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1、 SCHEMA THEORY AND READING COMPREHENSION 摘要 阅读能力在外语能力中被认为是最稳定和最持久的,以传统观点看,阅读是一种被动技能。古德曼(1967)和史密斯(1971发展了一种阅读心理语言学观点,把研究的重点放在了强调阅读中的主动认知过程。在现代阅读观中,理解被认为是读者和文章相互作用的结果。在读者这方而强调的是背景知识,而图式理论探讨的就是背景知识在文章理解中的作用。图式理论描述的是读者结合自己的背景知识和文章中的信息来理解文一章的过程,这在语言教学中是一个重要的概念。作为一种理论模式,它己用于听力和阅读的重要研究领域。 这篇论文具休将图式理论应用到中学

2、阅读理解的教学实践中。在不断阅读过程中,对文章的理解必须从外在文字信息、和作者的内在图式结构两方而获取信息直到从两方而获得的信息结合成一种统一的图式或信息。因此读者越不熟悉文章所体现的图式,他们越要付出努力建构一种准确的意义。 在阅读研究中讨论得最多的两种图式结构是内容图式和形式图式,内容图式指的有关文章的内容范畴知识,形式图式指的则是有关各类文本的篇章结构知识。史威斯认为当内容和形式熟悉时,文章很容易被理解。但是卡宙尔通过她的实验得出结论,当内容和形式都不熟悉时,不熟悉的内容比不熟悉的形式制造更多的困难。 为了帮助学生理解得更好,图式必须被激活。它包括两种信息处理的基木模式,即“自下而上”模

3、式和“自上而下”模式。阅读前活动经常被设计为激活和建立学生的图式,教师可采取以下教学方法来激活学生己有的图式:关键词的介绍与讨论、课堂讨论、提前发问、使用多媒体、预测法和画语义图。贝拉斯福德指出,激活图式和重建图式是两个不同的问题。因为尽管学生可能在特定的话题中激活自身己有的图式,这并不能推断出学生能够使用这己经激活的知识去发展新的知识。因此,教师可运用以下教学方法帮助学生建立新的图式:把知识建立在已知信息上,增加背景信息,增加真实生活体验和通过广泛阅读增加间接经验。 综上所述,教师应充分认识到学生的图式知识在阅读理解中起着一个十分重要的作用。教师应根抓不同的教学情况,采取不同的教学方法,尽量

4、激活学生己有的图式或帮助学生建立新的图式,从而提高学生的阅读理解能力。 关键词:图式理论;阅读理解;激活;重建;应用 Abstract The ability to read is acknowledged to be the most stable and durable ofthe second language modalities. In traditional sense, reading is sometimes viewed as a passive skill. More recently, scholars (Goodman, 1967, and Smith,1971)dev

5、eloped a psycholinguistic perspective of reading,focusing on its active, cognitive processes. In contemporary approaches to reading, meaning is created through the interaction of reader and text. Readers expectations are based on readers prior knowledge. Background knowledge that aids in text compre

6、hension has recently been studied under the rubric of schema theory. Schema theory describes the process by which readers combine their own background knowledge with the information in a text to comprehend that text.This is an important concept in language teaching. It has been used as a theoretical

7、 model in several important areas of listening and reading research. This thesis attempts to apply schema theory to the teaching of reading comprehension in middle schools. In the process of reading, Comprehension of a message entails drawing information from both the external graphic message and th

8、e internal schemata until the two are reconciled as a single schema or message. It follows that the less familiar readers are with the various schemata of a particular text, the more they will struggle to construct an accuratemeaning. Two types of schema most often discussed in reading research are

9、content schemata and formal schemata. Content schemata are the knowledge relative to the content domain of a text; formal schemata refer to the organization forms and rhetorical structures of different types of texts. Swales (1990: 87) believes that when content and form are familiar, the texts will

10、 be relatively accessible.However Carrel(1988:476) concludes her research: when either form or content is unfamiliar, unfamiliar content poses more difficulties for the reader than unfamiliar form. In order to help students learn better,schema must be activated and this activation relates to two bas

11、ic models of information processing, namely bottom-up processing and top-down processing which are to be discussed. Prereading tasks are often designed to activate or build the students schemata. The teacher can use the following teaching methods to activate -students existing schemata, which includ

12、es brainstorming, class discussions, prequestions, using multimedia, previewing and semantic mapping. As Bransford (1985) points out, schema activation and schema construction are two different problems. While it is possible to activate existing schemata with a given topic, it does not necessarily f

13、ollow that a reader can use this activated knowledge to develop new knowledge and skills. Therefore, the teacher can adopt the following approaches to build students new schemata, which includes building what they already know, increasing background information, increasing real-life experiences and

14、vicarious experiences through extensive reading. The main points can be concluded according to the above study: The teacher should have a deep understanding that students sehemata play a very important role in reading comprehension. The teacher can use different methods to activate students existing

15、 schemata or help students build new schemata according to different teaching situations, so that students reading abilities canbe improved. Key words: schema theory, reading comprehension, activation, construction, application. ContentsAbstract in ChineseAbstract in EnglishIntroductionChapter 1 A General Introduction to Previous Studiesof Schema Theory 1 .1 Definitions 1.2 The previous studies of schema theoryChapter 2 Schema Theorys Function in English Reading Comprehension 2.1 Perspectives on the reading process 2.2 Schema theorys functionChapter 3 Types of Schema



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