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1、 2022年大学英语六级考试精读荟萃练习题100篇(32)The tourist trade is booming. With all this coming and going, youd expect greater understanding to develop between the nations of the world. Not a bit of it! Superb systems of communication by air, sea and land make it possible for us to visit each others countries at a

2、moderate cost. What was once the grand tour, reserved for only the very rich, is now within everybodys grasp? The package tour and chartered flights are not to be sneered at. Modern travelers enjoy a level of comfort which the lords and ladies on grand tours in the old days couldnt have dreamed of.

3、But whats the sense of this mass exchange of populations if the nations of the world remain basically ignorant of each other?Many tourist organizations are directly responsible for this state of affairs. They deliberately set out to protect their clients from too much contact with the local populati

4、on. The modern tourist leads a cosseted, sheltered life. He lives at international hotels, where he eats his international food and sips his international drink while he gazes at the natives from a distance. Conducted tours to places of interest are carefully censored. The tourist is allowed to see

5、only what the organizers want him to see and no more. A strict schedule makes it impossible for the tourist to wander off on his own; and anyway, language is always a barrier, so he is only too happy to be protected in this way. At its very worst, this leads to a new and hideous kind of colonization

6、. The summer quarters of the inhabitants of the cite universitaire: are temporarily reestablished on the island of Corfu. Blackpool is recreated at Torremolinos where the traveler goes not to eat paella, but fish and chips.xamda.CoM考试就到考试大The sad thing about this situation is that it leads to the pe

7、rsistence of national stereotypes. We dont see the people of other nations as they really are, but as we have been brought up to believe they are. You can test this for yourself. Take five nationalities, say, French, German, English, American and Italian. Now in your mind, match them with these five

8、 adjectives: musical, amorous, cold, pedantic, native. Far from providing us with any insight into the national characteristics of the peoples just mentioned, these adjectives actually act as barriers. So when you set out on your travels, the only characteristics you notice are those which confirm y

9、our preconceptions. You come away with the highly unoriginal and inaccurate impression that, say, Anglo-Saxons are hypocrites of that Latin peoples shout a lot. You only have to make a few foreign friends to understand how absurd and harmful national stereotypes are. But how can you make foreign fri

10、ends when the tourist trade does its best to prevent you?Carried to an extreme, stereotypes can be positively dangerous. Wild generalizations stir up racial hatred and blind us to the basic facthow trite it sounds! That all people are human. We are all similar to each other and at the same time all

11、unique.1. The best title for this passage isA tourism contributes nothing to increasing understanding between nations.B Tourism is tiresome.C Conducted tour is dull.D tourism really does something to ones country.2. What is the authors attitude toward tourism?A apprehensive.B negative.C critical.D a

12、ppreciative.3. Which word in the following is the best to summarize Latin people shout a lot?A silent.B noisy.C lively.D active.4. The purpose of the authors criticism is to point outA conducted tour is disappointing.B the way of touring should be changed.C when traveling, you notice characteristics

13、 which confirm preconception.D national stereotypes should be changed.5. What is grand tour now?A moderate cost.来源:考试大的美女编辑们B local sight-seeing is investigated by the tourist organization.C people enjoy the first-rate comforts.D everybody can enjoy the grand tour.Vocabulary1. superb 卓越的,出色的,第一流的2.

14、moderate 中庸的,中等的,适度的3. grand tour 大旅行,指旧时英国富家子弟训练中,到欧洲大陆观光的旅行,为学业必经阶段。4. package tour 由旅行社代办而费用与路线、日程固定的假日旅游。也可用package holiday。5. chartered flight 包机航班6. set out to do sth. = begin a job with a particular aim 开头做某事,决心/准备做7. cosset 宠爱,溺爱,纵容8. conducted tour = guided tour 有人指导/引到下的参观,有导游的旅游9. censor

15、检查10. wander off 离开原处/正道,离群,闲逛,漫游11. quarters 住处,营12. paella 西班牙什锦饭13. chip 炸马铃薯条(土豆条)14. amorous 多情的,色情的15. pedantic 学究式的,卖弄学问的16. generalization 归纳,概括17. stir up 惹起,煽动,挑起18. trite 陈腐的,老一套的难句译注1. What was once the grand tour, reserved for only the very rich, is now within everybodys grasp.【构造简析】within sb.s grasp.某人理解/了解,为某人所能抓到的。【参考译文】一度只有最富有者专享的“大旅行”现在人人都可获得。2. The package tour and chartered flights are not to be sneered at.【参考译文】旅行社包办的旅游,包机航班决


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