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1、第3课笔记Lesson 3Please Send Me a Card句1、Postcards always spoil my holidays.Holiday: the National holidays?V acation:summer/winter vacation?注意:1、单复数问题Holiday V acation单复数均可一般不用复数形式The Christmas holidays(圣诞节假期)The school holiday(学校的假期)。2、介词搭配问题_ holiday / vacation表示未来的假期,度假What are you doing for vacation

2、?be _ vacation / holiday表示已经在度假。She is on holiday in France.have/take/spend a holiday 度假I spent my holiday in the village.病假sick leave如果是一般的调休take some days off/be off work下班I want to take some days off.=relax Festival 节日the Spring Festival 春节补充:烟花fireworks 红包lucky moneySpoil (spoiled,spoilt)?v. . 弄

3、坏,损坏?break e.g. I?m broken. 我破产了。?damage 小伤,可修复?destroy 很厉害的的大伤,不太容易修复?ruinspoilvt 使索然无味,损坏-心情,安排我们的周末被老布置大量的作业破坏了。Our teacher threw us a great number of assignments and it spoiled/ruined our weekend.注意:throw比assign好;spoil突袭测验,毁了我们的心情。The teacher threw us a quiz this morning and spoiled /ruined our

4、moods for a whole day. spoil and ruin可以用一个俚语来代替:Throw a wet blanket to/on sba wet blanket 令人扫兴的人Everyone was having a good time, but P eter threw us a wet blanket by sayinghis brother was drowned in water.spoil2破坏胃口spoil/ruin ones appetite.My appetite was ruined/spoiled when he told me he saw someth

5、ing in the *.spoilvt. 宠坏,惯坏,溺爱棍棒下出孝子Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child不能太惯孩子。Don?t spoil your children.Indulge 溺爱the one-child policy. 一个孩子政策作为家长还是应该严格管教自己的小孩be strict with them.句2、Last summer, I went to Italy.last:adj. 上一个last summer里的last表示“上一个”adj. 表示“最后一个”时要加冠词thethe last day 最后一天(具体到一天及一天的早中晚都要用on)

6、句2、I visited museums and sat in public gardens.?Visit:?visit sb/ pay sb a visit?参观去看拜访?正式Call on me/drop in on me下次顺便来我家坐坐how about visiting me/paying me a visit.送行,毕业下次来杭州记得来看我哦?come and visit me when you are in Hangzhou next time.句3、A friendly waiter taught me a few words of Italian. Then he lent

7、me a book. Italian于Italy注意重读音的位置不同teach sb. sth. 教某人做某事?He teaches our English.找错?He teaches us English.(对)语言不可数, 所以要用a little Italian或a few words of ItalianI can speak _a few可与复数可数名词连用,少数几个的意思。The police would like to ask him _ questions.警察要问他一些问题。FriendlyFriendly 1、友好的(定, 表)adj构词法一般名+ly-形容词,形容词+ly

8、-副词Lovely lonelyChinese are friendly while English are conservative/ cold fish.打友谊赛,friendly game/matchhospitable热情好客的Chinese are famous for their hospitality.感谢Thank you for your hospitality2. -friendly 还可以作为名词的后缀表示不破坏.的,不伤害.的。我家的冰箱就是无氟不损害臭氧层的。My refrigerator is ozone-friendly.买东西不能光挑便宜货,而要多买绿色的。We

9、 prefer environment-friendly products to low-priced ones.延伸Friendship 友情-ship表示关系membership, leadership partnership毕业了,我们的友情常在;After we graduate, our friendship will go on and on and on.leadership新东方在老俞的带领下才有了今天的成就*has achieved great success under Mr.Y us leadership.Lend (lent lent)lend v. 借给lend to

10、(借出):借我20元,怎么说?Can you lend me $20 please?lend sth. to sb/lend sb. sth.borrow from(借进):borrow sth. from sbHe borrowed my pen yesterday. He hasn?t given me it yet.练习:A: would/could you _ me a few bucks? I am hard on my pocket? a little money?B: I can?t _ you money, coz I?m broken.Hard on my pocket手头紧

11、lend sb a hand=lend a hand to sb你能帮个忙吗?Would/could you lend me a hand?伸出援助之手,在lend me a helping hand.其他帮助的几种说法help,could/would you help me?这个比较泛,任何场合均可用.?could you do me a favor?能不能行个方便,或者帮个忙?3)一首诗lend your hand by end of sky借鉴?河坊街的建筑*自由借鉴了清朝建筑,因此它成了除西湖以外最受游客欢迎的地方.?The design of Hefang street borrow

12、ed freely from Qing dynasty ,so it becomes the most popular place besides west lake among the tourists.?杭州的菜肴借鉴了中国各地菜系的特点,所以在杭州可以吃到各种各样的美味. ?Hangzhou cuisine borrows a lot from many kinds of cuisines in China so that we can have a variety of opportunities to taste different flavors.王家卫的电影借鉴了法国新浪潮的电影

13、元素,于是他在中国导演中显得独树一帜. ?Wangjiaweis movies borrow many elements from the New Trends Movie in France so he stands out amongst the chinese directors.句4、I read a few lines, but I did not understand a word.否定+ a + noun. 加强语气句5:Everyday I thought about postcards.?think about和think of这两个短语表示“考虑”、“对有某种看法”时,可以

14、互换。例如:?Dont think of(about)me any more不要再考虑我。think over 仔细考虑,反复思考?What?s the weathe r like today?cold, chilly(非常非常冷), freeze?Ill freeze.我要冻僵了think of表示下列意义时,一般不和think about换用:想要;打算。例如:Helen,are you thinking of marrying Tom?海伦,你打算和汤姆结婚吗?想出;想到。例如:Who thought of the idea?谁想出的这个主意?关心;想着。例如:Lei Feng was

15、always thinking of others雷锋总是为别人着想。想起;记得。例如:I cant think of his name我想不起他的名字。think about表示“回想过去的事情”、“考虑某计划是否切实可行”时,一般不和think of换用。例如:?I often thought about what you said我常常想到你说过的话。?Ill think about your suggestion,and give you an answer tomorrow我要考虑一下你的建议,明天给你答复。句6:My holidays passed quickly, but I did not send cards to my friends.Better man歌手:Robbie Williams(罗比威廉姆斯)来自专辑:Sing When Y oure Winning?Send someone to love me.?I need to rest in arms.?


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