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1、多项选择 :1、Roman Jakobsons tripartite classification: intralingual translation (rewording), interlingual translation (translation proper), and intersemiotic translation (transmutation)2、text types: technical, institutional, literary translation3、outline of major theories of translation:(1) Chronologica

2、lly (by the time of their birth or occurrence): the philological, hermeneutic, linguistic, municative, sociosemiotic, skopos, manipulative, norm, poststructuralist, postcolonial(2) topologically (by the particular approach adopted or focus directed by their proponents): their approaches to translati

3、on may be grouped into the philological, linguistic, functionalist, semiotic, cultural, philosophical 、重要概念 :1、translation studies:(1) 、 The paper “the name and nature of translation studies ”written by James Holmes in 1988, marks the birth of the discipline of TS 、The descriptive branch: product, p

4、rocess, functionorientedThe theoretical branch: general & partial which includes medium, area, rank, text type, time, and problem restrictedThe applied branch: translation aids, training and criticismNote: though being lucid and inspiring in his theory, it shall be noted that description and theoriz

5、ing are usually inseparable from each other in research 、(2) 、 The internal studies and external studiesThe internal studies: the theoretical branch takes as its objects of study the nature, principles, and procedures of translation; the applied branch includes translation practice (text analysis an

6、d genre translation), T criticism, and the training of translators, development of the translation profession 、Specifically, translation practice includes text analysis and genre translation, and the former covers such areas of research as: source text analysis, parison of translations & their sourc

7、e texts, parison of translations and nontranslated texts (parable texts), translation with mentary; while the genre translation covers texts like drama, poetry, prose fiction, religious text, tourism texts, and multimedia texts 、The external translation studies are the derived or borderline parts of

8、 TS, covering areas where the internal TS interact or marry with other disciplines, such as history, sociology, cultural anthropology, philosophy, linguistics, psychology, theory of munication, puter science and technology, etc 、 For example, history of translation; sociology and cultural studies of

9、 T; T ethics; termino logy man ageme nt; Ian guage and tran slati on tech no logyOr historical/cultural translation; translation ethics; terminology and glossaries; translation and technologyThe internal studies and the external studies of translation are related and plementary to each other in that

10、 the research results in the former provide the latter with both a theoretical basis and a practical focus of concern while the research findings in external studies contribute to the depth and breadth of internal studies by providing new observations and new perspectives 、2、definition of translatio

11、n:According to Wilss (1995), translation is an action directed toward both the source text and the reader of the target language 、 Its procedure is determined by its function and it pursues a goalof enabling understanding between individuals of different linguistic and cultural munities、Nida and Tab

12、er (1969) regard translation as a municationbased task and define it as: Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning, and secondly in terms of style 、 (closest in meaning and style; acceptabilit

13、y; loss of information)translation as a kind of munication between different language grouptranslation should municate information or meaning3、theory:A theory, in the simplest sense, is just a view or understanding of something that concerns us 、 In modern science, it is generally understood or refe

14、rs to a proposed explanation of empirical phenomena, made in a way consistent with scientific method 、 Theories are collections of hypotheses that are logically linked together into a coherent explanation of some aspect of reality and which have individually or jointly received some empirical suppor

15、t 、The properties of a good theory: strong explanatory power that can effectively explain the subject matter it pertains to; strong predicative power which means it should proved a) reasonably adequate predictions about the properties not yet discovered of the specific object under investigation and

16、 b) a measure of predictability about the degree of success to be expected from the use of certain principles and procedures in the study of the subject matter 、 3、 equivalence:A term used by many writers to describe the nature and the extent of the relationships which exist between SL and TL texts or smaller linguistic units 、 The nature of “equivalence ”was successively discussed by prominent figures such as Jakobson, Eugene Nid


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