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1、湖北自考网()信息最齐全最实用的湖北自考门户网站。2015年湖北高考英语复习题型专攻:形容词、副词.单句语法填空(形容词、副词)1.My bicycle is not as _(rely) as it used to be, for the chain often locks on my way to school.答案:reliable解析:考查形容词辨析。句意:我的自行车没有以前那么靠得住了,因为在上学途中车链经常卡住。reliable意为“可依靠的,可信赖的”。2.What are these housewives talking about?They are discussing wh

2、ether men are actually _ to housework or just too lazy.(relevant, allergic, native, accessible)答案:allergic解析:考查形容词辨析。答语意为:她们在谈论男人究竟是真的讨厌做家务还是仅仅是他们太懒惰。be allergic to表示“对反感”,符合句意。relevant表示“有关的”;native表示“当地的”;accessible表示“易进入的”。3.It is evident that there is a(n) _ increase in the ability of the studen

3、ts to express themselves under your careful instruction these days.(abundant, particular, accessible, definite)答案:definite解析:考查形容词辨析。句意:很显然,在你这些天的细心指导下,学生的自我表达能力有了一定的提高。definite“一定的”,符合句意。abundant大量的,充裕的;particular特别的;accessible容易理解的,可到达的。4.Her husbands birthday is coming. After a long thought, she

4、plans to buy a _ wallet for him.(black leather small, small black leather, small leather black, black small leather)答案:small black leather解析:考查形容词的排序。句意:她丈夫的生日快要到了。经过长时间的考虑,她打算为他买个黑色的小皮夹。根据多个形容词作定语修饰同一名词的排列规律“限定描绘大长高,形状年龄和新老,颜色国籍跟材料,作用类别往后靠”可知应选small black leather。5.As Britains first and only female

5、 Prime Minister, Thatcher was famous for her _ style, and thus she was called the “Iron Lady”.(constant, tough, rough, mild)答案:tough解析:考查形容词辨析。句意:作为英国的第一位也是唯一一位女首相,撒切尔以其强硬的风格而著称,因此她被称为“铁娘子”。constant始终如一的,持续不断的;tough强硬的;rough粗糙的,艰苦的;mild温和的。6.Do you like Marys new hairstyle?Perfect! How much _(good)

6、she looks with the curly short hair!答案:better解析:考查形容词的比较级。句意:你喜欢玛丽的新发型吗?很棒!她一头卷曲的短发看上去好看多了。根据语境可知,玛丽现在的发型比以前的好看多了,故用比较级better。7.With the word “PM2.5”_ appearing in media reports, people pay greater attention to it and seek health tips for smoggy days.(constantly, instantly, rarely, directly)答案:const

7、antly解析:考查副词辨析。句意:随着“PM2.5”这个词频繁出现在媒体的报道中,人们更加关注这个词,并寻找应对烟雾天气的健康建议。constantly经常地,不断地;instantly立刻;rarely罕见地;directly直接地。根据句意可知应选constantly。8.I cant tell you how much the precious painting is worth, but it is _(rough) assessed at $100 million.答案:rough解析:考查副词辨析。句意:我没法告诉你这幅珍贵的画值多少钱,但是它大致可估价1亿美元。roughly“

8、大约,大致”。9.People say Daniel is reliable and honest; _, I dont feel I can trust him.(instead, otherwise, somehow, though)答案:somehow解析:考查副词辨析。句意:人们都说丹尼尔诚实可靠,可我觉得就是不能相信他。somehow“不知怎么地,以某种方式”,符合句意。instead相反,而不是;otherwise否则;though不过。注意:though作副词时,通常放在句中或句尾表示“不过,可是”。10.When the policeman stopped us, we all

9、 looked questioningly at him, _.(nervously and puzzled, nervous and puzzling, nervous and puzzled, nervously and puzzling)答案:nervous and puzzled解析:考查形容词作状语。此处为形容词作状语,表示主语的状态。11.Cakes of this kind usually taste even _(good) if they are heated for 5 to 8 seconds in the microwave.答案:better解析:考查形容词的比较等级

10、。句意:如果这种类型的蛋糕放在微波炉里加热5到8秒钟,通常会更好吃。根据句意可知,此处表示出较,故用形容词或者副词的比较级better。12.In less developed countries the primary problem is providing_employment for the rapidly expanding urban populations.(sufficient, essential, alternative, convenient)答案:sufficient解析:考查形容词辨析。句意:欠发达国家的首要问题是为快速膨胀的城市人口提供足够多的就业机会。根据句意可知

11、应选sufficient,表示“足够的,充足的”。13.Seeing the coach nodding _(encourage) to her, the little dancer was no more nervous and went on with her performance.答案:encouragingly解析:考查副词辨析。句意:看到教练鼓励地向她点头,小舞者不再紧张,继续表演。encouragingly“鼓励地”。14.I have worked with him for some time and have found that he is _ than John.(mor

12、e efficiently a worker, a more efficient worker, more an efficient worker, a worker more efficiently)答案:a more efficient worker解析:考查了在含有than的比较级中名词的位置,即a/an+比较级+名词。15.Mike was usually so careful,_ this time he made a small mistake.(yet, still, even, thus)答案:yet解析:句意:麦克通常很认真的,然而(yet)这次他犯了个小错误。still仍然

13、;even甚至;thus因此,均不符合语境,故排除。.阅读理解(史地人文类+科普研究类+议论说理类)AWith its 775 rooms, Buckingham Palace makes regular houses look tiny. Now home to Queen Elizabeth , its been the British Monarchys official London digs since 1837. National Geographic Kids slipped behind the guarded gates to find the palaces coolest

14、 features.1. FANCY FEASTFor special dinners, a team of 21 chefs whips_up dishes that are served on solid gold plates. Even Her Majestys pet dogs receive meals of lamb and cabbage in silver bowls. Good thing the kitchen is well stockedthe Queen welcomes about 50,000 dining guests every year.2. CLASSY

15、 COACHThe Queens most attractive ride may be the Gold State Coach, parked in the palaces Royal Mews building and used in the crowning of a king or queen, since 1821. Covered with heavy gold, its pulled by eight horses.3. MOVIE NIGHTThe royal family hosts private screenings of movies in their very own cinema, sometimes seeing new films before they hit theaters.4. WHATS UP, DOC


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