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1、Introduction: tense, voice, modal英语动词时态、语态、语气简述-Introduction: tense/ voice/ modal 英语中,动词可以说是最为重要的词类,它们的变化最多。动词由于是谓语(predicate)的核心,它们的正确使用决定了句子的表述是否顺畅,语义是否清晰。所以有人说,学好动词则英语学好了大半。学好动词,我们需要弄清楚它们的时态、语态、语气三种问题。 1动词时态(tense) 我们中国人学英语,最大的障碍就是时态问题。这是因为受母语的影响,在汉语中, 动词是没有时态的概念的。而大部分西方语言,都有时态的概念。这种差异,有的语言学家将其归结

2、为语言思维的差异,这,我们不用深究。 我们只要知道, 英语的动词一定是有时态的,时态-就是一种表示时间和状态的主动词形式。 1.1 现在进行时(present continuous/present progressive)1.1.1 时间:现在(present)-:动作发生的时间是现在而非过去,一般也就是说话时的时间。 1.1.2 状态:正在进行(continuous/progressive)。 什么叫做正在进行?- 指该动作在过去某个时间点开始,直到现在(说话时)仍然继续,在一定的时间范围内, 还将继续下去。He is working now. Dont disturb him! Im co

3、oking right now. But after the dinner, can you wash the dishes?掌握现在进行时,我们一定要明确以下概念:1只有具有持续性概念的动作动词(action verb), 才可能有进行时态, 而表示状态或瞬间动作的动词, 不能使用进行时态。 这是很容易理解的,因为表状态的动词本身不具有动作性, 如:She is a teacher. The soup tastes delicious. The news sounds disappointing. 这状态往往只是表明某种性质的是、否。 我们一般不容易混淆,稍稍让我们感到困惑的是瞬间动作词,在

4、汉语里, 我们常常把这些词所对应的动作当作可持续的, 但在英语里,它们是不可持续的,往往具有状态动词的特征, 而不强调动作, 此类词一般常见的如下:表感情意识状态:like/dislike/love/hate/prefer/want/need/know/realize/suppose/mean/ understand/believe/remember感官意识状态:see/ hear/ smell/ taste表所属关系: 有,包含:belong / contain/consist/depend/seem/have如: Im hungry. I want something to eat. Do

5、 you understand what I mean? 当think 表示“认为”的意思时,同样也不用进行时态:What do you think about this book?2. 即使是动作动词,同样也有动作持续时间长短的问题。有的动作持续时间短,所以动作一般就发生在说话时。 He is speaking now, listen carefully. He is sleeping, dont speak loud. 但是,更长时间的动作, 由于这种动作只是从宏观上看具有持续性,但其间一定是有间断的,说话时,该动作不一定发生,只是说话的时间点包含在该动作的持续时间内。如:He is te

6、aching in our school this year. 这里,is teaching并不是指说话时一定发生的动作。注意比较:He is teaching right now. Dont call him. 1.1.3 构造: 助动词be, 主动词verb+ ing,参见“词类概述2.3.4”.陈述句: subject + be + verb-ing: John and Tim are playing basketball on the playground.Are John and Tim playing basketball on the playground?否定句:subject

7、 + be+ not+ verb-ing: Thomason isnt working today. He is staying at home. 一般疑问句:be + subject + verb-ing: Are you watching TV right now? Can you turn it down a little? 复杂(特殊)疑问句:question word+ subject + verb-ing:What are you doing? What are you talking about? Where are you going? 1.1.4 用途:1用于表述正在发生的短

8、动作,即说话时正在发生。He is watching TV right now. 2. 正在发生的长动作,但并非说话时一定发生。 She is learning French. She wants to study in France. 3. 用于谈论正在发生的变化、事件:The population of the world is rising very fast. Are you getting better? 4. 已经安排好, 将要发生的个人事务: Im leaving next Monday. Shes coming tomorrow. 1.2 一般现在时(present simpl

9、e/simple present) 1.2.1 时间:现在(present)-动作发生的时间是现在而非过去的时间。 1.2.2状态:一般情况(simple) 。 什么叫做一般情况?-当我们需要对某种状况进行总结,说明某事物现在的一般常态,采用一般现在时,它表明的并不是某一时刻的暂时状态。1.2.3构造:陈述句:subject + verb+ He likes swimming. She dislikes dishonesty.否定句:subject +do not/does not+ verb+ .: He doesnt like swimming.一般疑问句:Do/does + subjec

10、t +verb.: Does he like swimming?复杂(特殊)疑问句:question word + do/does + subject + verb.: What does he like? 注意:当动词be 为主动词时,它既为主动词,又为助动词。如:He is a teacher. He isnt a teacher. Is he a teacher? What is this? 1.2.4 用途:1表述某一事物的常态。 He lives in Beijing. She is a teacher in our school. Beijing is the capital of

11、 China. He gets up at 6:30. Mary visits her mother once a week. 2. 表述一般真实情况、真理。 The sun rises from the east. A water molecule contains one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms. There are sixty minutes in an hour.3. 表述时间安排,时刻表:The train leaves at 9:45 p.m. / The new term starts on 1st, September. u 现在进

12、行时/一般现在时的差异 1现在进行时表述现在正在进行的情况,一般现在时表述的是一般情况。 The water is boiling, please turn it off. /Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. 2. 现在进行时表述的是现在暂时的情况,一般现在时表述常态、永久的状况:John lives in New York. Now he is living with his parents in Boston. Im living with a friend until I find a new apartment. 3. always do sth

13、总是做; always be doing做太多,以致让人感觉到讨厌.He always watches weather forecast at 7:30. /You are always watching TV, you should do something else. 4. 与现在进行时搭配的时间副词,表现在、目前时间状态:now/ right now/ today/ this week/ this year 等; 与一般现在时搭配的时间副词, 一般表频度:how often/ usually/often/always/once a week 等:Are you cleaning your

14、 house right now? /How often do you clean your house? He is visiting his parents today. /He visits his parents three times once a month. 1.3 一般过去时(past simple/simple past) 1.3.1时间: 过去(past) . 所谓过去, 即业已逝去的时间, 与现在无关. 我们采用过去时, 表明某事件在过去发生过, 现在的情况, 我们不知道.1.3.2 状态:一般(simple), 参见“一般现在时”。动词形变参见“词类概述”2.3.2。一

15、般过去时就是一般现在时的过去时间的形式。1.3.3构造:陈述句:subject + verb ed: He was an physics teacher in our school last year.否定句:subject + didnt/did not+ verb: She didnt like him, so she left him last week.疑问句:Did + subject +verb: Did you know him at that time?复杂(特殊)疑问句:question word+ did +subject +verb+: What did you do last night? Did you go shopping? 注意:当动词be 为主动词时,它既为主动词,又为助动词。如:He was a teacher. He wasnt a teacher. Was he a teacher? What was that? 1.3.4 用途:用于叙述过去发生的事件、过去存在的状态等。I visited my parents last week. He was a teacher last year. I finished my work yesterday.1.3.5 特殊过去结构:我们用used



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