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1、Uit6 In he kichn教材分析:本单元的话题是食物,内容波及到可数名词和不可数名词的运用。核心词是“吃饭”,这是一种同窗们非常感爱好的话题。本单元环绕晚饭吃什么展开话题进行讨论,使用目迈进行时的一般疑问句和Threbe构造的平常交际用语,对“havin meal”这一话题进行讨论。通过本单元的学习,旨在协助学生养成关爱父母,协助她人的好习惯。教学目的:能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写vegtabl, toato, potto, look for,lo, ba等四会单词。能听得懂、会说、会读 me, mel, met, eady, um,nry,div.away等词汇。.能得懂、会说、会读

2、和会写句型:Areyou cookig.? 及其回答Ys,am. o, Im t.amshg soe gebs Hs the meat/soup/.? Its umy/ic I ct wait! Ilove it 并能在具体语境灵活运用。3. 掌握可数名词复数的变化规则。4. 理解字母q在单词中的读音。5.培养学生乐于助人的良好习惯。教学重点:1. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写vegetable, tomat, potato, loo for, love, brd等四会单词。能听得懂、会说、会读game, mel, et, rdy, yumy, angy,drve.away等词汇。2. 能得懂

3、、会说、会读和会写句型:Areyou cooking.? 及其回答e, am. , I not am wasing o veetabsHow the meat/so.? Ityummy/nice.I cant w! I oe it.并能在具体语境灵活运用。3. 理解字母qu在单词中的读音。掌握可数名词复数的变化规则。4. 培养学生乐于助人的良好习惯。5.教学难点:1. 能听得懂、会说、会读 gam, mel, t, read, yummy, angr, drie.away等词汇及其如何运用。2. 能得懂、会说、会读和会写句型:Are y cookn.? 及其回答Yes, I am.N, mn.

4、 能对的的读出句型的语调,并在情景中灵活运用。3. 理解字母qu在单词中的读音。掌握可数名词复数的变化规则。Ui6 In he kitch授课日期第 1学时教学内容:Sor time教学目的1能听懂、会读、会说单词:bread, meat, otatoe, toes, eetables,lo for, le,bred2.能听懂、会读、会说目迈进行时态的一般疑问句:Are thy dong e/shedig及对的回答。3.能对的的理解并朗读课文,在教师的引导和协助下尝试复述课文内容。4.能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型询问别人正在做的事情。重点难点:1.能对的理解并朗读课文,在教师的协助下尝试复述

5、课文。2.能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型询问别人正在做的事情。教具学具:教学光盘、课件教学过程:St Greetngood morn, bosadil ow are you?t 2 re-rding1. T: o lie c? O,Lts lisen to nnlish so“veeable son”T:What is thesongabut?A. frit B. vegtabGood jo,h sog is about veetabes(tmaoes anotaoes)2 ntroduce ometingabout th achr.Name:rWng ob: a Eglish tacherb

6、bs:ookng (a rea cook)I good t okinmeatwhpoo andtomao sup.(图展示土豆烧肉和西红柿汤)Tey ae uy(好吃,美味),教学potat, tato and yumm(借助音频)3.Pay a ae: Lets play a game. Gehe rules:ps:当你看到图片或单词时,请大声读出来。当你看到时,大声“yumy, yumy”Stp: hile-reaiP how thpcures out : here com L Tao andhis aren, where r hey?T: Bino! ey are in th kitch

7、n. (hw the title, students radteter.) 揭题1. Tk : Watch ad coe T:et ach te crton, ry t nsw: What d te haveforiner? A. hickn tomto s C. mea th otato2.Tsak: simmi an aswerT: radthe dilouequictryto nsw e qetions:What are Lu as parent doing? s rs icookig meat?hat is udoing? 3. T:wel d.T: Liu a arents me t

8、heie ood hat des Liu aoy? Lten(再构音频) “Tat smels nice, mm. I cantwait”. Tak3:iste and anserT: k. Noclse you books,lie carfully Tr tofin ou: ht isiu Taodoing?(Liu aois loon fosome juce ith fridg)6. as4: Rad andanswT: oo job.owre yourslf the tird at of ediagu,n out the answer t te folong uesions. .Wat

9、i Lu Tao doig?Hwsth mt?. w th soup?7. app reing(1). Rad ae thea, imitat thtone andeotin.(体会文中人物的情感变化)(2). Gup worki difent ways 1.ead after o sudent 2. Readogether 3.Red inrolesSte4:ost reding 1. Task4: Wor i oup, rell t sory.1ts _ oclin thevening.LiuTao comes me_. Hi paens are _ _ i th kichens. Li

10、i _Mr.iu s _.2Liu Tais_ome ic te rgeThere snt any _Thres _ teidge. 3Liuao oves te_, t yummy.u Taolovese_, too. It nic.2 SummaryA. 在这节课我们学了哪些食物名称?.如果你想问别人是不是正在做什么,应当说什么?3.how the pcuresabut lul egtableDivers dit adn pick boutfood wil maks moreeath. 多样的饮食、不挑食会让我们更健康Se5: Homeork1ead ad rite the sor imo

11、py andecite te newrds.i n eichn授课日期第 2学时教学内容:Fun time d gamar im教学目的:1.能纯熟运用句型目迈进行时态的一般疑问句进行对话。2.能理解并掌握特殊名词变复数的用法及规则。.能完毕Fun me 中的任务。重点难点:能纯熟运用句型目迈进行时态的一般疑问句进行对话。教具学具:多媒体课件教学过程:Step:reetng: od moring, boys nd girls.Sp2: Review1.Lets gessA. T: (P呈现L Tao和四幅图)h ourfred Liu Tao, Can you gue: Nex ming,wh

12、atis L Taoin? caask like this: Is L a ig in ? (鼓励学生多猜想)B.(PT呈现 a pctur of kinergaten)eh, Liu ao an hi reds are i akindrgtn. They are having Eglh lesnor hehildr. Lty toea taher Mik, Ok?2.Retell he tory.(T 展示tory time 插图1、)T: No, oys ask uesions as ik(Picture1), irls nser.h ar iuTas paents ing?Whos ookig mea?Is LiuTao washng egta?:Now girlask, o



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