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1、练习一将下列句子或段落译成英语:1. 农村医疗救助试行办法。Pilot medical care system in rural areas.2. 由于交通拥挤,这一段时间的车辆过桥分单双号Due to crowded traffic, a car with an odd-numbered license is allowed to pass on an odd-numbered day and a car with an even-numbered license on an even-numbered day.3. 这次义演的全部收入将用于建设一座希望小学。All the proceeds

2、 from the benefit performance will go towards building of a Hope Project primary school.4. 采用这种新装置可以大大降低废品率。The adoption of this new device will greatly cut down the percentage of defective products.5. 上亿的农业人口进入乡镇企业,70万农民涌进城市谋生。Nearly 100 million rural laborers have entered township enterprises and

3、700,000 farmers have poured into cities to make a better living.6. 他视世间功名成就若粪土。Worldly success was dust to him7. 它是永定最花工日的土楼,从动工到竣工前后整整花去28年时间。Lasting 28 years, the earthen building is the one in Yongding that took the longest time to complete.8. 不断有外国友人来杭,到20世纪末,100多个国家和地区的元首、政要、学者、商贾、平民都纷至沓来。From

4、then on to the end of 20th century, people from more than 100 countries have visited Hangzhou, including heads of state, statesmen, scholars, business people and ordinary tourists.9. 经过40年,特别是近20年的改革和发展,无论是学校规模还是办学水平,都有了巨大的发展和提高。The past 40 years, especially the past 20 years, have seen a tremendous

5、 increase in the number of students enrolled and a great improvement in the pattern of school-running.10. 该产品畅销国内,远销日本、港、澳等地。The product sells well both in the mainland of China and in Hong Kong, Macao and Japan11. 周五晚上,校园逸夫馆里充满了动感的音乐,一场大学生街舞挑战赛正在这里激情上演。Friday evening the universitys Shaw Building w

6、as full of dynamic and loud music. A hip-hop dance battle for college students was going on there.12. 日前,一种原产美国夏威夷的百香果,引种三明喜获成功。Passion fruit, a kind of fruit originally produced in Hawaii, has been successfully introduced to Fujians Sanming.13. 配料:面粉、薯粉、玉米淀粉、棕榈油、调味料、白砂糖、鲜虾粉。Ingredients: Wheat flour

7、, Potato Starch, Corn Starch, Palm Oil, Seasoning, Sugar, Shrimp Powder.14. 天才的1%是灵感,99%是汗水。Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration15. 亚洲经济是世界经济的重要组成部分。亚洲经济蓬勃发展,为世界经济增添了新的活力,为国际贸易和投资开辟了巨大市场。Asia, a major component of the world economy, has witnessed robust economic gro

8、wth which has in turn instilled vitality into the world economy and has opened vast markets for international trade and investment.16. 经过长达10小时的漫长磋商,中国与欧盟最终达成一致,从而避免了双方纺织品贸易摩擦的进一步升级。After ten hours of tough negotiations, China and the European Union finally agreed to avoid escalating the textile tra

9、de disputes.17. 自全国戏剧最高奖“文华奖”设立以来,我省已连续8届有14台戏获得“文华奖”,位居前列,福建“戏剧强省”的地位和形象正被全国戏剧界所公认。Since the establishment of Wenhua Prize- the most prestigious opera prize in China, Fujian has won the prize for eight times running for its 14 operas, ranking among the few leading provinces in this and is now being

10、 recognized by the opera circles in China as a province excellent in theatrical creation and performance of opera.18. 东方广场总投资20亿美元,总建筑面积80万平方米,是亚洲最大的建筑群。业内人士分析,东方广场雄踞王府井黄金地段,地理位置得天独厚,势必会成为企业关注的热点。Having invested a total of US $2 billion in its construction, the Oriental Plaza boasts the largest comp

11、lex of buildings in Asia, covering 800,000 square meters. Insiders say the Oriental Plaza will become the focal point enterprises, thanks to its advantageous location.19. 陆明,男,34岁,未婚,身体健康。1984同济大学毕业,获工程学士。1985年4月至1990年1月任上海贝尔电话公司职员。1990年5月至今担任IMB上海分公司营销部部门经理一职。 PersonalName:Lu MinAge: 34Sex: MaleMar

12、ital Status: SingleHealth: ExcellentEducation1984 Bachelor of Engineering, Tongji UniversityWorking experienceMay, 1990-present-Marketing Manager, IBM Shanghai BranchApril, 1985-Jan. 1990-employee, Bell Shanghai Telephone Company.20. 每一个成功的企业都有其独特的文化,它们成就了丰硕无比、人文荟萃的经济文明。福日股份穿成悠久的中华文明,融合时代精神,提供了与世界沟通

13、交流的最好平台。Every successful company has its own unique culture. And different company cultures contribute to todays splendid economic civilization. Combining the time-honored Chinese culture with the spirit of the times, FURI Culture provides a best platform for contacts and exchanges between FURI and

14、the outside world.21. 该市地界巴山楚水,湖光山色秀丽,名胜古迹、自然风光融为一体,遍布其间,是理想的旅游胜地。The city, bordering Sichuan and Hubei provinces, is a good place for tourism with its panoramic views dotted with beautiful mountains, lakes and historical sites.1 Economic globalization is the objective trend of the economic developm

15、ent in the world today(1), featured by the free flow and optimized allocation of capital, technology, information and service in the global context(2),making the economic interdependence and interaction between various countries ever stronger(3), and has brought about new driving forces and opportun

16、ities for the economic development of all countries in the world(4).B: Economic globalization is the objective trend of the economic development in the world today(1), featured by the free flow and optimized allocation of capital, technology, information and service in the global context(2), has made the economic interdependence and interaction between var


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