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1、四年级人教PEP版英语下学期阅读理解专项真题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 阅读短文,判断下列句子正误。Its spring. One day, Mother Duck finds four eggs at her home. Three are small and one is big. She sits on the eggs. Three small eggs open. The ducklings are small and yellow. The big egg opens later. Its big and grey. Its ugly. Mother Duck doesnt like

2、the ugly duckling. He is sad and swims away. In winter, its cold. He has no home. Its spring again. The ugly duckling becomes a beautiful swan.( )(1)Mother Duck finds four eggs at her home.( )(2)The ugly duckling is big and yellow.( )(3)Mother Duck doesnt like the ugly duckling.( )(4)The ugly duckli

3、ng becomes a beautiful duck next spring.2. 阅读理解。This is our music room. Its very big. Its quiet, too. The piano is super. Touch it, its smooth. I can play the piano. There is a guitar beside the piano. Ken can play the guitar very well. These are recorders. Those are drums. Some boys and girls are s

4、inging in the room now. Whats Jim doing? He is sitting on the drum! Dont sit on the drum!(1)The music room is not_.A. large B. quiet C. small(2)The piano is _the guitar.A. behind B. beside C. on(3)_is good at playing the guitar.A. Ivy B. Ken C. Jim(4)There are some _in the room.A. pupils B. boys C.

5、girls(5)We _sit on the drum!A. cant B. arent C. dont3. 阅读短文,判断对错,对的打“”,错的打“”。I have three friends. Theyre Ann, Mike and Bo B. Bob is tall and strong. He likes English best(最好的). Mike is short and thin. He is very friendly. He like maths best. Ann is very quiet. She has long hair and small mouth. She

6、 like Chinese best.()1. Bob is a strong boy.()2. Mike is very friendly.()3. Mike is tall and thin.()4. Ann has short hair and a small nose.()5. Ann is very quiet.4. 阅读理解。There are four friends in the forest. They are happy. The bird is a singer. She sings songs in the tree. The dog is an artist (艺术家

7、). He draws pictures on the groun D. Look at the monkey. He is so funny. He makes the animals happy. What does he do? Hes an actor (演员). What does the black cat do? Look! He is patrolling (巡逻) with his handgun (手枪) by motorcycle (摩托车). Hes a policeman.(1)阅读短文,根据短文内容用A、B、C、D给图片排序。( ) ( )( ) ( )( )(2)

8、There are 5 friends in the forest.( )(3)The monkey makes the animals happy.( )(4)The cat draws pictures on the groun ( )(5)The monkey is not an actor.( )(6)The bird sings songs in the forest.5. 阅读理解。A young man goes to the city and buys himself a pair of socks. When he comes back home, he goes to hi

9、s room and tries them on. He finds they are in different colours. One is blue and the other is green. He goes into the kitchen. His mother and his sister are cooking dinner. He says to them, The new socks are in different colours. I should make them in the same colour. Would you like to do this for

10、me? His mother and sister are busy and they dont say anything. When his mother finishes cooking, she goes to her sons room and makes the green sock in blue. She comes back without saying a word to her son. After supper, his sister goes to her brothers room and makes one blue sock in green without sa

11、ying anything to anyone.(1)They young man buys the socks, and then _.A. he buys a ticketB. he comes back homeC. he tries them on at once(2)No one answers the young man because _.A. they dont want to help himB. they want to help him without telling himC. they are busy at that time(3)His mother change

12、s the colour of one sock _.A. before cooking B. when she finishes cooking C. after supper(4)_is the last one to change the socks colour.A. The young man B. Its mother C. His sister(5)At last the socks are _.A. in blue B. in green C. different6. 阅读短文, 选择正确的答案。The red coat is my mothers. Its very beau

13、tiful. The brown jacket is my fathers. The blue pants are my brothers. Theyre new. The orange shorts aye my sisters. She likes them very much. The green socks are mine.( )(1)Theis my mothers.A. B. C.( )(2)My fathers jacket isA.red B.blue C.brown( )(3)I have green.A. B. C.7. 阅读匹配。Hi, Im Betty. I like

14、 to have lunch at school. I like hamburgers and water for lunch. My friends are different(不同的). Kim likes donuts and soup for lunch. Rose likes hot dogs and juice. Tom likes fish and rice for his lunch. Jack likes noodles and vegetables for lunch. What about you?Betty A.Kim B.Rose C.Tom d.Jack E.8. 阅读对话,判断正误。Mr Black is a teacher from the UK. He is now visiting Park Primary School. Jack is showing him around.Jack: Look! Thats our classroom building. There is a garden i


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