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1、Period ThreeLesson 2Laughter Is the Best Medicine.语境填词1We must proceed with _ (谨慎)2The cat _(抓伤) my hand.3The professor is a specialist of studying a criminals _(心理学)4The young man a_ his mistake and made an apology to us.5Many young people could not r_ playing net games.6What made you choose law as

2、 a p_?7He is an important political f_.8Smoking is _(禁止) in the whole building.选词填空1Dr. Yuan Longping has been devoting himself to developing new hybrid rice,so one day the world will _ hunger.2She always _ the smell of fresh bread _ her grandmother,who loves baking.3He is a determined man. Difficul

3、ties and hardships cant _ him.4He is aged seventy but _. He often plays pingpong with young men.5Have you ever _ a jam and felt very anxious?6He nearly _ a bus when it stopped suddenly in front of him.根据提示翻译下列句子1他们正在谈论如何摆脱这可怕的气味。(get rid of)_2他时不时地从沙发上站起来,在房间里踱来踱去。(from time to time)_3上一次的台风造成上百万美元的

4、损失。(result in)_4沉思之中,他差一点撞到树。(knock into)_5他被看作全国最优秀的诗人之一。(acknowledge)_.单项填空1How to get _ of the poisonous gas is being discussed at the meeting.Atired Bawkward Csuperb Drid2Could you please tell me where I can find an authority unit to _ the visitors to throw away rubbish?Adisgust Bboard Cforbid D

5、seal3The global temperature _ going up so far,which has resulted _ raising sea levels.Ais;out Bwas;toCwill be;from Dhas been;in4The author of the guidebook is an architect _.Aof profess Bby professionalCof professor Dby profession5She could hardly resist _ when she heard that she hadnt passed the te

6、st.Ato cry BcryCbeing crying Dcrying6The incident has further increased the _ between the two countries.Aadmission BpermissionCdivision Dtension7His salary went into five _ a year.Afigures Bnumerals Cnumbers Dfatigue8We didnt plan our art exhibition like that but it _ very well.Aworked out Btried ou

7、tCwent on Dcarried on9He had tried so many times,and at last he succeeded _.Aabove all Bafter allCat all Din all10The dog _ the door because it wanted to go in.Ascratched BwatchedCrubbed Dgrasped.完形填空The lawyer began to read out Henrys will. “Dear friends,”he began. “I have set you a little competit

8、ion. Each of you in turn must tell the _1_ joke he or she can think of and the one who causes the _2_ laughter will receive my fortune after my death. My lawyer will be the only _3_ of the best joke.”“So,ladies and gentlemen,”said the lawyer,_4_ the will down on the table,“Its up to you now. Who wil

9、l go first? May I suggest that you go in the alphabetical(字母表的) _5_ of surnames?”The first person stood up and told a very funny joke about an Englishman who _6_ in love with his umbrella. When he _7_,he was in tears of laughter,_8_ he always laughed at his own jokes. The rest of people _9_ there re

10、mained completely silent. You could _10_ their red faces and their eyes that they found the joke funny, but _11_ wanted to laugh and gave him the chance to _12_ the competition. The second person told a story about a threelegged pig. When she sat down,the others coughed,_13_ to spit or dropped penci

11、ls under the tableanything to _14_ their laughter from being noticed. And so it went on,joke after joke,the sort of jokes that made your sides _15_ and nobody dared to laugh!_16_ the time the last joke had been told, every one of the twelve people _17_ the reading out of Henrys will was seated perfectly still. Silence, painful silence. Suddenly the lawyer sneezed(打喷嚏). Then he _18_ a large red spotted handkerchief and blew his nose. That was _19_. Someone burst out laughing, unable to _20_ it any longer. That started the others off. Immediately


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