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1、牛津译林版(2020)高中英语选择性必修第一册Unit 2 The Universal language 重点词组句式整理Welcome & Reading p. 15-19一、重点词组句式整理1. p. 15 the universal language 通用语言,世界语言2. exchange students 交换生3. a classical musician 古典音乐家4. make a profile of 制作的档案5. musical instruments 乐器6. a wide range of types 种类繁多Musical instruments come in a

2、 wide range of types. 乐器种类繁多。7. in the Tang Dynasty 在唐朝8. (be) known as = be referred to as 被称为9. a blind erhu artist 一个盲人二胡艺术家10. be famous for 因为而著名11. performing techniques 表演技巧12. in the early 18th century 在十八世纪早期13. an Austrian composer 奥地利作曲家14. a Polish composer and pianist 波兰作曲家和钢琴家15. music

3、al pieces 音乐作品16. search online for = search for on the Internet 在网上搜寻17. p.16 A great way to learn about a new culture is through its music.18. host countries 东道国,主办国19. watch a music performance live 现场观看音乐表演20. understand culture through music 通过音乐了解文化21. I hope everything is fine with you. 祝你万事如

4、意。22. a beautiful violin concerto composed by sb.23. deserve to be heard 值得聆听/倾听24. take me through the twists and turns of a classic story 使我领略一个经典故事的曲折 25. tear sb. apart 使 (关系亲密的人)分离,分开26. whisper to sb. 向某人低语27. force sb. to do sth. 强迫某人做某事28. fall sick = fall ill 病倒,患病,生病29. weep bitterly over

5、the loss of 因失去痛哭流涕30. (be) overcome with sorrow 悲痛欲绝31. take a softer turn 柔和地一转32. transform into 变成33. combine A with / and B 结合了 A 与 B34. Western musical elements 西方音乐元素35. be played on Western instruments 在西方乐器上演奏36. more significantly = more importantly 更为重要的是37. have its roots in = take root

6、in = be rooted in 根植于,扎根于38. All the best. 一切顺利,万事如意。139. p. 17 host family 寄养家庭,东道主家庭40. big fans of country music 乡村音乐的忠实粉丝41. rely on sb. to do sth. 依靠某人做某事42. introduce sb. to sth. 向某人介绍某物,使某人了解某物 43. keep asking sb. questions about sth.44. all the time 一直;始终;总是45. It turns out that C. 原来,结果是,证明

7、是46. right here in the south of 就在的南部47. in the 1940s 在二十世纪四十年代48. spread across the nation 遍布全国49. grow out of (grew-grown)产生于; 改掉/戒除 50. folk music 民间音乐51. The tunes are easy to sing.52. leave sb. deep in thought 使某人陷入沉思53. with plenty of humor thrown in充满了幽默感54. for good measure 作为额外增添;另外55. feel

8、 an emotional connection between A and B56. Obviously I dont know what its truly like to grow up in rural America.显然我不知道在美国的乡下长大是什么样真正的感受。57. beautiful natural images 美丽的自然画面58. be suggestive of 提示有/使想起/暗示59. Why dont you try to listen to some great country music? = Why not try to listen to some gre

9、at country music? 为什么不试着听听很棒的乡村音乐?60. p. 19 an introduction to 的介绍61. have the power to do sth. 有能力/权力做某事62. give the public more access to sth. 使公众更多地接触到give sb. access to sth. 让接触;接见; 允许进入63. put on a series of free concerts 举办一系列免费音乐会64. in different styles 以不同的风格;风格各异65. the worlds best-known wo

10、rks 世界最著名的作品66. in the downtown square 在市中心广场上67. at the concert 在音乐会上68. be well received across the world 受到全世界的欢迎/好评69. an adaptation of 的改编70. (be) led by the communist Party of China 在中国共产党地领导下71. overcome the Japanese invaders 打败日本侵略者72. consist of 由组成73. in particular 特别,尤其74. deserve a menti

11、on=deserve to be mentioned 值得一提75. end with 以结束76. on ones own 独自地;靠自己地力量77. music-related words 音乐相关词汇78. people behind the scenes 幕后的人279. enable sb. to do sth. 使某人能做某事80. look at sth. in a new and different way 以一种新的、不同的方式看待某事二、根据括号内的汉语提示填空1. _ _ _ _ (种类繁多的) films were put on at the film festival

12、.2. I cant believe such a little boy would do a thing like that _ _ _( 独自地).3. The old man donated all his savings to local education, _ quite a few students _ _ _ _(使能上学).4. My cousin is fond of reading all kinds of novels, science fiction _ _( 特别,尤其).5. The project is designed _ _ children _ _ _ 使

13、(更多地接 受到) better education.6. Does the referee _ _ _ _ (有权)send anyone who violates game rules off the field?7. The job provides a company car and, _ _ _( 作为额外添加 ), free medical insurance.8. _ _ _ _( 结果证明) the diligent student passed the examination with ease.9. Our friendship _ _ _ (源自于) the summer

14、 camp we took part in in Tibet.10. Her film launched at the Spring Festival _ _ _ _ _ _(受到全国的好评).1. a wide range of 2. on his own 3. enabling; to go to school 4. in particular 5. to give; more access to 6. have the power to 7. for good measure 8. It turned out that 9. grew out of 10. was well received across the country三、用所给词的适当形式填空1. I firmly believe in the power of technology _ (transform) lives.2. He tried to run away but gave u



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