e knows what _ (appen) before itellappes2. Th studnts will g o the umer Place if _ (rain) toorrow3. Cnyougo ut _(ay) i t sn4. Th_ (b) ba nantheren miuts.5. Hewants o gethedg _ (un) quickly6. Is eightolo. They are _ (hav)an Englihleson7. hp

8、e you_ (a) a good timthiseving.8. e looinfoward t _ (vit) Harbn ith his renext mont.9. Mingming usly _ (et)up a 7 olock.10. Its n good or u _ (read)n the sun. 句型转换.(20分)1. He uses apen to wite aletr. (同义句转换)H_ a ltter _ a pe.2. Allthesuents n ou lass re goingto e a ompter n sco. (同义句转换)_i or class _

9、 have compter inscool.3. M isgoing t take a plae t Guangzhu nx week(同义句转换)ax _ _toGuanzhou nextwe.4. willvsit myunl n three das (就画线部分提问)_ _ will you st your ncle5. illtere becompuerfo evrne (作否定回答)No, _ _.6. verne wl end tehomeworktoe tchr by eail._ _ vryn sndtheir hoework to heteacher7. Hecolecs t

10、oysbecausethey are eautfu (就画线部分提问)_ _ hecolet 8. I think hes ging sopng. (改为否定句)I _ _ _gng shppg.9. Studens wil have long hlidaysson.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ _long holdyson. 完形填空.(1分)The ity calld San acscoi on e west cost f1._US. Th i ha wo v big bridges. ne._ he GoldenGat Bge.Ths bridge is not mdeof 3._, utitifamo 4._ iisr big and qte bautiful. he ide s lys5._ad tris oftna lo of tafic 6_ it.Itis over ._lng.8_ a par ea he brige. Frm the park ou an9._ ridg if te weth s go, or t ._ fficult to sehe bridg.1. the B



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