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1、宾语从句专项练习宾语从句练习,宾语从句练习题,初中宾语从句练习题,宾语从句的练习,初中宾语从句练习,高中宾语从句练习,中考宾语从句练习题,宾语从句时态练习,高一宾语从句练习,中考宾语从句练习一、选择填空:( ) 1. Its so dark. I cant find out _ its a boy _ a girl. A. if, and B. that, and C. either, or D. whether, or( ) 2. Could you tell me if he _ to Shanghai? A. has gone B. had gone C. went D. go( ) 3

2、. He told me _ she would catch the early bus. A. which B. whether C. why D. that( ) 4. Mrs. Green asked me _ I would go with her. A. what B. which C. why D. that( ) 5. I dont know _ the coat _ cheap enough. A. if, is B. where,were C. that ,was D. if, were( ) 6. Call you tell me why _ yesterday? A. y

3、ou didnt come B. did you not come C. didnt you come D. you dont come( ) 7. He said that they _ Yunnan. A. have been to B. had gone to C. have gone to D. has gone to( ) 8. Jack isnt sure _ students there are in his class. A. how many B. what C. which D. whether( ) 9. Can you tell me _ yesterday? A. w

4、hat they do B. what they did C. what do they do D. what did they do( ) 10. I want to know _ his homework yesterday evening.A. if he finished B. whether he had finishedC. had she finished D. has she finished( ) 11. Do you know what _ this time yesterday?A. they are doing B. are they doing C. they wer

5、e doing D. were they doing( ) 12. Excuse me, can you tell me _ ? A. why was the train late B. why the train was late C. why is the train late D. why the train is late( ) 13. Do you know where _ ? Someone is looking for him. A. he is B. he was C. is he D. was he( ) 14. He wanted to know how long _ in

6、 hospital. A. she is staying B. she had stayed C. did she stay D. she stay( ) 15. My brother said he _ going _ his friend the next day. A. was, to meet B. would go, has C. will go, was going to D. will go, will( ) 16. He told me that he _ to London the next day. A. would go B. go C. went D. has gone

7、( ) 17. He said that light _ much faster than sound. A. traveled B. will travel C. travels D. is traveling( ) 18. Our teacher said that the moon _ around the earth. A. turn B. turned C. has turned D. turns( ) 19. He said that April _ the _ month of a year. A. is, third B. is, fourth C. was, fourth D

8、. was, third( ) 20. Do you know _ ? A. is it whose pen B. whose pen is it C. whose pen it is D. it is whose pen( ) 21. Can you tell me _ ? A. who are you B. who you are C. you are who D. who you be( ) 22. Do you know _ of the three? A. which book she likes best B. which best book does she likeC. tha

9、t which book she likes best D. which book she best likes( ) 23. I hear _ the teacher will come back from the UK soon. A. which B. that C. when D. whether( ) 24. Can you tell me _ language she speaks? A. which B. what C. that D. whether( ) 25. Can you tell us _ you grow cotton in your country? A. tha

10、t B. whether C. which D. whose( ) 26. I dont understand _ you said. A. when B. that C. where D. what( ) 27. Do you know _ made him angry last time? A. when B. that C. where D. what( ) 28. Can you tell me _ the meeting will begin? A. what B. whether C. when D. where( ) 29. _ surprised me most was _ he didnt go to school yesterday. A. What, how B. What, that C. That, that D. Whom, that( ) 30. I wondered


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