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1、外国语言文学系大学外语教研室集体备课教案 2012-2013学年第一学期Lesson PlanDepartment of Foreign LanguagesTarget Students: 4-year non-English majors (non-arts)Textbook: Zooming in: An Integrated English CourseUnit oneTopic: Learning a LanguageTeaching objectives: (4)By the end of this unit, students should be able to:m make cl

2、ear the writers purpose to write the text and the ideas that the writer desires to convey in the text.m grasp the key words, phrases and structuresm master the skills of writing ad reading in the text.m understand the modal verbs used in this text, from which we can know the attitudes of the writerK

3、ey Points: (2)m topic understanding m improving students reading ability Difficult points: (2)m When students meet new words, they are more likely to look them up in the dictionary in stead of trying to figure out the meaning by reading through the context.m How to use modal verbs to express attitud

4、es.Arrangement of teaching materials:m Zooming in: An Integrated English Course Unit 1 (7 periods) College English Fast Reading Unit 1 (1/2 period)New Horizon College English Viewing, Listening & Speaking Unit 1-3 (1/2 period)m Periods allocation:Get Started (1/2 period)Read and Explore Text A Task

5、ONE-2, Task TWO-1 (4 periods)Text B Checking Your Vocabulary-1 (1 period)Enhance Your Language Awareness (3/2 period)m Required exercises: a. Words in ActionWorking with Words and Expressions-1,2,3Increasing Your word Power-2,4b. Grammar Review, Task 1, Task 2c. Clozed. Translation, 1-1,2,3,7,10e. T

6、heme-Related Writingm Assignments for independent study:a. Text B Checking Your Vocabularyb. Translation, 1-4,5,6,8,9,11,12c. Translation, 2Important language points:m Words and Expressions (12) claim:1) vt. state that sth. is true, even though it has not been proved* All parties have claimed succes

7、s in yesterdays elections.* The company claims that their product “makes you thin without dieting”.战斗结束后, 双方均宣称获胜。(= After the battle both sides claimed victory.)2) n. a statement that sth. is true, even though it has not been proved* They made claims they couldnt live up to.她对这块土地产权提出的要求最终得到法庭的认可。(

8、= Her claim to the ownership of the land was finally recognized by the court.)efficiently: adv. efficient: adj. working well, quickly, and without waste* an efficient secretary(= 能干的秘书)* an efficient heating system (= 高效能的供暖系统)CF: efficient & effective 这两个形容词均有“有效的”之意。efficient指积极有效,效率高,效果好,节省精力。指人时

9、,强调其能干、熟练的技巧。effective强调产生实际的效果、效力或具有取得预期效果的能力,指人指物都适用。Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words above. Change the form where necessary.1) The local government has taken some _ measures to reduce unemployment. (=effective)2) We need someone really _ who can organize the office and make it run sm

10、oothly. (=efficient)3) The citys transport system is one of the most _ in Europe. (= efficient)4) An _ teacher will always produce better exam results. (=effective)m Sentences and Paragraphs (5)1. There is often a reference to William Shakespeare or Charles Dickens to encourage him even more. Who ar

11、e “William Shakespeare” and “Charles Dickens”?(= Shakespeare is the worlds most popular playwright while Dickens is the greatest English novelist of the 19th century.)Why are they mentioned in the advertisements?(= The people who run the advertisements just want to use quotations to support their po

12、ints.)2. If it were as easy to learn English as they say, I would have to look for another job, because very few qualified teachers would be needed.What is the authors profession?(= He must be an English teacher whose job is to train qualified English teachers.)3. , and it is no use pretending that

13、anyone has discovered a perfect way of teaching English in every possible situation.What are the meaning and the usage of the phrase “it is no use ”?(= 1) The phrase means “it has no effect ”.2) Whenever we use this phrase we should always use the V-ing form after it. More examples:* Its no use comp

14、laining.* Its no use crying over spilt milk, hes spent all the money, and theres nothing you can do about it.)Translate this part into Chinese.(= 而且也无需装模作样地声称有什么人已经找到了一个万能的适合所有学习环境的教学方法。)4. No doubt this is true to a certain extent, but it is not very helpful to students.What can we learn from the e

15、xpression “This is true to a certain extent, but ”?(= We can see the author doesnt totally agree with the previous statement.Then, what, in the authors opinion, is helpful to students?(= Students should have some good methods in learning English.)5. But it is wrong to assume that each word in English has a precise equivalent in another language and vice versa.Translate the sentence into Chinese.(= 如果你认为英语中的每一个词在另一语言中都有完全对等的词(或反之亦然),那就错了。)6. If we were parrots or chimpanzees,


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