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1、Unit8Part 1教学目的教学目的:1知识目的:学生能牢记该课新单词,记住新短语、句型、句子和语言知识点.能力目的:学生能听懂对话录音,会和别人展开对话,能就类似话题,发明性地自编对话情感目的:让学生理解并学会礼貌问路,形成生活礼貌的习惯学情分析 小组合伙试行阶段,有相称一部分同窗跟不起来,不能很顺利地完毕任务,带小组组长的发挥能力有所增强,学生自我学习意识已见雏形。重点难点 教学重点. H to ask for diretonsn Eglish?2.ow to sw drections Engls ?教学难点1 Voabulary : tur e /right, go srht, get

2、 on ,geff, ir ,ailwaystatn, hol ,hospital.2. Spek oute dirctions clea5教学过程 第一学时 Perio 1【活动】anouso metheway to inhuhel 1. Leading in1Play a cartoo vdeo an ask Ss to ind out what he twocharactsaredoing in this cartoon eo.2. resetati1The Tpresnt ome pcure abut arport, railatao, hotel ,hosital ad teach

3、the new wrds to heSs.3 Practic Askstoed the ew worstgetheroudly.3 Sh Ss sis abuplae, and lead hem imain th meing o each pas. ShowSs tw ap aboutlace nd uidehemto usehes igs or givingdirecions. Prsenttin the sentencsThe Tpesensthepturs abutart A and prset the dile to te s4 Pratise the converston Ask t

4、he Ss tored he conerstionogte.2 Divde the Ss ino groups nd ea theconversatio.3 Grop wok: ask eleder of eah groupret coveratnwththe team membes.4 Performance: choose some rup t come t th font anuse hemap toprorm te cosaton. ssssment Collect mo prasesnd stenceprn abotakingn showingiecto s osibeas thec

5、a2 Recite ParA aloes3 Maup n write dow two ew diaogus acording to the sampleiogus.PerioPartC 小教学目的 1.能运用与问路有关的指令语,并找到某地方:tun lefigt,go strai,get onoff2.能与同伴用Can o s mete wy to.?”问路,并用trn lefgh,go stragh,get onff等词进行回答。重点难点 1重点句型的应用;2课文的理解及拓展。3教学过程 教学活动 1【讲授】UNI (C,)一师生问候:(T): Ittim for lass!oys and

6、irls,are youredy?(s):Y!(T):Ok. Lets egin our class!二.热身活动:():First, do some xers with me. K?(Ss):O!(): tadup,leas!学生全体起立,播放音乐,师生一同按节奏运动 三导入:(T):loe! idown, pleas! Today I ano intoa ew riend t you, h is he? Please look hee.(T):H is Luc. Ltssay “el” to he.(s):Hello!(T):Ly cmes o utraia, she is ving i

7、Najn ow.eowNanjings famouscit f the word,so o you an to vst hr?(s):Yes!(T):O,lt go together!四复习PaB单词:(T)Heesa map oNng Wha cn youse i the picture?(S1S):I cn seean airport /a optal a ote a lway ttion.():Ecelt! Now al t places rinm had,ets eview he ods, red hem on y one. 教师正音 (T):eate words ogthe五学习Pr

8、tC句型:(sopngcr引出)():OK! o!So manyieresti plcser! shpin centre , a ilwa tatio,a hoel.(T):Whowants o oo te ot?Peasept up ou hand! OK, bt do yokno te wa?(s):o!(): o te wa!Ifou wat to o tr, yu canme te w(S1):Exusee,an you s e te a tothe Ho,plee?(T):Er. ostriht alongthissreet, and n turn left athe TIRD ro

9、sing, te Hoti on our left.(1):Tak you!(T):Yuare welcome!nybody ls? Ican tell ou the way(S2Sn):Ecu me, ca yoshow mehe way to theHel, pease? (T):Now ask me ogether!(Ss):Exue me,n o ho methe way to th Hotel, ease?(T):Go straih alng tis tre, and hen turn lett the THIRDrosing, the Hote isonyour left(S):T

10、nyou!(T):o are welcom!(T):Can you fd the Ho no?(Ss):es!(alwa station操练)(T):k, Here is aiwaystaton. I owant to o thee,e kyourparte th wy! Ask anane pas.学生同位练习句型问答 ():Now stop he.a yo fid the way?(s):Ys!():O. o ak somepis to mak iloues.(T):OK! Sh mthe way tthe! Excse me,can yousho mthe wayt the railwy

11、 station, please?(Ss):otrait alon this road, an then tur riht at t th crosi, te alwatatin is onur let.(T):Thank yo ver mch!学生整体操练 (T):Well dn la!六.听两遍课文,完毕练习:(T):K, we ae isited sany lces, a htl and a ailwa stion. No plesopen yourookand turn to ae3七.引出课文(明确到librr的三步):(T):er ood! ucants to goto theli

12、brary, Now lt visitthe libry with her?(Ss):O!(T): Cnyou show te wa to thlirry? Nw lie tte e,d thenind the anw 播放磁带(T):OK!So how to et o the lary? a you how mthe way to te library, pleas?Have yu foud the aner?(S):es!(T):Who can giem your aser?(S1):Sh akes Bus No. 1 nea her homeShe ets offat iyParkThen she esraight alngPakoad,she tnsrig ah second crossn,the ibrar is just on the lft.(T):Rght?(S):Yes!(): ll ri



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