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1、2014秋就业班半期考试题一、按顺序写出26个英文字母的大小写 (13分)二语音和拼写知识: A下列各组单词中有一个划线部分读音与众不同,请选出:(5分) ( ) 1. A. excuse B. number C. much D. bus ( ) 2. A. bag B. name C. map D. thank ( ) 3. A. middle B. hill C. right D. Miss ( ) 4. A. look B. book C. good D. school ( ) 5. A. that B. they C. thirteen D. those B.从A、B、C、D中选出适当

2、的字母或组合,使所给单词完整与正确:(4分) ( ) 6. ght A. a B. ei C. ee D. e ( ) 7. he A. re B. lo C. rre D. rro ( ) 8. tw ve A. el B. le C. eel D. lea ( ) 9. b d A. ri B. ir C. oa D. or 三、选择填空(23分)( ) 1.”Hello,Lucy! Nice to meet you .” “_”A. Im OK B. Nice to meet you, too. C. Fine, thank you. D, Good nice( ) 2.”How are

3、 you ?” “_”A. How are you , Mary? B. Fine ,thanks. And you ? C. All right D. Thats good( ) 3. Where _fathers car?A. is a B. are my C. are your D. is her ( ) 4. _ he _a knife ?A. Do , has B. Does, has C. Does, have D. Are, have( ) 5. She comes from China .She speaks_A. English B. Chinese C. French D.

4、 Japanese( ) 6. This is _ “s”. A. a B. an C. the D. ( ) 7. Is this your ruler? No, _ . A. this is B. it isnt C. it is D. this is not ( ) 8. Tom and I _ students. A. am B. is C. are D. ( ) 9. He is a boy. _ name is Li Ling. A. His B. Her C. He D. Hes ( ) 10. _ is this man? At home. A. Who B. Where C.

5、 How D. How old ( ) 11. “Hello! Good morning!” “_”A. Morning.B. Good.C. How do you do? D. How are you ?( ) 12. Hello! Are you Amy? . A. Yes, Im B. No, Im C. No, Im not D. Yes, it is( ) 13. Your backpack is very nice. . A. Thank you B. Yes, it is C. Thats right D. All right( ) 14. _color is your back

6、pack ? Its yellow. A. What B. Whats C. Wheres D. Which( ) 15. How do you do ? _ . A. Fine , thank you. B. How are you ? C. How do you do ? D. Hello!( )16. The mans name is Mike Green. We can call him _.A. Mr Mike B. Mr Green C. Sir Green D. Ms Green( )17. Would you like some more?_. Im full(饱). A. Y

7、es, please B. Id love to C. No, I wont D. No, thanks( )18._ is your cousin?-He is fourteen _ old.A. How old ;years B. How ;year C. How age ;years D. What age ;years()19. _you swim?No, I_.A. Can; canB. Can; dontC. Can;cant D. Can couldnt( ) 20. 当你在早晨上学路上遇到同学的时候,你可以说AGood morning! B. Thanks !C. Good e

8、vening! D. Good afternoon!( ) 21. 下午遇见老师时,你应该说A .Good morning! B. How do you do? . C. Good afternoon! D. Good evening!( ) 22. 当对方帮了你的忙后,你应该说 A. OK B. Thanks !C. How are you? D. How do you do!( ) 23. 当你不认识某物时,你应用英语向别人问 A. Whats this? B. What this is? C. This is what? Is what this?四、口语交际. 从B栏中找出适合A栏的答

9、语(10分) ( ) Good morning! A. Bye!( ) How are you? B. Nice to meet you, too.( ) Sit down, please! C. Thank you.( ) Nice to meet you! D. Morning.( ) Goodbye! E. Not bad. Thanks.( ) 6. Whats your name? F. My name is Jim Green.( ) 7. How do you do? G. Its an eraser.( ) 8. How old are you? H. How do you d

10、o?( ) 9. Whats this in English? I. I am nine.( ) 10. How do you spell watch? J. W-A-T-C-H.五、连词成句(注意大小写和标点符号)(10分) this, my, is, teacher what, is, name, her how, you, are have, a, nice, day I, good , are , and , Jim ,friends六、完形填空(10分) This boy is Peter Smith. His _1_ name is Peter. His _2_ name is S

11、mith. This is 3 school. His school _4_ number is 20048567. His teacher is Miss White. Miss White 5_ a good teacher. Li Min is a Chinese boy. Li Min is his good _6 at school. Look! _7_ a pencil sharpener. Is the pencil sharpener _8_. ? I _9_ know. Lets _10_ Li Min at 495-6548. ( )1. A.first B. family

12、 C. last D. one ( )2. A. first B. good C. last D. this ( )3. A.you B. that C. his D. it ( )4. A.computer B. name C. phone D. ID card ( )5. A.no B. not C. is D. am ( )6. A. father B. friend C. boy D. class ( )7. A.Whats B. Thiss C. Thats D. The names ( )8. Li Min B. Li Mins C. Li Min is D. The Li Min ( )9. A. dont B. isnt C. am not D. do ( )10. A. ask B. call


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