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1、Module1Unit11.Well, my chocolate cookies are done now.句中的be done表示“做好了,完成了”。例如:I am nearly done. 我差不多做完了。Are you done with that pen? 那支笔你用完了吗?The beds are done. 床铺都整理好了。2. Shall I get the sugar?当说话人主动提出要做某事,尤其是主动提出帮助时,我们常用Shall I ?例如:Shall I get some water for you?我去给你弄点儿水喝吧?我们还可以用Shall we?来提出建议。例如:

2、Shall we buy Betty a cake? 我们给贝蒂买个蛋糕吧?3. are you sure thats sugar?你确信那是糖吗?be sure后面接句子,表示“确信,相信”。例如:Im sure tomorrow is Bettys birthday. 我确定明天是贝蒂的生日。Im sure we will find each other.我相信我们能找到对方。1.smell v.闻起来这花闻起来很香。The flower smells sweet.2.cheese n.奶酪fresh adj. 新鲜的这奶酪闻起来很新鲜。The cheese smells fresh.3.

3、sound v.听起来办公室听起来很安静。The office sounds quiet.4.cookie n.小甜饼taste v.尝起来这小甜饼尝起来很美味。The cookies taste delicious.5. sour adj.酸的这橙汁尝起来很酸。The orange juice tastes sour.6.salt n.食盐这盐尝起来很咸。The salt tastes salty.7.nervous adj.紧张的考试让我很紧张。The exam makes me nervous.8.soft adj.软的这玩具摸起来很软。The toy feels soft.Module

4、1Unit21.hear from sb. 收到某人的来信2.cant wait to do sth. 迫不及待做某事3.arrive at +地点名词到达某地4.quite tall 十分高5.each other 互相,彼此6.thanks for doing sth. 因做某事而感谢你7.love doing sth. 热爱做某事8.be proud of 因.而骄傲;以.为荣9.get bad marks 成绩不好10.in a few days (和一般将来时连用几天过后11.feel nervous 感到紧张12.be afraid of doing 害怕做某事重点句子:1.Tha

5、nks for your last message. 谢谢你上一次的信。2.I spend a lot of time playing classical music with my friends at school.在学校我花很多时间和朋友演奏古典音乐。3. Im always sorry when I dont know how to do things in the right way.当我不知道如何以正确的方式做事情时我总是难过。知识精讲:1.thanks for 意为“因.而感谢”,thanks 相当于thank you, for强调为何而感谢,其后可接名词或v-ing.Thank

6、s for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。Thanks for inviting us to your birthday party. 谢谢你邀请我们参加你的生日聚会。拓展:thanks to 意为“多亏,由于”,其中的thanks不能由thank you替代, to后不能接动词原形,接对象。Thanks to the English language, we can learn a lot from other countries. 多亏了英语这门语言,我们能从其他国家学到很多东西。2.I cant wait to meet you. 我迫不及待地想见到你。can hardly/ ca

7、nt wait to do sth. 为固定句式,意为“迫不及待做某事”They can hardly/cant wait to hear from you.他们迫不及待地要收到你的信。3.quite和very的区别相同点:quite与very都是程度副词。quite意为“很;相当”,very意为“很,非常”。就程度大小而言,quite比very小。The pen is quite new. 这支钢笔相当新。(表示它与刚买来时相差不大 The pen is very new. 这支钢笔很新。(表示它与刚买时一样新不同点:(1无程度可言的形容词用quite修饰,不用very.如:Hes quit

8、e right.他很对。We are quite ready to go.我们已经准备好走了。(2quite 与very在句中的位置不同。quite+限制词+形容词+名词=限制词+very +形容词+名词。Its quite a nice picture.它是一副相当漂亮的画。Its a very nice picture. 它是一副非常漂亮的画。(3quite还可以修饰介词短语,而very 不能。She stands quite behind you. 她就站在你背后。4.Im sure well find each other! 我确信我们会找到彼此!(1sure adj. (常与of,

9、that连用确信的;肯定的。I am sure that I put the money in the box.我确定我把钱放在盒子里了。Please make sure that the door is locked before you leave.请你确定锁门后再离开。Im not sure about the practicability of their plan.我无法确定他们那个计划的可行性。拓展:sure adj. (与to连用 一定的;必顶的。We are sure to benefit from the new timetable.我们肯定会从新的时间表受益。(2each

10、other 意为“互相”,通常指两者之间,在句中常作宾语。You and I understand each other perfectly.你我彼此很了解。The two girls often help each other in their lessons.这两个女孩经常在功课上互相帮助。相关链接:one another 意为“互相”,用来指两个以上的人或事物的相互关系。但在实际运用中,这两个短语常可互换:We respect each other (one another.我们互相尊重(对方。拓展:each other和one another两者均有所有格。They know each

11、 others(one anothers weak points. 他们彼此了解对方的弱点。注意:汉语的“互相”是副词,但是英语中的each other 和one another 均为代词,因此他们在及物动词之后可直接作宾语(如help each other;而在不及物动词之后,则要借助介词(如talk to each other, learn from one another等。else和other的辨析else可作形容词或副词,作形容词时,常放在疑问代词、不定代词之后作后置定语;作副词时也要后置。What else did you do?你还做了什么?(else作形容词She has no

12、thing else to say. 她没有别的什么可说了。(else作形容词 Where else can I go? 我还能去别的什么地方。(else作副词 Study, or else you will fail. 学习,否则你会考不及格的。(else作副词other 作形容词时,用于修饰名词或某些代词,但要前置。Where are the other students? 其他同学在哪里?I want some other books.我还想要另外一些书。else后可带“s”, other 不能。Who elses bike can this be? 这可能是其他什么人的自行车呢?5.I

13、 spend a lot of time playing classical music.我花了许多时间演奏古典音乐。spend some time (in doing sth./on sth. 花费时间做某事/在某事上。We spend two hours (in finishing the task.我们花费了两个小时完成这项任务。拓展:spend money on sth. 花钱买某物I spent $10 on this dictionary. 我花10美元买了这本字典。6.as well 表示“也,还”,常用于句末。She went as well. 她也去了。拓展too, also

14、, either都可以表示“也”。too用与肯定句,常位于句末;also 用于肯定句,常位于助动词、be动词、情态动词之后,行为动词之前;either用于否定句,常位于句末;as well用于肯定句,常位于句末。7.Im very proud of him! 我为他感到非常骄傲!be proud of 表示“为.感到骄傲,为.感到自豪”。We are proud of our motherland.我们为我们的祖国感到骄傲。We are proud of our success. 我们为我们的成功感到骄傲。8. But I cant tell you how excited I am abou

15、t going to China!但是我没法表达对去中国的兴奋之情!be excited about表示“对兴奋”。例如:I am so excited about the trip!对于这次旅行,我真是兴奋极了! Module3Unit11. What are you up to? 你在做什么呢?up to 表示“正在干,从事着”。常用在非正式常合中。e.g. Whats he up to with all those books on the floor?What were you up to yesterday? You didnt answer my phone.2. Ive just made this model of the space station.这是我刚做的宇宙空间站的模型。just 常用在现在完成时的肯定句中,常放在助动词have/has 的后面。e.g. Weve just seen/watched the film.3. I have nt started it yet.我还没有开始做呢。yet 表示“还(末”,常用在现在完成时的否定句中,通常放在


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