八年级英语上册unit9测试题(新人教版含答案)(DOC 19页)

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1、2013八年级英语上册unit9测试题(新人教版含答案)来 英语人教版八年级上 Unit 9Can you coe to y party?单元检测 (总分100分,用时60分钟).单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)1I have to_for the ath test.AstudyBstudyingClearning Dstudied2y best friend often invites e _ delicious food.Aenjoy BenjoyingCenjoyed Dto enjoy3I a going to _ you on Sunday and go bike riding.Ac

2、atch BacceptCrefuse Ddelete4Do you know _ I iss you?Ahow any Bhow uchChow long Dhow far5Please reply to the invitation _ by next Tuesday.Acall Bin callCin calling Dfor calling6Joe_go to the doctor.His leg is broken.Ahave to Bcan Chas to Day7Sorry,but I have to look after y brother.Thats too_.aybe_ti

3、e.Abad;another Bbad;otherCgood;another Dgood;other8Would you like to visit the useu? _AYes,pleas e. BSure,Id love to.CSorry,I wouldnt. DYes,I would.9Can you look at the _ and tell e the activities?Aenu BcalendarCclock Dphone10Sorry,I busy today.I have _ housework to do.Auch too Btoo uchCtoo any Dany

4、 too11Can you play football _ us this afternoon?Awith BatCon Daround12Thanks a lot for_e_your house.Ainvite;for Binvite;toCinviting;for Dinviting;to13_I watch TV,u?Sure,but you_finish your hoework first.Aust;neednt BCan;ayCCan;ust Day;ustnt14The students are very _ at the _ news.Asurprised;surprisin

5、gBsurprising;surprisedCsurprised;surprisedDsurprising;surprising15y other is ill.I have to look after her at hoe._.AThank youBOh,I dont knowCBad luckDI sorry to hear that.完形(每小题2分,共20分)Soe people in Britain or Aerica like to invite friends to dinner at hoe.But this is ore coon in Aerica _16_ in Brit

6、ain.Dont worry _17_ your English friends dont invite you hoe.It doesnt ean that they _18_ you.When you _19_ to an evening eal,ask your friends what tie you should _20_.It is a good idea _21_ a sall present when yo u arrive,and it is _22_ to say how uch you like the house _23_ the roo,or the pictures

7、 in the roo.But dont ask how uch these things _24_. In this way,_25_ you and your friends will have a pleasant gettogether.16A.that BthenCthan Dore than17A.what BwhereCwho Dif 18A.dont like BunlikeClike Ddoesnt like19A.asked Bare askedCare asking Dwere asked20A.arrive at Bget toCarrive Darrive in21A

8、.takes Bto takeCtaking Dto lend22A.polite BworriedCsad Dafraid23A.or BandCbut Dso24A.spend BcostCtakes Dpay25A.both BneitherCall Dnone.理解(每小题2分,共30分)AIn Canada and the United States,people enjoy entertaining(请客)at hoe.They often invite friends over for a eal,a party,or just for a coffee and conversa

9、tion.Here are the kinds of things people say when they invite soeone to their hoe:“Would you like to coe over for dinner Saturday night?”“Hey,were having a party on Friday.Can you coe?”To reply to an invitation,either say thank you and accept,or say youre sorry,and give an excuse:“Thanks,Id love to.

10、What tie would you like e to coe?”or “Oh,sorry,Ive tickets for a ovie.”Soeties,however,people use expressions that sound like invitations but which are not real invitations.For exaple:“Please coe over for a drink soetie.”“Why not get together for a party soetie?”“Why dont you coe over and see u s so

11、etie soon?”They are really just polite ways of ending a conversation.They are not real invitations because they dont ention a specific(确定的)tie or date.They just show that the person is trying to be friendly.To reply to expressions like these,people just say “Sure,that would be great!”or “OK,yes,than

12、ks.”So next tie when you hear what sounds like an invitation,listen carefully:Is it a real invitation or is the person just being friendly?26Why do Canadians and Aericans often invite friends for eals at hoe?A Because they can save tie. BBecause they can spend less oney.CBecause they enjoy entertain

13、ing at hoe.DBecause they have odern and beautiful house.27Which of the following is a real invitation?A“If you are free,lets go for a dinner soetie.”B“Please go to the cinea with e soeday.”C“Would you like to have a cup of tea with us soetie?”D“Ive two tickets here.Can you go to the ovie with e?”28I

14、f people say “Lets get together for lunch soe day.”,you just say “_”AThat would be nice.BHow about this weekend?COh,sorry.I very busy. DThats great.Ill be there on tie.29People us e “an unreal invitation” in order to(为了)show that _.Atheyre trying to be friendlyBtheyre trying to be helpfulCtheyre trying to ake friends with othersDthey havent got ready for a party yet30The passage is ainly about_.Aentertainent at hoeBreal invitations or notCexpressions of starting a conversationDways of ending a conversationBJohnson is a young sold


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