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1、2022年考博英语-四川师范大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题The benefits of a diverse workforce are only seen if the staff is well managed. Bosses need to understand that people with differing backgrounds will come up with ideas in different ways and give them the flexibility to be creative in their custom.That comes t

2、ogether with a couple steps; first, managers need to be sure they are actively pursuing new hires that not only add diversity but also offer a new perspective.The key is not just adding a Hispanic woman to the staff because you dont have one now. Its best to seek people whose backgrounds are differe

3、nt from your current staff as they will likely find solutions in different ways.Take the accounting firm Deloitte, an early adopter of diversity. The firm was training minorities to become top managers, but then it often lost them before they reached the executive levelas often happens in that profe

4、ssion. So Deloitte created a new executive training program that urged its accountants to stay on rather than jumping to another firm for advancement. This assured that the minorities the company was grooming for top management wouldnt leave the company before reaching higher ranks.But its not just

5、about putting minorities in a few jobs and having them run things as usual. For instance, immigrants from countries where banks have failed or simply arent trusted may need to build a relationship with someone in a branch before depositing their money. A local branch manager who understands that rel

6、ationship may be more likely to get that business.Having a diverse workforce is only an advantage if youre able to utilize that diversity. Its understanding the experience of people and what they can bring to your business.The floating market is a little microcosm of that. Every day, locals and tour

7、ists peruse the stands and counters that jut out from the boats. The customers are all shades and backgrounds, and thats just the way the islanders like it.The same can happen at offices. But its up to managers to show they value ideas as creative as the floating market.1. Which of the following sta

8、tements best summarizes the passage?2. What is most valued about minority groups?3. What does the author intend to say in the fourth paragraph?4. What is the advantage of a minority bank worker according to the passage?5. What is a floating market probably like?问题1选项A.It is beneficial for companies

9、to hire people from different backgrounds.B.A diverse workforce will do good to the company if managed properly.C.People from different backgrounds can contribute different ideas.D.The importance of minority people is getting more and more attention.问题2选项A.Their local culture.B.Their unique experien

10、ce.C.Their different perspectives.D.Their executive ability.问题3选项A.Deloitte attached importance to having minorities in its top management.B.Talent loss at executive level is a common occurrence in accounting business.C.Proper training is necessary for minorities to make more contribution.D.Minoriti

11、es are more likely to look for a new company for better opportunities.问题4选项A.He will spend more time and energy persuading clients to deposit money in his bank.B.He knows better how to keep the banks reputation and win the clients trust.C.It is easier for him to develop a relationship with immigrant

12、s from his home country.D.He understands better the importance of the relationship between bank and clients.问题5选项A.It sells goods from all over the world.B.It is a market on the water.C.It does not have a fixed location.D.It sells goods at rather low price.【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:A第4题:C第5题:C【解析】1.主旨大意题。文章

13、开头说到“The benefits of a diverse workforce are only seen if the staff is well managed.(只有管理好员工,才能看到多元化员工队伍的好处。)”,后文第六段又提到“Having a diverse workforce is only an advantage if youre able to utilize that diversity.(拥有多样化的劳动力是唯一的优势,如果你能够利用这种多样性。)”,由此可知本文主要阐述的是多元化的员工队伍对公司的作用,B选项“如果管理得当,多元化的员工队伍对公司有好处”符合文章大意

14、。A选项“公司雇佣不同背景的人是有益的”说法太绝对,忽略了管理的作用;C选项“不同背景的人可以提出不同的想法”以及D选项“少数民族的重要性越来越受到重视”都包含在B选项中,因此B选项正确。2.细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第三段“Its best to seek people whose backgrounds are different from your current staff as they will likely find solutions in different ways.(最好是找那些背景和你现有员工不同的人,因为他们可能会以不同的方式找到解决方案。)”,由此可知少数民族

15、群体最被看中的是他们不同的观点,C选项“他们的观点不同”说法正确。A选项“他们的当地文化”;B选项“他们独特的经历”以及D选项“他们的执行能力”均不符合题意,因此C选项正确。3.判断推理题。根据第四段的最后一句话“This assured that the minorities the company was grooming for top management wouldnt leave the company before reaching higher ranks.(这确保了公司为高层管理人员培养的少数族裔在晋升之前不会离开公司)”以及前文提到的少数民族群体会提供不同意见可知德勤会计师

16、事务所重视在高层管理层中引入少数族裔,从而能够拥有更多的不同的意见,A选项“德勤重视在高层管理层中引入少数族裔”说法正确。B选项“高管层人才流失是会计行业的常见现象”文章没有提到;C选项“少数民族要做出更大的贡献,就必须进行适当的培训”文章也没有提及;D选项“少数族裔更倾向于寻找一家新公司来获得更好的机会”说法太绝对,文章只说了该事务所有这样的问题,并不能说明所有的少数族裔都倾向于寻找更好的机会。因此A选项正确。4.细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第五段“For instance, immigrants from countries where banks have failed or simply arent tr


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