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1、(完整word)英语时态语态练习题及答案英语时态语态练习题及答案1。He stepped into the office,_down and began to fill in the forms. /A。sitting B.to sit C.sat D.having it2。She said she would telephone but we _from her so far./A.havent heard B.didnt hear C.hadnt heard D。wont hear3。When I got to the cinema,the film_for ten minutes。/A。

2、has begun B。had begun C。had been on D。was4。Ill go with you as soon as I_my homework./A.will finish B.finish C.am finishing D.finished5.If it_tomorrow,Iwont go to the cinema./A.will rain B。rains C.is raining D。rained6.She is going to be a nurse when she_up。/A。is going to grow B.grows C.growing D.grew

3、7。下列四句是“这本书我已经买了三个月了.的英译文,哪一种不对?/A。I have had this book for three months.B.I have bought this book for three months./C.I bought this book three months ago。D.It is three months since I bought this book。8.Come in,Peter,I want to show you something。-Oh,how nice of you!I_you_to bring me a gift。/A.never

4、think;are going B。never thought;were going/C。didnt think;were going D.hadt thought;were going9。When I was at college I_three foreign languages,but I_all except for a few words of each./A.spoke;had forgotten B.spoke;have forgottenC。had spoken;had forgotten D.had spoken;have forgotten10。The police fou

5、nd that the house_and a lot of things_./A。has broken into;has been stolen B.had broken into;had been stolenC。has been broken into;stolen D。had been broken into;stolen11。The volleyball macth will be put off if it_./A.will rain B.rains C。rained D.is raining12.Mary_a dress when she cut her finger./A.ma

6、de B。is making C.was making D.makes13。The students_busily when Miss Brown went to get a book she_in the office./A.had writen;left B。were writing;has left C.had written;had left D.were writing;had left14.Have you moved into the new house?No yet,the rooms_,/A。are being painted B。are paintingC.are pain

7、ted D.are being painting15。We havent heard from Jane for a long time。What do you suppose_to her?/A.was happening B.to happen C.has happened D.having happened16。Do you know our town at all?-No,this is the first time I _here。/A。was B。have been C。came D。am coming17.We could have walked ot the station。I

8、t was so near。-Yes,A taxi_at all necessary。/A.wasnt B。hadnt been C。wouldnt be D。wont be18。If city noises_from increasing,people_shout to be heard even at the dinner table 20 years from now./A.are not kept;will have to B.are not kept;have toC.do not keep;will have to D。do not keep;have to19。Tom_into

9、the house when no one_。/A。slipped;was looking B。had slipped;lookedC。slipped;had looked D。was slippping;looked20。The last time I_Jane she_cotton in the fields./A。had seen;was picking B。saw;pickingC。had seen;picked D.saw;was picking21。We were all surprised when he made it clear that he_office soon./A.

10、leaves B。woulds leave C。left D。had left22.In some parts of the world,tea_with milk and sugar。/A。is serving B.is served C。serves D.served23。The pen I_I _is on my desk,right under my nose。/A.think;lost B。thought;had lost C。think;had lost D。thought;have lost24。-How long_each other before they_married?-

11、For about a year./A。have they known;get B。did they know;were going to getC.do they know;are going to get D。had they known;got 25。My dictioary_。I have looked for it everywhere but still_it./A。has lost;dont find B.is missing;dont findC。has lost;havent found D.is missing;havent found26.-Can I join the

12、club,Dad?-You can when you_a bit older。/A。get B。will get C.are getting D.will have got27.-Im sorry to keep you waiting。Oh,not at all.I_here only a few minutes。/A.have been B.had been C.was D.will be28.Do you like the material?-Yes,it_very soft./A.is feeling B。felt C.feels D。is felt29。I dont really w

13、ork here。I_nutil the new secretary arrives./A.just help out B。have just helped outC。am just helping out D。is completed30.I need one more stamp before my collection_./A.has completed B。completesC。has been completed D.is completed31。-Your phone number again?I_quite catch it。Its 9568442./A。didnt B。coul

14、dnt C.dont D.cant32。-_the sports meet might be put off。Yes,it all depends on the weather。/A。Ive been told B.Ive told C。Im told D.I told33。As she_the newspaper,Granny_asleep。/A。read;was falling B。was reading;fellC.was reading;was falling D.read;fell34.You dont need to describe her,I_her sevral times。

15、/A。had met B.have met C.met D.meet35.I dont think Jim saw me;he_into space./A。just stared B.was jst staring C。has just stared D。had just stared36.-_my glasses?_Yes,I saw them on your bed a minute ago./A.Do you see B。Had you seen C.Would you see D.have you seen37。Helen_her keys in the office so she had to wait until her husband_home。/A。has left;comes B。left;had come C.had left;came D.had left;would come38。I first met Lisa three years ago.She _at a r


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