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1、高中非谓语动词教案【篇一:非谓语动词教案】 (非谓语动词) perio infinitiv(不定式) objctive 1.to revie infinitive to gt better knolede. 2t prctice ifinitve torpore .(非谓语动词不定式、分词和动名词在高中学习中是一种很重要的部分。在每年的高考中,无论是全国卷还是省市卷都是必考部分,因此,对此部分的学习与掌握都是必要的。考虑到其重要性以及内容较多,决定分部分进行全面复习,从基本概念入手,再从形式、功能、重难点等方面进行解说,最后进行操练巩固,以达到复习的最佳效果。)resoucsused gamm

2、ar smmr; t ultimdai revision and eai(复习与导入) sw ss ho mortnt thisparts.以全国各省市高考卷中浮现的非谓语导入。 ii.preetation(呈现)( on sen) 归纳总结1非谓语动词在句中所作的成分: 归纳总结2 不定式的时态:不定式的语态(被动): 归纳总结3 注意点: rtce(操练) 高考链接 1(北京卷)2. its imporan for the fgures _reuary. . to be udateb. to havbeepdae .t udate . to haveupaed . (上海卷) 40 tod

3、ay wehvecht rm, txtmessgn, emailig bt we seem _ teart f mmuncatin cetoface. lsin b.tobe losingc. o bost d. havng ost3.(浙江卷)9. if thyi hefinal nigh, the team re gongo tou around the ity _by hei ethuastcuporers a.being chered b.be cereto e heeredd. wreced 4.(福建卷)7.the ference in thinss and weightfrom

4、t earier ionaes tipd 2or comfortabe_. .held. oldig c.e eld d. to hold5(天津卷)7asengers areermitt_only onpece of hand lgage ontothe lae.a. to ry b. crrg c.to be ried .bicaid 6(重庆卷)29.ore t rograms, accordig o govern to oficals, wil e rodced _pople cnrn oer fod afety. . t raise b. risin c to hav raisd d

5、. hin ri 7 . (湖南卷)21 . the bilit _a ideass mporan a te ide sel. a expressig bexesed. to expess d o be exprsed 8.(四川卷)1sn mad bigbabobox _ thelitte sck brd ti it cul ly. keep . kpt c. kepingd.t kep v. lnguage n use(操练巩固运用提高) 1主语: 当今掌握一门外语真的很重要。 2 放弃吸烟是对的。 2.宾语: 1. 由于fd 没有钱,因此她决定找一份工作。 . 她答应不告述任何人这事。

6、3.表语: 1. 我的工作是教英语。2 眼见为实。 .定语:1. 你有什么要说的吗? 2. betty是第一种懂得这真相的人.状语:1e pke ludl (so a / in order) e hard.( 状语) 2.tey jue withjy thear th new(状语) 3.imto tired to alay furer ig. ( 状语) 6宾补:1 她叫我呆在这儿。 2.请容许我简介mr.wht给你们。 7.:to behonest, kownohig abut i.t be hnest, o tell (you) the truh说实话,toe fank坦白地说, to

7、exct确切地说, to beginwit一方面, to mka gstory hort长话短说, to e sue固然、肯定, to su up总之 etc v.another prctic(如果时间容许)(if me ermis)vi.homeork(作业) 导与练p9-94 高考真题预测英语单选非谓语分类汇编(所有) 注:全国卷i、全国卷ii、北京、上海、山东、湖北、江西、江苏、安徽、浙江、福建、四川、辽宁、天津、陕西、重庆、湖南(7省市卷,广东卷没有单选)1(全国卷i)2.thenethinghsw wassoke _ from ehind the ouse. .rose b.rsng

8、 c. rise . se 2.(全国卷i). he island, _ temainlaby a bridge, s easy too t. a jiing b. o joi c. joned d. aving jone 3.(全国卷ii)18sarapretede o e herful,_noing bt he agumet. sys b:aid c o sayd ayin .(北京卷)5. its mtant o thefigure _egularl.a. t b upate b. to have bee pdatedc oupdt d. to hv updted5.(北京卷)33. s

9、it wn, mmayo willonly meyuref mre tred, _ on your feet.a.o keepb keepingc. havin kept d to haekept 6.(上海卷) 27. its nouse _ wthuttakgatio.a.oplainb. complnin beig colaine.obe cmpaind 7.(上海卷) 2. te ar fh, _ frm he cokig p, haseen rred to te s.sved b saving c. t be svdd. havin saved 8(上海卷) 3 atone iti

10、made up mymid to tal t nce sm. the i hanged y mid, _ the couddo nthg o help. a. to reaize b.realid c. rzing d. beig realzed 9.(上海卷) 4. today w hvatrooms,tex messgg, emain butwe m_th ar o cmunic ace-toace. a.ong b. t ling c be lost d having lost 0.(山东卷)7 lok oer therethresa very og,windingah_ up to t

11、he ou. . ldin b. leads cleddto lead 1.(江西卷)3. oneeivin honecal from his wfe _she had a fal, mroron immedaly rshe hmero ofice a. sa baid c.sayng d. sy12.(江苏卷)31 recntly a suey_ pices of thesaegoodn two ffere supermaketshas caed heate ateamong citzns aompe b. cpaing c. comaes . beingcmpr13(安徽卷)30. tm

12、ased he ady makershy cold me te chocoa easier_ int sllecs. .bak .bakig .brken . to bea14.(浙江卷)14. een he eswits smetmefndthemslves_ for ods . se b. lost .t ose d.having los 5.(浙江卷)19. if te win the final tonigt, eteam r goint tour aroud he cty _ teir ensastic suporter a. bein ched.b cheered co be chred d wereheerd 16.(福建卷)3. singhua uniersity,_ i191,is homet a reat


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