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1、授予学历博士人员登记表授予单位:中国矿业大学(北京)填表日期:2006年1 月 日学号_D_姓名身份证号15-18位民族国别中国性别政治面貌出生日期. .籍贯 省 市 县录取类别见注1学习方式见注2入学年月.学历见注3大学毕业年月.获硕年月.获学士学位学科门类 学大学毕业专业大学毕业院校的代码5位数大学毕业院校填最新名称授学士学位单位代码授学士单位名称填最新名称获硕士学位学科门类获硕专业名称硕士毕业院校代码硕士毕业院校填最新名称授硕士学位单位代码授硕学位单位填最新名称培养单位码10290培养单位中国矿业大学(北京)获博学位日期2006.01._获博专业码6位数获博专业填二级学科名称是否按一级学

2、科授予否导师姓名学位证书编号102902062000分配单位类别见注4博士论文题目限中文25个字以内论文字数(万)论文主题词填3-5个论文起止日期. 2005.10 .论文选题来源见注5答辩日期2005.12 ._ 论文类型见注6发表论文数:国内刊物国外刊物国内会议国际会议SCI收录数EI收录数ISTP收录数获国家奖次数:一等奖二等奖三等奖四等奖获省部级奖次数:一等奖二等奖三等奖获得专利数备注注:录取类别应填写“国家计划内非定向、国家计划内定向、国家计划外委托、国家计划外 自筹或其它”。学习方式应填写“全脱产、不脱产或半脱产”。学历应填写“硕士毕业、硕士结业、硕士肄业、相当硕士毕业、研究生班毕

3、业”。 分配单位类别应填写“省级以上机关、省级以下机关、高等学校、科研设计单位、成人 高校、中专技术学校、中学、小学、医疗卫生单位、金融机构、其它事业单位、生产性 公司、商贸性公司、厂矿企业、乡镇企业、三资企业、其它企业、部队、考研(考博、 博后)或其它”。 论文选题来源应填写“国家计委、科委项目、国家经贸委项目、国家自然科学基金项 目、国务院其他部门项目、主管部门(部委级)项目、省、市、自治区项目、学校级 项目、 国际合作项目、自选项目或其它项目”。论文类型应填写“基础研究、应用研究、开发研究或其它”。 表二博士论文中文摘要(要求:800-1000字,中文主题词35个)利用该系统对所选择的几


5、分点左右,而将其作为单独溶气浮选系统进行试验,效果还不令人满意,有待于进一步探索和试验研究。分选超净煤关键之一,是如何提高低灰分精煤得分选选择性。论文试验表明,溶气析出附着矿化,大大提高了其浮选的选择性。从理论推导可以看出,溶器释放析出将会优先选择在疏水性矿粒表面上发生。矿粒表明疏水性越强,析出的微泡就越多。试验结果也充分验证了理论研究的正确性。溶气释放企业混合泵联合浮选工艺,能够在常规浮选的工艺条件下,制备出超净煤,并取得回收率超过70%的指标。溶气释放浮选柱工艺将一定会为极细粒煤的精选制备超净煤和深度脱灰处理带来广阔的应用前景。关键词: 溶气式浮选柱 超净煤 气泡特性 分选机理 表三博士论

6、文英文摘要(要求:3000字符以内,英文主题词35个)ABSTRACTUltra-clean coal is well accepted to be the one with ash rate below 1.0%. Ultra-clean coal can be used as substituting coal-water-slurry for diesel, synthesized liquid fuel, valuable active carbon, graphite electrode, and etc. So that studying on technical and meth

7、od about ultra-clean coal manufacturing proved to be of great importance. Flotation column has the advantages of simple, low in investment, effective in fine coal separation, and highly effective in selectivity than that of conventional cell. Based on water treatment with air-dissolved releasing flo

8、tation, and employing all the advantages of flotation column, the study within the paper put forth the methods of producing ultra-clean coal with air-dissolved column for the first time, and constructed a full set of laboratory flotation system that is more flexible and reliable. Experiments were ca

9、rried out by means of this set of flotation system, and results with Fugu coal and Baijigou coal showed that ash rate below 1.0% of ultra-clean coal were successfully obtained. By optimizing flotation condition, concentrate recovery can be improved obviously. Meanwhile, further study was also made o

10、n mechanism of air-dissolved releasing device, so as to select the types of A1B2 and A2B2 from the device list through orthogonal experiments and the tests of main bubble characters from taking air release rate, air release efficiency, mean bubble diameter, bubble density and bubble stable duration

11、into consideration. Among them A1B2 showed the best in operating condition, in which indexes of air release rate, mean bubble diameter, and bubble density attained the optimal performance when the pressure was set at 0.3Mpa.Employing of new type of air-liquid mixing pump had greatly reduced air-diss

12、olving time, making consecutively air-dissolved releasing flotation feasible. Flotation with air-dissolved releasing device turned to be the promising separation in ultra-clean coal preparation, which increased about 10% in concentrate recovery. But to use such device as single cleaning unit for flotation is not satisfying and further study should be made for that.To improve selective floatability of low ash coal is the key procedure in ultra-clean coal procession. Tests within the study deduced and proved that min


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