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1、Chapter 4 School rules一、教学目标:1. Knowledge Objects:1).Revise the words about verb-ing form.reading ,writing ,thinking ,running ,painting ,singing2).Teach the new words.walking ,talking ,keeping quiet ,eating ,playing3).Teach the present continuous tense.Shes running. Hes eating.1. Ability Objects:To

2、improve students listening ,speaking ,reading ,and writing abilities.1. Moral Objects:Tell students to follow the school rules.二、教学重、难点:1. Teaching importance:1).Learn the new words.2).Learn the present continuous tense.2.Teaching difficulties:Tell the difference between verbs and verb-ing forms.三、教

3、学准备:Some students ,letter cards ,colorful chalks ,a paper四、教学过程:Step 1.Warm-up:English song: “Walking , walking”Step 2.Revision:1).Spell the words and guess the meaning.2).Read and act the words.Step 3.Presentation:1).Ask students to act the word.2).Write and differ the words by colorful chalks.3).U

4、se letter cards to present the words.w ,a ,l ,k ,e ,e ,p ,y ,ing.4).Let a girl and a boy to perform the action ,and show the new structure.Look at Mary. Shes running.Look at Tom. Hes playing.Step 4. Practice:1).Use fingers to spell and read the words.2).Groups competition:Read each word as quickly a

5、s you can.3).Read loud and low.4).Quick answer.Step 5. Production:Guess: What does heshe doing ?五、总结:Use the letter cards to make a word you listen.六、作业:1).Dictate the words by using the letter cards.2).Write and read each new word three times.七、板书设计:Chapter 4 School rulesLook at Mary. talkingShes running. eatingLook at Tom. playing


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