2014年秋高中英语 Module 5 The Great Sports Personality 练练吧讲解 外研版必修

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2014年秋高中英语 Module 5 The Great Sports Personality 练练吧讲解 外研版必修_第1页
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1、2014年秋高中英语 Module 5 The Great Sports Personality 练练吧讲解 外研版必修5I. 单词拼写。1. He r_ from the business when he was 60. 2. The writer always paints ships against a b_ of stormy skies. 3. Li Mei speaks English very well. She has a(n) a_ because her mother is an English teacher.4. I g_ that youll like this bo

2、ok so I bought it for you as a present.5. This new watch is of high q_ and is not expensive either, which makes it more and more popular.II. 选择合适的词填空。1. _ they are poor, they are happy.2. She waited, _, for no explanation.3. He studied music _ he was in Vienna.4. We kept on walking _ it got dark.5.

3、_ we see him, we speak to him.6. You may borrow this book _ you promise to give it back on time.7. Only three days remained _ the examination.8. Hardly had I opened the door _ the telephone rang.9. _ you are only going on a day trip to another country, accidents can happen.10. The 2008 Olympic Game

4、have been the most cheerful event throughout Beijing _ Beijing was rewarded the right to host the 2008 Summer Olympic Games.III. 根据汉语意思完成句子。1 即使他知道,他也不会告诉你真相。 He will never tell you the truth _ _ he knows it2. 约翰到底发生了什么事情啊? What _ _ happened to John? 3. 你应该尽量大声说话来让别人听到。 You should speak as loud as p

5、ossible in order to _ _.4. 这个国家的犯罪率在增长。 Crime in this country is _ . 5. 如果你去拜访这位老人,很有可能看到他在河边钓鱼。 If you go to visit the old man, _ _ you will see him fishing near the river.I. 1. retired 2. background 3. advantage 4. guarantee 5. qualityII. 1. Although 2. however 3. while 4. until 5. Whenever 6. as long as 7. before 8. when 9. Even if 10. ever since III. 1. even if 2. was it that 3. make yourself heard 4. on the increase 5. the chances are that


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