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1、Secton sefEngshDirecions: Ra helloingtex. Choose te best word(s) r achnumerd bnk anmark , B, C o D thASWER SET. ( poits) Cu ahug da kep th doctor awy? Th nswe ybea resounding“yes!” 1hpig yo felcloeand2 o peple yucare about, itturnsouttht hus can brin a o helthbeneft t yourodamind. Beieve t o no, aem

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3、e withacold ,ad the researcers ate stress-reuing efcts o huggng 10 aot 32rcnt of t beeficia effct. 1 amtosewho gt a col,th one wh elt reaer soc suport ad eceivedore fuen hugha ls sere 12 . “Hugging prtcts pope whor understess from the13 ik o cold ta uuall ith stres,” tesSheoCohen, profssor ofpsyholo

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8、0ponts)Text 1 Fst tw ours, nw thre oursthis s hw frin advanc auhoiteare reomendin people hupo catchadometic fliht , at lea atsomemajo U.S. airpo withncesingy msi scurit lines. Amens arewilling to tlerate ie-consung ecuity prcedres in turnfor inceased saty. The rashof Egypt Air Flgh 4,which terroritm

9、ay haedoweoverheitrraea Sea ,prvidesanother tagic remder of why. Bu dending oo uc ar travelers o povidig too litle seurty in rrn undermies pulic upot fteposs Andit ul: Ws tie is drag on Aerican coic adpriaelive, no t mentininfuriating. Last year, th anptationSecurtAdmsrtion (SA) fud in a sectcheckth

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