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1、江苏省盐城市大丰市万盈第二中学八年级英语下学期个性化作业10一、词汇。(15分)1.There is a dog _(lie) on the floor.2. He likes telling jokes, he is _(humour).3.Its_(fair) to make the little boy carry such a big box.4. Im sorry to keep you _(wait)for a long time.5. Human beings are_(create) animals.6. This toy is not _(suit) for young ch

2、ildren.7. There are many _ (不同) between Tom and his brother in appearance.8. Our maths teacher spent 2 hours _ (解释) the tough problems to us.9. My new dress is _(相似的) to yours.10.Have you _ (原谅)others for their mistakes?11.The scientists would like to have something _(克隆).12.We often do _ (实验)in the

3、 laboratory.13.My brother is _(自信), he feels sure about his ability.14.Yao Ming is _(成功的) in his basketball career15.This kind of book is easily _ (可找到的)to everyone at the local library.二. 单项选择。(20分)( )1. Some young people are now to buy private(私人的) cars. A. rather richB. very richC. rich enoughD.

4、enough rich( )2. It is very important us it. A. to; to remember B. for; to remember C. for; remembering D.of; to remember( )3. Its very kind you me. A. of; helpingB. of; to helpC. to; to help D.for;to help( )4. “You must keep in the hospital,” the woman said to me . A. quietly; quietB. quietly; quie

5、tlyC. quiet; quietlyD.quiet; quiet( )5. Would you please _shoes on the floor? A.not to put B. not put C. dont put D. not putting( )6. I have to do before the exam, so I cant watch TV now.A. a lot; a lot of B. a lot; a lot C. a lot of; a lot D. a lot of; a lot of( )7. “Its too cold. Would you mind th

6、e window?” “ _. But dont do it now.” A. to close; Sure B. closing; Good idea C.closing;Better not D.closing; Of course not( )8. Hes never spoken to a foreigner, he?A. isB. isntC. hasD. hasnt( )9. We must run, _, we will miss the train.A. so B. otherwise C. though D. but( )10. Dont worry. You _ plent

7、y of time to decide.A. will give B. have given C. will be given D. are giving( )11. “This made me feel angry.” Is a kind of _ structure.(结构)A. S + V + O B. S + V + DO C. S + V + IO + DO D. S + V + DO + OC( )12. - Its kind of you to bring me the newspaper. - _.A. With pleasure B. Thank you C. Never m

8、ind D. Its my pleasure( )13. It was _ music that I lost myself in it.A. such a beautiful B. so beautiful a C. so beautiful D. such beautiful( )14. I am going to spend my summer holiday in Hainan.How lucky you are! _ And dont forget to e-mail me.A. Congratulations! B. Have a nice time! C. Come on! D.

9、 Good-bye!( )15. Kate is a top student in our class, but she never_.A. shows around B. shows in C. shows off D. shows out( )16. Dont eat _beef. Its bad for your healthy.A. much too B. too much C. many too D. too many( )17. My brother are always arguing _me about the house. A. with B. on C. in D. to(

10、 )18. There are many kinds of books in the shop, I cant decide _.A. to buy what B. to buy which C. what to buy D. which to buy ( )19. Tom has problems _ Chinese, so he often asks me _ help A. to understand; with B. understanding; of C. to understand; for D. understanding; for( )20. Jane was made_ th

11、e truck for a week as a punishment(惩罚).A. to wash B. washing C. wash D. to be washing三. 完形填空。 (15分)Donald was not very good at maths. He could not understand the teachers 1 . Even when the teacher explained something again, Donald still could not 2 it. “Never mind,” Donald told himself. “Im quite go

12、od at other 3 . I cheat(作弊) in the maths exam, then I wont be in 4 .”“My deskmate Brian Smith is best at maths,” he thought, “and Ill be able to 5 his answers.”The day of the exam came, and Donald sat 6 Brian Smith, who always sat at the top of the 7 . Donald carefully copied Brians answers onto his

13、 own exam paper. At the end of the exam, the teacher 8 the papers and graded(评分)them. Then she said, “Well, boys and girls, Ive decided to give a 9 to the student who got the highest grade. Its 10 for me to decide whom I will choose, however, because two students, Donald and Brian, got the 11 grade.” “Let them share it.” one of the 12 said. “Ive thought about that,” the teacher said, “but Ive chosen Brian.” Donald was 13 when he heard



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