四年级上册英语教案Unit 2 Review|冀教版.doc

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1、Unit 2 Review教学目标1、学生将完成7项活动来证明他们各自的听说读写技能。2、学生将总结本单元的学习内容并完成自我评价。3、教师帮助学生应用本单元知识并做适当扩充。2学情分析四年级学生英语水平开始分层,能力强的学生课本内容不够学,能力差的学生课本内容课堂却不能掌握,课程设计上要注重不同层次学生的需求,培优补差一起来,培养学习英语的兴趣,鼓励他们大胆说、积极做、努力学!3重点难点重点: 理解掌握本单元出现的所有动词及其搭配的短语。难点:运用What do you do _? I _. 句型表达在不同的时间和地点所做的事情。4教学过程4.1 一学时4.1.1教学活动活动1【导入】Ste

2、p1:Letsplay:WhatdoIdo“Good morning, boys and girls. Welcome to English class!” talk about “ what” questions with the students.Whats the weather like today?What day is it?What do you do today?设计意图:在交谈中给学生渗透what 的含义,帮助学生理解特殊疑问句的构成和回答方式。Lets play: “ You are good kids. Now, watch carefully, What does he

3、 do today? ” Ask a boy or a girl do actions in the front, let the rest guess what it is.设计意图:用真实的表演让孩子对相关动词级动词的用法理解的更彻,具体,加强记忆,活跃课堂气氛,抓紧学生的注意力。活动2【讲授】Step2:Letstalk:Whatdooudoathome“ Wonderful ! Im so proud of you! So, what do you do at home? Look, I brush my teeth at home. How about you?”What do yo

4、u do at home? Let the students ask and answer as quickly as they can in pairs.设计意图:头脑风暴式的口语练习,让学生在短时间内最大限度地回忆和选择所学知识,强化记忆。活动3【讲授】Step3.StoryTelling.“ 14 Things in a Day ”(英语绘本拓展阅读)1. Let us know about a new friend “ What do you see? ” Let the students look and say. “ I see _.” “ Well, lets seeoh! It

5、s a little boy. What is he wearing? ( He is wearing pajamos.) So, where is he ? ( He is at home.) ”设计意图:猜测图片是什么,引起学生的好奇心, 结果与猜测的对比强化了学生对人物的印象。在猜测的过程中,学生会应用到不同的词汇自由的表达,利用本拓展学生的词汇。2. Look and say:(14 pits)“ What does he do at home? ”The teacher show them pictures on by one. Then, let the students say

6、about the pictures“ get up in the bedroom, in the morning I get up in the morning.”“ have breakfastin the dining room .I have breakfast in the dinning room.“ wash, . in the bathroomI wash my face in the bathroom.”“ brush, in the bathroom .I brush my teeth. I brush my hair. I brush my teeth in the ba

7、throom I brush my hair in the bathroom.” “ I brush my teeth and my hair in the bathroom.”“ put on. I put on my clothes. I put on my trousers. in the bedroomI put on my clothes in the bedroom.”“ play, I play. play with I play with my friends in the classroom.I play with my friends at school”“ jump, p

8、lay,I jump. I play. I play with the birds on the grass.”“ help my mum, make dinner, I help my mum. I make dinner. I help My mum in the kitchen.”“ have dinner , I have dinner in the dining room. We have dinner in the dining room.”“ take a bath I take a bath. I take a bath in the bathroom.”“ go to bed

9、 I go to bed in the bedroom. I go to bed in the evening.”“ read a book. read a book with my mum. I read a book with my mum”“ Good night! ”The teacher ask some related questions or give them some tips for the pictures if necessary. At the same time, explain some difficult sentences , phrases and word

10、s. 设计意图:观察图片,从头脑中提取需要的语言表达形式,提高学生的口语表达能力,扩充英语词汇及表达,渗透简单的英语句式结构知识。“ wow, you have done a wonderful job. Now Lets tell the whole story and try to act it out.“ Hello! Here is my busy day!I get up in the morning.I have breakfast in the dining room.I wash my face in the bathroom.I brush my teeth and my h

11、air in the morning.I put on my clothes in the bedroom.I play with my friends at school.I play with the birds on the grass.I make dinner in the kitchen.We have dinner in the dining room.I take a bath in the bathroom.I go to bed in the evening.I read a book with my mum in the bedroom.Good night!”活动4【讲

12、授】Step4.TextReading.a. “ Now, lets know about our old friends. Listen and try to remember “ What day is it?”Teacher plays the video and answer. “ Today is Sunday. ( 板书 Sunday)设计意图: 听录音,输入正确的语音和语调。带着任务去听,训练学生提取关键信息的能力。b. Read the text, underline the answer to this question:What do they do on Sunday?c

13、. Match. Li Ming does her homeworkhelps her mum and dadJenny watches TVreads books Guo Yang talks on the phone with his friendsdraws pictures plays with my friendsDanny listens to musicflys kites活动5【练习】Step5.ThinkandWrite.“ We have known about our friends. Its time to know about yourself.What do you

14、 do On Sunday?”Let the students talk about their Sunday.“ What do you do after dinner? What do you do at home? What do you do in the morning?. 活动6【活动】Step6.Discussion.“ Now ,please talk about what you like to do on Sunday in groups and fill in the blanks:What do you like to do on Sunday?Name Activit

15、y_ I like to _._ I like to _._ I like to _.活动7【活动】Step7.SumUp:Whatdidyouknowtoday评论“ So, we have talk a lot about actions today. What did you know today?”First let them say in the class , then tick on the test paper:What do you do at home?What do you do in the morning?What do you do in your bedroom?What do you do after dinner?What do you do on Sunday?What do you like to do


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