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1、nit 5 r wodPeiod 2Raing第学时分层训练Peiod -.根据句意及汉语提示完毕句子.Sme ople come o take suh coures as_(老式的) Chiee medici, pintin and hoography.2.eflatis in _(中央的) Lonn. 3Ml is czy about al kids ofil _(乐器)4.Thre arots of hge _(石头) i themunains.Whos _(物品) are thos?Plese ut the in ore.用括号内所给单词的合适形式填空.无锡Th _(wn)o tis

2、year Yung Sar Award isDanie!Well don!2 youli the un f the _(us) wate?3.David was fmous _(msic) twoersgo,bthe no loner plac now.4My dam homeow is an _(az) place ithout ollutio.5.大庆Inglnd, atenn te i often_(dri) as a ight meal. .根据汉语意思完毕句子1或许奥黛丽赫本最为人知的是由于电影罗马假日中的角色而赢得奥斯卡大奖。Pras Audrey Hbur is _ anOsar

3、 _ he ro thlan Holay. 2.阜新她仿佛对这本书感爱好。Iteeed that he _ th ook. 3在美国,她开始结识来自世界各地的伟大的音乐家。In the SA, he _great uscans _.4.作为一位作曲家,她觉得最美妙的音乐源于自然。_, ethinksthe b muc _5由于大雨,我们不得不取消野餐。e hveto cancel the pini_ the hevy ain.单选()1.Thooks _ by a Weuanre puarwth hinee children and we e h c go on_more intrstin o

4、oksArtten; towrite Bwriing; ringC.writn; writng D.towr; o wre().Afewokinghad bit by b ra long tim, Tu ouyu_ won he Nobel Prz eeighties.Acssfull BwidelyC.epeclly Drapiy ()_ sh had n moeyto fford hexpensiv car, shead ive itup.AS B.ee .i DSce()4.菏泽改编As we all no, Hee is _ its pny(牡丹). Itatactmlios o vi

5、stor fom hoe and abroad every yarAppulr wth .wlnown asCfamos fr D.kown to.扬州根据短文内容及首字母提示完毕短文Oneday,Lauriesa theouMrch ir walking etly throu thgardn He1.f_ em. They went tse tres ndsa thr drig an reaing an sewing. Lurie ._ beid tee anaed tem, feelingsad heha n brothers or istr.sirl sudnlran on thetre

6、e andhlookdup he saw Larn asdm tooin themHe rat thmwhilety drew ad wed.They tlke about teir 3.d_.“ nt to travel aroun thewold n see o of plcs. The I lieobcome aous4._,” said Lie.“d likea lovelhuse, fullfnctingsgo fod, pettclothes, hadsome urniture ad peast epl,” M said.“out oavea usbanad oe angelic

7、hidrennyo vely huse?” akd Larie, smiling.“I sad5.p_ people, yoknow,” arefu tidu her sho as he soke, sothtno ne sawhe .f_Jo ciued,“I wnt to write oks d get rchanfmousM wks holdeas faus aLaries music.”“7.M_ sto stayt home safe it Fater an Mother, looking aftr thefamiy. Nohing lse. Sce h y ittle piano,

8、I m perfecty 8.s_,” saiBeth etlyAms moest wish was o gotoRme,d fin pire, n be the best artiti the orl.“verneo u,9.b_Bet, wantst e h andamos. I wode .w_ anyofs wlleer ge ourishs,” si arie.Thy decded to eet in ten yea to e f hir dreas a true.第3学时分层训练Period2,.根据句意及汉语提示完毕句子.he BetStdent wr is_(颁发) evey

9、sprnnurschool .Thesound fananciet Chinese _(钟)are very beifl.3._(尽管) mybrther ivery oung,he knos a ltaboutChese hstor.h fieenerenabe _(控制) thbig fi.What piy!5.Fo high scho tuen, ging to univesty is e most _(一般的) choie.用括号内所给单词的合适形式填空1.盐城o e a ood ctizen, e should a e _(ivide)ine betwen go a ba. 2In

10、ne ofTaDu_(wr),Wtr,hdoet useany usiainstruments.terhundre of exrments, is_(succss) inveted the ightbulb.is a is _(nter) a go nversy nd becom gret scieti. 5We have ri althe _(wet) fo in tat reurant.6The hi went on _ (wth) T afterfinshing is oewor.根据汉语意思完毕句子1我们不仅应当学习现代科技,还要关注老式文化。W should notonl lrn the odrn techogy butalo _.这首乐曲由谭盾一位世界出名的音乐家所演奏。The msic _b n , _3.谭盾是世界上最伟大的作曲家之一。a Dunis _n heold.4.为了创作一种新型的音乐,老式的中国音乐和现代化的西方音乐被融合在一起。_,tradinaCinesmsicaodn Weste musi _


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